GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
GTPlanet ID - Hennerz
PSN ID- Hennerzcfc


Sent him a Peugeot 908 in this thread but never received my car in return. Now there are several posts on his messageboard saying he scammed them out of cars and paint chips.

I tried to make contact several times by PM, by posting in this thread an by PSN mail. I received one reply to say he wwold send it "At some point" but it never came.

Avoid this guy at all costs!
ive traded with

A_fia5h (i spelled it wrong)

ALL +1 POSITIVE you may ask how the trades went with these guys
Cutch_22 gets a neutral. As does delta-assassin- Both came through, but there was some missed communication along the way and both came later than expected.

mark20002 & ARK1214 both get positives. Quick, immediate trades.
Byoung93, ToXiiC_xMW(ADR_TOXIC) 100% good
didnt trade with "willthethrill_H" but he seems concerned with being fair so he gets my nod
Walastik +1
Sday +1
chippy1000 +1
Pipntick +1
proxel - Successful Trade +1
JDM-jyunkii - Successful Trade +1
Taddpole - Successful Trades +5
All great traders especially Taddpole. 5 trades in a row with him and I don't regret anyone of them.
TwinTurboCH positive +2 (2 great, hassle free trades)
BongoManCan positive +1 (Great trade - even when he's not at his PS3 himself he still makes arrangements to get the car sent on the agreed date)
NL_1994 positive +1 (very easy and quick trade)