It is better to keep the lap within the rules, if you feel you gain more time going outside of the track it would be better for everyone to run a cleaner lap, if its just one place in the lap i dont see a problem, its based on trust, if you think/feel its clean enought dont worry about iti will add the time, sending it to Chris @
Stotty will confirm your lap anyway.
To send your replay you need to export it from the game, go in the gallery and click on the replay you want to export, then you can find the option on right, it should say something about export to XMB (mine isin french..)
Then go on the PS3 menu, in the PS3 game data, you can see the replay file, click triangle and ''copy'' just select your USB flash drive as directory. then you can post it here with the ''Upload a file'' option next to ''Post reply''