GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
ArnoldStallone / poker_player +1 POSITIVE 👍
paulsie99 +1 POSITIVE 👍
cjp180 +1 POSITIVE 👍
Rado-Steve +1 POSITIVE 👍
Reality_SG +1 POSITIVE 👍
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also point out neagativo Jhonno

sent car but he does not want to send blaming the 1.7 patch .....

I hope we just got on all these measures with negative id
06Busa +1

Happy enough to wait, even after someone sort of wasted my time. Props to him for that. Many thanks.

That's me probably done on the trading part, unless anybody is willing to trade cars below a million with me? :(
Paul360 = Positive

Like to add I traded my car to him first and when he came online he was very quick in responding to me and sending his car. I was really impressed with his attitude and comunication , was great to do my first trade with someone like him :)
Proxol -1 Negative

I sent the car, he didn't as he promised. Doesn't answer messages.
Watch out!