GT5 Track textures (56K WARNING)

  • Thread starter ST-2
I have had a look at those pictures. I think this is a very good constructive thread, we could use some more.

Personally I do give turn 10 credit, I think they have do an incredible job. Only one thing I have noticed about there textures that is clearly differant than PDs. If you look at turn 10s textures they are over weathered. For example more dead grass, dirty looking fences. I think there tracks are pretty accurate but I think they struggle to make it too realistic and then they go over the top.

I agree with the comments About PD textures could be a little but better and this could be done by a little not too much weathering.

I still do prefere PDs track over turn 10 but a blending of both philosophies would be great I think.

Lets face it everyone Turn 10 are closet GT fans, thats what got them making Forza in the first place :P

This is totally unbiase as I own both consoles and both games and I have a wheel for xbox and play Sim bins race and all good race games.

GT is always first in my heart though.:):)
I was explaining why the Forza 2 tracks have that cartoony look and saying that Forza 3 should be up to par on this front since they will be using an HDR effect...

GT5 already uses that effect (we can see it here) so I don't think that is saying anything bad about GT5...
XCN: What makes Forza 2 different from other racing games?

Dan Greenawalt: Seriously? No other racing game gives you such a complete next-gen package.
  • 300 upgradeable, tuneable and personalizable cars including Ferrari, Porsche and Lamborghini
  • Incredible simulation physics running at 360 fps plus damage
  • Next-gen HD graphics running at 60 fps with AA, HDR, 3D grass and spectators, real-time reflections and shadows.
  • Unprecedented customization options including 4000 paintable layers and web 2.0 features like photo upload and Auction House.
  • Tremendous online innovation including Forza Motorsport TV, seamless single player/multiplayer integration, online tournaments as well as integration with
The biggest difference, to me, is stuff like the ferris wheel and all the landmarks in the surrounding areas. The Forza shot of the ferris wheel (in between turn 1 and 2 I think) the landscape looks a lot more flat than real life and GT5P.

Also, where did those mountains come from in the Forza pic? And why do the power lines look like they are 20ft off the ground in Forza? Those are massive features that are way off.
One of the best posts seen in a while. GT5P looks amazing. Have great graphics that doesn't looks cartoon, for me, it's one of the most important things in a sim, because you have to simulate what you see and the envoirements.
I think the grass and asphalt textures in GT5P are very good, whereas FM2's textures are very flat. However, Turn 10 did do a good job showing tire marks and braking points on the track - something PD seemed to ignore.

Changing the subject a bit, notice the picture of GT5P in the sixth row. The trees on the left are practically black. Compare that to real life and FM2 where the lighting is much less defined. They really need to address this issue in the full game.

Maybe it has something to do with where the sun is? When you're driving into the sun, environmental colors are not as defined, right? Where as, if the sun were left or right of the trees, they would have the light on them. I'd like to see the trees have more growth. IRL, the high trees give more of a valley effect.

Interesting... if they really did utilize HDR it's in a very subtle way that I certainly don't spot...

If that is the case, especially from the looks of it, Forza 3 will be utilizing the effect much more heavily.

BTW for an example of what HDR (or apparently heavier HDR) looks like, here are some results where photos from Forza were retouched to add more dynamic range.


Isn't there a forza forum for this kinda stuff, thought i read the GT5 forum for GT5 related items
I think Forza would look better. in the interive ( few posts ull find the link) the guy talks that they are scratching the surface , and it will take more then couple of years to build another Forza game..

Here we are today, only 2 years since FM2 and we have FM3. I think Microsoft is pressuring them too much, if microsoft gave them some break, FM3 would beat GT5 hands down if FM3 was made in 3-4 years.. But 2 years.. it's not that good looking, Top Gear did review saying they physics are weird and feels like you fly the car rather then drive it.. what you expect for 2 years.. I hope Forza 3 will go FOR PC!
I think Forza would look better. in the interive ( few posts ull find the link) the guy talks that they are scratching the surface , and it will take more then couple of years to build another Forza game..

Here we are today, only 2 years since FM2 and we have FM3. I think Microsoft is pressuring them too much, if microsoft gave them some break, FM3 would beat GT5 hands down if FM3 was made in 3-4 years.. But 2 years.. it's not that good looking, Top Gear did review saying they physics are weird and feels like you fly the car rather then drive it.. what you expect for 2 years.. I hope Forza 3 will go FOR PC!

