I actually started to have hope for GT6 career mode when it was announced that the "XP" system was gone..
Then I am looking at some screenshots of the career mode and see that instead of "XP" required to be in a race, a "star" amount is required.
WTF? So they tell us that XP system is gone in career mode, and then a few weeks later, looks like they just renamed the "XP" system to "star" system? If that is the case, and the new name for "XP" is "star", then that's just a plain lie.
"Stars required 15" bottom right.
Notice the three "stars" above track graphic...
The whole reason the XP system was pasted over GT5 career mode, in my mind, was because the career mode was way to short, and you could probably complete the entire thing in a day if not for the the endurance races. The quick fix was to slap an XP system over the entire thing.
The reason I think that is because on GT5 career there are still places that show what racing license level in needed to enter a race, yet we all now the license tests are not needed for anything in career mode. That text saying you need a certain license was just left in after the XP system was slapped onto the career at the end.
That entire system created the need to "XP grind" to advance the career and get to the next batch of races. Nobody likes XP grinding.. so now I guess there will be "star grinding" instead?
When I heard the news that the XP system was gone in GT6, I thought maybe the career mode was big enough that there was no need for the XP system "fix".. and that the career mode could stand on it's own. I guess the XP system is still there, they just renamed it? I hope that's not true.
Not to mention more Sunday "2 lap races".. Sheesh.... I wonder if there will be a 5 lap race that is called a championship in there too. If they copy/paste the career mode form GT5, that will be a travesty.