• Thread starter berty1979
Lozzy - As a man of principle I can respect that decision, however I can not ignore the 20 million glitch! My principles don't stretch that far :D

quade- I will assign you to a team later on this evening. Its GMT, any problems with the time?
Lol, that's ok berty, I only put that there for those who has no qualms doing the glitch.

ETID - its the vision gt mercedes, but I think it doesn't work anymore, check on the thread. It sells for 333 milllon+ lol.

Took me ages too, I've got the digital version so I had to delete the entire game, redownload and reinstall every time it needed to delete the patch.
Yeah it looks like I won't be able to make that since I've already committed to the Renault Megane series and it starts an hour before.. Sorry, looks like fun though guys. Good luck!
Quade- Shame but fair enough, good luck with your other series.

Lozzy- Is the glitch still working?

Pagey- Hope you have a few turn up, I cant because of my insane schedule. I might do 30 mins on GTA if I get a sec. Schedule relaxes just after xmas though :)
Ah I see Lozzy shame it doesn't work anymore, I would've used the credits to get an FGT and discard the rest and play the game properly.
He said he thinks it dont work, what i read from that thread is it cant be patched but the more updates that come out the longer it will take to do.
I think it still works, as people are still doing it, now with the M4 instead of the Merc, but I can't say personally if it does as I only did it once as the digital version takes a hell of a lot longer to do. Once was enough for me lol.

How to:

1. While on patch 1.01, buy M4(s) Each one will get you 20 million, so 4 M4s will be 80 mil.
Make sure you are not using the car, just be currently driving a different car.

2. a. If using a disk, delete the 1.01 patch in the game data (NOT SAVED DATA)
b. If a digital version, delete the entire game.

3. Disk users just start up the game again but don't download patch 1.01 when it asks you to.
Digital users, download entire game again, again when you start it, don't download patch

4. Sell 1 M4, (note the cars name in the garage will not be M4, it'll be just numbers.)

5. Buy what you want till you have no credits or not very much, repeat step 4 and 5 until you
are satisfied, or ran out of money/M4s

6. Quit game.

7. Start the game again, and install the patch 1.01

8. Repeat if you wish.
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Well I'm open to being on any team as I have all colors of FGT now; although Berty I'll be honest I'll only stay here if immortal switches over here as well, as I'd like to keep racing with him to keep myself honest on where I really stand. ;)

This money glitch seems like it is a bug that will be here at least until the next update which is later in the month, and maybe not until the update after that in January as they have to come up with a reasonable fix that doesn't anger the consumers (millions no doubt who have used it).

Unfortunately I've done it several times as I just could not resist. My garage is worth about 1 billion or so on 1.00 and maybe 300 million on 1.01 (factoring in the dropping of prices.)
Cheers lozzy, I now have an FGT :D

Edit: I was wrong about the car specs, I presumed it would be the same as GT5. Maximum power is 891bhp, and weight 550kg.

It's a tricky car to get used to as well. Some serious tinkering with the suspension is needed.
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Makes me think that some aids do need to be on for the less experienced. Not all, but some.
Rich- Ok mate. Be sure to drop in from time to time.

Pagey- Is the HP increasing as you put the miles on?

SM- Correct sir! Im very keen to remove SRF but testing will decide :)

Going to play some 1P tonight and have a crack at the bug :D
I'm not sure Brett, I forgot about breaking it in. I will find out tomorrow or Sunday.

I tried it without SRF, and it was tricky but manageable if you really tip toe through the corners. I forgot to try with it though :dopey:

Also I tried Bathurst, it didn't go so well......

The elevation change is too much for the FGT to handle, you can see at the end it drops a lot on a pretty tight corner. So your going too slow for the aero to take effect, and you spin out. A lot.
Hoping that the glitch will still work at christmas i will do this maybe once to get my FGT (s) as i dont think i will be able to make the actual credits by start date
Rich- Ok mate. Be sure to drop in from time to time.
Is the HP increasing as you put the miles on?
One oil change brings all GT6 cars up to their max hp with no miles required. I would like to race, but I'll have to see if the times conflict. Also doing double full dist. F1 races is not so easy, even if it is just a game.
Indy- Not much bro, fancy teaming up with Floodmeister? What team do you fancy?

Flood- I hope its not patched by then either, its pretty sweet. Got my shiny new FGT last night :)

Rich- So what is the max HP?
I find it weird that some say its tricky to drive the fgt without srf or even just the car, but I happily drive it without srf perfectly fine. I think its because people aren't used to having srf off and driving as if it were on. Its really not that difficult to drive even at stock imo.
Flood- Awesome then, you guys team up. Message Indy so you guys can pick a team you like. How about Lotus or Red Bull?

Lozzy- The FGT is easy to drive without SRF, its easy to drive with no aids at all. Thats not the point, the point is the feel of the car, You can still crash, go off the track and spin with or without the aids. I did some testing today and pending Sandmans/Pagey/Ellis/Etid's opinions I am leaning toward leaving the settings as they were last season. Ill let you know.

Anyone up for some mixed racing tonight?
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