GT6 Nürburgring Lap time board -- CLOSED - Look for new thread to be started

  • Thread starter mike_gt3
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Yes, dont worry, i am the only one editing the sheet and i am currently too busy, i havent play GT6 in about a month, the job is taking all my energy. Please allow me some time i will be back editing as soon as possible. :)
I could help you with the spreadsheet if you want. I'll give you my email so you can allow me to edit it if you want to.
I could help you with the spreadsheet if you want. I'll give you my email so you can allow me to edit it if you want to.

If you are truly serious about it i dont mind, but beware it is time consuming, especially the alphabetic list, one single error in the laptime and it can cause massive error when putting it in alphabetical order. I can explain by PM the way i do it. Just PM me if you want to help i will be more than happy right now. :) 👍
If you are truly serious about it i dont mind, but beware it is time consuming, especially the alphabetic list, one single error in the laptime and it can cause massive error when putting it in alphabetical order. I can explain by PM the way i do it. Just PM me if you want to help i will be more than happy right now. :) 👍
Wouldn't it be better to put the times from quickest to slowest instead of alphabetical?
Wouldn't it be better to put the times from quickest to slowest instead of alphabetical?

The alphabetic list is there to find the car you are looking for, thats why the laptime is after the car name to be able to filter alphabeticaly.

And the ''production'' ''racing', etc.. list is filtered with the laptime , also alphabeticaly wich give you the fastest to slowest time.

Let me know if this answer your question. :)

Thx @rosckolove for the help! any help will be greatly appreciated! :cheers:

i can add both of you if you want, just send me your email by PM and i will allow you to edit the sheet, and send you a PM to explain the way i do it, and if you find a better way let me know first :lol: 👍

I have to go to bed now :crazy:
You can always use CTRL+F to find key words. IMO, there isn't a need to put things in alphabetical order. I have to go to bed too. I'll send you my email tomorrow. :)
You can always use CTRL+F to find key words. IMO, there isn't a need to put things in alphabetical order. I have to go to bed too. I'll send you my email tomorrow. :)

if it was just me the alphabetic list wouldnt exist, but a lot of people want the alphabetic list and find it useful. May be you will still find a better way to edit. :)
Thx, i will correct it in next update, been more than busy again in last weeks, it should be better soon, just noticed GTAcademy start next week, might spend my only free time playing, i hope everyone understand and be patient.


I'm also a busy person, but if I can help you I'll be glad to contribute. On the other hand, I'll keep adding times to my last post (#478) to reduce the amount of posts and keep only one with times.

EDIT: Added the number of the post where I'm compiling all my latest times.
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07:00.862 - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (C6) '09 (Fast__Nick) BEATEN

Its my first post here.
If you want I can add replay, but I only did this video on the camera and the quality is not very good.
Wheel - T500RS, grip set to real, ABS-0.

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6:36.032 - 2000 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo GSR T.M.E (Astroboy2215) New
fully tuned with RS tires

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07:20.748 - Lamborghini Reventon '08 (Alex p.) NEW

Little review I also posted in the video description:
Why the overconservative lap? It's easy: because this car is absolute and utter rubbish! Especially at speeds from 150kph+. This car feels totally loose all the time, it feels like it would float on water or soap and if you try to corner with it with speeds of 150kph+ it jumps all over the place like a rhinoceros with attached soap under it's feet, on an ice lake, being pushed and attacked by elephants from both sides at the same time. You think you finally figured out how to move it at it's limits? Ha, silly you, the car WILL find a way to mess up a corner where you would never expect it to behave the way it does, so yeah, the car is constantly trying to kill you! *love it still 'cuz it's a Lambo :P
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You have to control your speed when you braking and when you exit your corner. Putting 60, your car will have a BIG oversteer.

You have that backwards. Higher lock rates give you more understeer, until you break the rear loose. I build differentials. Higher lock rates make both force both wheels to spin together, in comparison to an open diff. The more lock, the closer the speed between the two wheels when you begin to lose traction. So, when you have two wheels that are solely drive wheels, not for steering, the only want to go straight...because that is the way they're pointing. Give them more grip and now they're fighting the amount of grip up front.

People also assume a car that oversteers is quicker than the same car that has a setup make it understeer. Not the case at all. If you can get anymore traction out if the front and rear at the same time, even if it undeersteers a've just made the car faster. Whether you dislike a little understeer or not. If higher lock in the rear is making you oversteer, you're rear suspension are way too stiff and/or your front and/or rear toe settings are off.

