GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
Twisted_FMJ +1, he sent me a car and because of the server issues he hasn't received mine yet. Although the server issue is completely out of my hands, I will do what it takes to make things right.
pauln123 +2

He traded a GTR Spec V to me for my Fiat 500 (280hp)

And then sent me *FREE* Midnight Purple III paint.

So a big +2 for Paul.
All very good traders. Highly recommended:
Wits +1
z28black98 +2 (grand total of 6 trades with him, phenomenal trading partner)
FanShu +1
Havok_ +3 (Fantastic trading partner, couldn't recommend any higher)

ALSO, I still don't appear on the reputable traders list even though I've been given numerous positive reviews both in this thread and the old one. PLEASE add me to the traders list and update my reputation.

My reputation should be 10, but I still don't even appear in the list. Here are the previous times I've been given feedback:
(+ 1)
(+ 4)
(+ 2)
(+ 2)
(+ 1)
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Hellfast +1
Apokalipse +1
rayportugal +1
Rx2_freak +1
Poet +1
K24Boosted +1
FR34K4201D +1
Weedzzh +1
Mr. New Car +1

All good guys thanks again!!
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Add +1 to MourningTouge (BTW, you forgot the "U" in Mourning)

Excellent trade, especially with a risk.

I sent him my FGT for his Ferrari F10. Done in 3 minutes.
Add +1 to MourningTouge (BTW, you forgot the "U" in Mourning)

Excellent trade, especially with a risk.

I sent him my FGT for his Ferrari F10. Done in 3 minutes.


anyway this guys is great, sent me a FGT for my F10 all done in under 3mins. will have to trade with this guy again. +1