GT6 ideas for GT Life and Main Menus

  • Thread starter NISMO_GTR_
NISMO GTR you must go immediately to Japan and do the work for them ! The menus (all three are gorgeous ! Its so airy.. Just great. And even i think that GT needs classes like you did. (production, touring, stock etc)
Agreed on the weather updates and local time. I had always hoped during the pre-release hype that they would incorporate those into the weather change\time change system i.e. if it was raining and dark in Tokyo the racing would be in the same environment. As far as the garage goes I feel that there should be a shortcut to the garage on every menu and sub menu and that the tuning shop and GT auto should be incorporated into the garage. In another thread someone had suggested that the garage scene from the demo should be the menu interface. If you click on the toolbox, that is your shortcut to the tune shop, click on one of the mechanics, that is your shortcut to oil change, car wash etc. Click on the guy with the headset and that is a shortcut to B-spec.

Also the garage for car selection should be like the new car dealership with icons for the makes and be able to manage modified cars, race cars etc.

Wow, the topic is sure easy to get carried away with!! :)
I hoped too with the real time weather :-)

Shortcuts were on GT1 and 2, disappeared to nowhere... cant get it. Not sure about GT4 though.

I have 1500 cars in garage and im so flooded with cars. You cannot quickly&easily filter them.
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GT4 did indeed have shortcuts on the main screen, but they were button presses on the controller. These were also present in previous versions, to differing extents; simple things like the ability to fast scroll through gear ratios instead of having to work around the annoying "slowly speed up, then really rapidly speed up to the point that you overshoot by a mile or, if you try to anticipate it, fall short anyway, then have to restart the slow process again." Yeah, daft.

I think options for the main screen are a great idea. One option could be like the one in the first post, another a minimal version with only icons, like a cone for licence test, a stopwatch for practise etc. and "tooltips", too, of course. For SD users, keep something similar to what we already have, but with extra usability and direct access to the depths of the menu system via a "tree" (e.g. bound to "select", as suggested), to reduce loading times by jumping several levels at once.

Also, +1 on the weather. 👍
Oh yes, tuning is very irritating with the slow speed up as you said.. in GT1 and 2 it was just simply great (R1 + direction for rapid scroll)
As I have said to other people on the internet that can edit pictures to make them look nice. Learn to code for the XMB/PS3 and then voice your ideas. It is extremely different from editing a photo then to making sure you meet all the security checks and still keep it loading decently.
As I have said to other people on the internet that can edit pictures to make them look nice. Learn to code for the XMB/PS3 and then voice your ideas. It is extremely different from editing a photo then to making sure you meet all the security checks and still keep it loading decently.

Lol ...

PD are Developer. And we are customer. Nobody Said it is Easy or something..
I'm not really sure how any of that is relevant, given that the edited images have the exact same menu elements and buttons as the existing screen, only they're different shapes and sizes, and in different positions with different images stuck on them. I don't think that's much of a stretch in terms of "security".

The real maybe is the "live" background; although it's possible in the top-level menu, we don't know that it can be done in the GT-Life menu, depending on the memory / processing power required for other stuff.
Also: GT5:P.
I appreciate the feedback :)

I said i had drawn a few ideas before, well here they are

Wish I had decent hardware to make them using photoshop instead of posting these rough sketches lol



hope you guys can read my hand writing (also i can draw better than this lol )
Personally I'd like a revamped version fof the My Home from GT4. In fact I liked GT4's setup more so than GT5. GT3 had a virtual world you could move around in. GT5 is just a bunch of menus.
I think they should re-use the basic concept of GT4... a big map and then, everything happens on the garage... I think we could use that hangar scene or the pit stop scene as a main menu, where you always see your current car on a garage and have the buttons do to stuff.

Since GT1 we have the whole GARAGE/MY HOME idea. I think GT5 lacks this completely.
I doubt they'll overhaul the menu for GT5. The only way we can see an overhaul is through GT6. This is exactly what I mean on one of the things that GT6 can provide that no DLC can ever do, and that's giving the game a new, refreshing feel.

Think about it, even if GT5's menu was overhauled, how much of an impact do you think it'll give to the game overall, if it's gonna have the same events and features? Like any DLC, it'll be exciting first few days or so, then it'll just quickly die down. If we're gonna have new menu layout, we're need the events and features to back it up. Put it simply, we need GT6 soon, and I hope they're working hard on it. Plus, I think any new innovative ideas for a GT Life menu would be reserved for the next game, rather than just giving it away on a title that's been released for a couple of years. Then they would have to think of a new one (quickly) for GT6.
Just make it like the GT4 Menu with a few tweaks and it'll be awesome.

Totally agree. I would have loved if PD avoided such a linear A-Spec mode in GT5, and instead implemented a rather free-like style as shown in GT4.

