Looking forward to meet you and tandem online. đź‘Ť
Awesome!For sure man we look forward to sliding with you! I'm getting ready to start the new club open to anybody that wants in to better have access to our sessions. I'll post it here first as soon as it goes up.
Once again I appreciate the commoners glad you guys like it! SR20DE_s13 thanks that's one of the main reasons I went with a SC400. But sadly that will probably change soon. I'm upping the power and I don't really have the time to explore and experiment with the 1UZ. Going with a more proven platform for now but may be returning to the 1UZ in some form in the future for sure.
Stay tuned everybody we will have some new footage up in a little while. I might start another post. We got some crazy Tandems in yesturday. My Teammate Lex King got so close on one run he knock a corner of his CF lip of in a wheel on the car I was driving (our Rx7 FC Convertible).
Yo @DaHammas510!
Man, unfortunately my bro Steve (GTP_Drop5) can't work on the save of the great tandems of yesterday night. He sold his ps3 so he can't save it as his and then do its magic.
Last resort is . . . record it with my phone. Hehhehe
Yeah, indeed it is! HahahhahIt's all good bro, whatever way works lol. Either way it's probably pretty dope footage!