I dial the rear in first, then the front and try to get rid of as much understeer as possible by finding more front traction, then I loosen the rear up to the point that the car balances off to my liking.
any help will be greatly appreciated!
hi mike, why not just set up a website where anyone can enter his data autonomous? (it would be rather easy - but of course, this way, you can't control the input in advance ...)
btw. we're running a contest with some specific cars BUT only online in RR's lobby <> (same rules/parameters for all: eg. abs0, damage, no tuning)
cheers, r.
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Managed a 6:45.753 in the Caterham earlier and I know it'll go faster so I'll post once I get a time I'm happy with. Tbh it's a fast stable car that's good to use to get to know the limits of the Ring.
Hi everyone! I'm a new member on GTP... I was driving on the Nordschleife when i told myself... Maybe there's a ranking of laptimes on the Nordschleife? So i searched... And i just fell on this topic! I have just one question: I drive in "free run" mode (to keep my helmet/suit), there's a difference with the arcade mode or is it just the same?
Ps: i'm a french guy, and as a good frenchie, i'm not a great english writter/speaker... I hope you will forgive me for my mistakes :ouch:
Hi everyone! I'm a new member on GTP... I was driving on the Nordschleife when i told myself... Maybe there's a ranking of laptimes on the Nordschleife? So i searched... And i just fell on this topic! I have just one question: I drive in "free run" mode (to keep my helmet/suit), there's a difference with the arcade mode or is it just the same?
Ps: i'm a french guy, and as a good frenchie, i'm not a great english writter/speaker... I hope you will forgive me for my mistakes :ouch:
Hi Reventon. Glad to see one more french guy here :). Well, from what I know, there are some difference between these 2 modes:

- You wear your own racing gear in "Free Run", not in "Time Trial" (=what you said yourself)
- You cannot use the courtesy cars garage in "Free Run"
- You will gain miles running in "Free Run". Gain miles = loose power. On "Time Trial", even if you use your own car, it will stay at the miles as it is. Don't pay attention to the counter increasing in the HUD, the car will be back to original miles it has before the session when you quit the mode, this can be checked in the Garage.
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I drove the Shelby Cobra (production/sport hard) saturday and sunday for one hour or two per evening, i'm not satisfied yet... For now i have a 7"23.2, i'm not sure but i think i can improve it, maybe 7'21 or 7'20... This Shelby is just... Brutal!
05:29.744 - Lotus 97T '86 (Alex p.) NEW

So I drove Senna's Lotus! :)
Review: Man this car. Even if it is a "game" that lets me experience this epic, legendary car, I can still say I am happy to be able to try it out and have a theoretical idea what this car was like in real life and what it could theoretically do on this track-and that is a lot. Brakes and accelaration are insane, corner speed is mostly really good (low speed corners less so), stability is really nice, it drives much, much better than I had anticipated and is also MUCH faster than expected. Also very fun to drive, which is the most important, although you really have to shift gears so damned fast and often because of the aforementioned acceleration and breaking. My goal for a good lap was a sub 5.30 and so I did it although I COULD do a ~5.25 and the very best players can probably bring it under a 5.20 lol.
I tried the Lotus tonight, pretty fast... Much more than the Cobra :D But, well, that's a great car... I made a 5:22.002, can be improved, mostly on the end of the lap. But that's not too bad for a first try! I just record the laps of the Cobra and the RX7, i will upload them tomorrow.

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My bud and I have been competing using a stock HSV Base Model but it has racing soft tires. I hope that we can have more competition with this setup since it's really fun when the car is extra sticky. Oh, no other aids other than abs set to 1.

Lap time: 6:30.268

Let me know if you guys want a video posted. Good to see lap times on the net. :)
Replays of some laps :

PRODUCTION - 7:23.246 - Shelby Cobra 427 '66 (GTrs_R3venton) BEATEN

OPEN - 7:47.142 - Mazda RX-7 Spirit R type A (FD) '02 (GTrs_R3venton) NEW (Comfort soft/full stock)

PRODUCTION - 5:22.002 - Lotus 97T '86 (GTrs_R3venton) NEW (?) -- Replay
Replays of some laps :

PRODUCTION - 7:23.246 - Shelby Cobra 427 '66 (GTrs_R3venton) BEATEN

OPEN - 7:47.142 - Mazda RX-7 Spirit R type A (FD) '02 (GTrs_R3venton) NEW (Comfort soft/full stock)

PRODUCTION - 5:22.002 - Lotus 97T '86 (GTrs_R3venton) NEW (?) -- Replay

The rx7 comes with sport hards, and I ran a 7:33 something you can find it the previous page.
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