But it's done know, and it works. We will more than likely have to endure these minor annoyances until GT6. I have far more faith in PD after seeing them taking note of our requests. The future of Gran Turismo seems bright in my opinion.
I think they should re-use the basic concept of GT4... a big map and then, everything happens on the garage... I think we could use that hangar scene or the pit stop scene as a main menu, where you always see your current car on a garage and have the buttons do to stuff.
What's confusing is that PD made so many great cut-scenes for the GT home screen, one of the places where you spend the least time on GT, yet for the GT Life screen, where you spend a lot of time, you get this terrible menu.
Hi everybody!

I hate GT5 life menu. Its boring and it has way too many buttons which clutter everything up.

Also on the main menu where (you spend the least amount of time on) have these scenes playing in the background of your current selected car in certain locations why has PD not used these on the GT-Life menu where you spend most your time on.

So I had an idea of cleaner menu with those scenes playing in the background. I believe something similar can be achieved in a future update.

Here some Ideas I have:

  • Cleaner simple menu
  • Animated background like the main menu
  • Have your current car shown
  • More A-spec/B-spec races
  • Combine Photo Travel/Replay into one
  • Move modifications to GT AUTO
  • More events with time/weather change




I made before the Spec 2 update but I never posted them and please ignore the bad photo editing as I made the quickly.

Why does the first picture here remind me of menus from old GT games 💡 ?
Not sure if its been mentioned as I don't have time to read through, but if somehow a slide show of all your photos from photo gallery could be used as the back ground or even just selected ones. Possibly even replays. If this has been said all ready sorry, ignore my nonsense
Once in a while, a truly great suggestion comes along. No, it's not about neon lights or a livery editor or the new Koenigsegg model that just came out.

It's modifications like these that stand out. This is wonderful. Really, let's send this to Kazunori or PD. This shouldn't rot in this thread. It's too special.

Anybody have him as a Twitter friend?
I like the backgrounds, but being a long time Gt fan I actually wish they went back to more GT2-GT4 life screens. Which had more options than the current GT.

Once in a while, a truly great suggestion comes along. No, it's not about neon lights or a livery editor or the new Koenigsegg model that just came out.

It's modifications like these that stand out. This is wonderful. Really, let's send this to Kazunori or PD. This shouldn't rot in this thread. It's too special.
Anybody have him as a Twitter friend?

I agreed with what you said, but livery editor isn't as amazing as this?
These are really something, Nismo; I definitely approve, as it flows much nicer and looks cleaner. GT's sluggish menus never bothered me too much before I started playing other racing games more regularly - the input delays and general slow nature must be quite a shock to others who are just coming to the game, I imagine. I can't agree more about using the main menu's backgrounds for the GT Mode background - there should be no reason not to!

GT's main menus have always seemed to be designed with a mouse in mind, which is odd given they've always been console exclusives. I can see why PD prefers their current ways - it feels more like you're immersing yourself in their "world" (especially true in GT4), as a GUI that's mostly text-based could get boring and feel cold after a while. That said, the current GT5 GT Mode main menu needs an entire ergonomic redesign - it's unlikely it'll happen this late into the game's life, but friendly, well-designed user suggestions like this are just the sort of things I would hope PD is keeping an eye on 👍
I like the backgrounds, but being a long time Gt fan I actually wish they went back to more GT2-GT4 life screens. Which had more options than the current GT.

I agreed with what you said, but livery editor isn't as amazing as this?

If you know me, then you know I am a huge proponent of a livery editor. It's got to be added!👍

But what I was emphasizing in my post was how DEEP and THOROUGH this idea is. Anybody can type out a new car model or a new feature (livery editor for example) that we want, but to construct an entirely new and friendly menu takes some thought. This is rare on forums, especially considering how formal and proper it looks. Outrageous.
If you know me, then you know I am a huge proponent of a livery editor. It's got to be added!👍

But what I was emphasizing in my post was how DEEP and THOROUGH this idea is. Anybody can toss out a new car model or a new feature (livery editor for example) that we want, but to construct an entirely new and friendly menu takes some thought. This is rare on forums, especially considering how formal and proper it looks. Outrageous.

That's just it I do know you (as far as GTP goes), hence why I asked because you, me and several other regulars want that feature. So that's why I was like 0_o What?

I see what you mean now, I was just trying to understand your post more, thanksl. Also this was a good op for once, in a while.
Yes, the OP nailed it. This is how you present a new and refreshing idea. This ought to be spread around.

Well this isn't the first great idea to be seen, and usually people say just what you have. "Let's get this over to KY's twitter" yet it seems no one is sure how to do this still after 18 months. Some one should collect all these great idea threads, throw them into one and then present that thread to KY if/when possible.
I don't think PD will completely overhaul the menus, at this point, so Tweeting KY probably won't do much.
Well this isn't the first great idea to be seen, and usually people say just what you have. "Let's get this over to KY's twitter" yet it seems no one is sure how to do this still after 18 months. Some one should collect all these great idea threads, throw them into one and then present that thread to KY if/when possible.

True beyond true!

Someone on this site must have him followed.