I hope they have addressed the super stable camera issue in Forza that makes it feel like you are indeed floating... but it sounds like not. Unfotunately I get the feeling T10 doesn't feel this is an important thing to address...
The trouble with GT5P (and I assume GT5) is that there is just too much at the extremes. Either too dark, or too light. Plus, not enough texture variation. Don't get me wrong, I'll be buying GT5 day one, but as a series...I just feel it's GT3 all over again - pretty much the same just in higher resolution. Not necessarily a bad thing, but other race series seem to make more progress.

Why do people say this? Is the Forza propaganda that effective?

Things GT5 will have over GT3

- cockpit view
- 800 more cars
- 1080p @60fps
- 3D rims
- Damage that is visual and affects performance
- Online Racing, private and public rooms
- custom soundtracks
- Youtube replay output
- PSeye tracking
- 16 cars on track online and offline
- HDR Lighting
- Ferrari
- Lamborghini
- Bugatti
- Daytona, Indy

What is Forza 3 adding over Forza 2? That's right, better visuals
Forgive me if i'm wrong but isn't a 3 way comparison, different from discussing 2 Forza pictures and discussing if they use HDR etc.

Silly me

I would say one is a subset of the other... I mean if you were comparing nuclear, coal and solar power, wouldn't it be totally in place to delve into just solar power for a bit?
And who knew camera stability is what gives the car feeling? What a joke!

Ummmm... wind buffeting the camera and a little shake go a long way towards a sensation of speed... a super steady camera makes it feel like you are floating on a cushion of air rather than riding on tires and suspension...

Boy you just get worse and worse... do you really have nothing better to do than stalk forum members and make useless comments? You are actually kind of creepy... I hope you aren't so weird and clingy in real life....
Physics or Camera?

I can get the feel of the car with my eyes closed. What does that have to do with camera stability?

I read that as

Physics are weird.


You feel like you fly the car rather than drive it.

I recall a lot of people (myself included) saying Froza needed some camera shake at higher speeds (and wind buffeting sounds) to add to the sensation of speed.
Apparently you need a reading comprehension lesson- They critiqued the physics. If they critiqued the camera stabilty they would have mentioned camera stability.

It is ok to be wrong, and you are. Besides, the stupid arguement you are trying to make that the camera gives the car "feel" is nutty. It will give a sense of speed, but it will not give feel. Dont mention speed again in this conversation, that is not the same as being able to feel the car.
Neither in real life or in Forza 2 do the shadows turn something green into pure darkness.
Not the tracks, but the car shadows sure do.

Frankly, playing Prologue on the Bravia, I find the track graphics to be amazing. On the other hand, Turn 10 seems to have a bad habit of putting tire streaks all over the place, not just braking points. Either that, or tracks have hardly any tire marks and look unfinished, like NISSAN Speedway. We'll have to see what F3 brings to the table.
Apparently you need a reading comprehension lesson- They critiqued the physics. If they critiqued the camera stabilty they would have mentioned camera stability.

It is ok to be wrong, and you are. Besides, the stupid arguement you are trying to make that the camera gives the car "feel" is nutty. It will give a sense of speed, but it will not give feel. Dont mention speed again in this conversation, that is not the same as being able to feel the car.

Um I may be wrong, but thats what I read it as... I havent read the review so I am going off what I read in the post.

BTW the camera not shaking does have a huge effect on feeling of speed. In some games when you are flying down the track and the camera seems just as stable and solid as at 2 mph it hurts the sense of speed. Other games do a great job of making the camera shake a bit and sometimes get downright violent at high speeds...

BTW By camera hear I am takling about interior or bumper view... not the chase cam. When you are in bumper view inches off the ground at 200+ miles down the back straight and all is calm and smooth it just doesnt feel right... but when it starts getting bumpy and hairy it really adds to the sensation that you are i on the edge of losing control.

I know for a fact its worked for me to convey speed in some games...

I dont know why I bother with you actually though... I can see that what you seem to fear from me (that I will hate GT for no other reason than to hate it) is what you do to me... I think I cuold say GT is the best game in teh world and Forza is like pong and you would still jump on me for the glory of doing it..

sad sad little internet man...
Personally, I think you should both shut up and get back on topic. This is supposed to be a constructive thread, not a bashing of Forza or GT and I don't want it locked because there have been some good comments so far. So can we move away from Forza's camera, and start talking about the tracks again please? 💡
Personally, I think you should both shut up and get back on topic. This is supposed to be a constructive thread, not a bashing of Forza or GT and I don't want it locked because there have been some good comments so far. So can we move away from Forza's camera, and start talking about the tracks again please? 💡

only reason it reverted to Forza was that Deve guy as per usual

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