GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
+1 for NastyNaz FANTASTIC TO DEAL WITH... With possibly even bigger balls of steel trading an Audi R10 during the same server issues, lol...
+1 shoei310 - Balls of steel trading an Academy GT-R while servers are glitching out.

+1 for NastyNaz FANTASTIC TO DEAL WITH... With possibly even bigger balls of steel trading an Audi R10 during the same server issues, lol...

I must have balls of Kevlar...try trading an FGT while severs are glitching. :lol:

And can we get an update around here?
Would like to shout out to say a thanks to TOUGEFC for being such a good trader! thanks! +1!