GT6 continuosly freezes.

  • Thread starter Komojojo
My only issue...

It freezes at the start, finish and if you leave the track/crash (license and goodwood).
I don't even mind the waits when buying cars etc. this is annoying though.
It seems to be related with the cockpit view.
Try racing in bumper view or finishing the race with the bumper view selected.

I think patch v1.01 fixed that, though.
I've put 9 hours into this game exclusively in cockpit view and never had this issue.

The very first thing I did when I could access the options was to switch off music for racing.

So try that and see what happens.
Turning off custom music solved my issue.
But I turned it back on, as I said.
Annoying, not game breaking as it only happens "out of race" for me.
It breaks the immersion, that's all
My only issue...
It freezes at the start, finish and if you leave the track/crash (license and goodwood).
I don't even mind the waits when buying cars etc. this is annoying though.

It's happening to me too, i was checking the forums to find something about it, really annoying on goodwood.
Expecially at the start.

I'll try what @icenl said.
I freeze everysingle event I do at the end and beginning, but it's not a complete freeze, just for a few second
Game froze after about 1.5 hours in after exiting a recommended car dealer menu. I did a "Restore File System" in safe mode to fix any errors on the HDD after the freeze and I also deleted the GT5 data the day before.

Game specs
GT6 PSN version
Version 1.01

PS3 specs
160GB Slim
Seagate 7200RPM 750GB SSHD
Firmware 4.53
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Freezing on the Kart Jr Cup, GT Arena 2 times at the end, PS3 off, cooling it off (been playing other games all day)
Will update

EDIT: Cooled of, worked first time.
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Mine is a slim 500 gig without custom music ever being enabled..

I visited a friends place to update the game (at 30 dollars per 512 mb I sure as heck wasn't going to update it at my house) and the issue seems to have been resolved.
I've gotten every update so far and I still seem to be having restart issues. Although after every update, my gameplay seems to be longer.

I'm currently running a Original 60gb with a swapped hard drive (500gb). Never had a problem with any of my other games.

I'm going to pull apart the case tomorrow and see what my cooling fan looks like.
cant even try Icenl's fix because the game now refuses to boot at all, goes to the Sony Computer Entertainment black screen and then goes straight back to home. Nothing wrong with the console, all other games working fine, absolutely appalled atm.
I have played for 3 days with my 320 GB Slim and haven't had a single freeze. Works perfect.

To people whose games are freezing, do you have at least 20 gb free space on hard drive? That's what the game recommends.
I have a super slim 500gb, with about half that in free space. I get the freezing issue with custom background music. What's more annoying though is the background music itself. I just made another thread about it, but it never switches the tracks and the volume levels are way off. I had to set music to 120 and race sound effects to 20 to get a decent mix and then turn the volume waaaaay up.
When earlier on I was using a pre-release disk copy of GT6 (v1.00) I was having the freezing issue too and I solved it after I started doing two things:
- don't use the cockpit view (since some people were saying that it could have been related to this issue)
- delete all installed files (from the option menu) and stop the installation process (this is a hunch I had. It seemed as if the game was having problems loading resources)

After these, the PS3 didn't freeze (a first-gen slim PS3 version. Mine is a late model) anymore.
Since some users are reporting here that the cockpit view doesn't seem to be affecting this issue, I would suggest then to try deleting the installation files (not the game files from the XMB!) and stopping the installation process.
No freezing on my fat 60GB. Only had to clear some space for the update and thats it, no crazy sounds coming from it either.