GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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Its sad but i dont get all this kind of thought proccess unless you knew him personally, I only really bring this up because i've seen loads of rip PW on facebook because all of my fb friends are so compassionate, So much so that they couldnt give a crap about the other guy who died with him.

I understand what you mean, people do need to understand that two lives were lost, one life was no more important than the other.
i'm excited about GT's launch but sad at PW's untimely death at the same time :( :( :(

it's casting a big shadow for me over GT's launch.....
Who pissed in your cheerios?

I guess you don't know what thinking outside the box is.
You're having a laugh! Kaz wants to add a lunar rover and the moon? ok, How about adding things that people actaully want and cried for before he adds things that "he" finds interesting or thinks outside the box, The last thing Kaz should do is think outside the box because because logic is something he needs to master first, Good night im off to bed

EDIT: And i say say that because someone really does need to call him out on all of this and stop pussy footing around him like he's god and press him more when he gives crappy vague asnwers, While Jordans at it he should ask him to get an official rep on here and before anyone says thats a bad idea because he would get too much abuse thats nonsense. You'd think they like to keep a relationship with the people that keep them in that job
Sorry, this is a random question and I believe it kept me up last night.
Is the Tesla Model S considered an MR car? Since the battery pack is actually spread out in the middle... and it's rear wheel drive, right?

Or is it 4wd...

I'd imagine it's where the motors and drive wheels are located. Battery packs shouldn't matter, it doesn't matter where the fuel tank is in a gas guzzler.
Personally i hope he flat out asks Kaz why he doesnt give gt buyers what they really want i,e a full livery editor, FOV for cockpit view and a drag strip instead on the stupid lunar rover and moon which i doubt a single buyer on earth wished for.

I wish people would stop presuming every GT buyer wants a livery editor and a drag strip and blah blah blah...cry cry cry
I'd like to report a mod for abusive behavior. My opinions do not qualify as baseless statements. And while you say you don't single me out, you sure do comment negatively on a lot of what I post. And you do it in an very rude and abusive way, and I don't appreciate it. There is a better way to say these things, which, I've already given you an example of, but you, of course, decided to spit in my face. I assume you've already gotten a warning from our last exchange.

It's Christmas. Perhaps you should take a nice long, relaxing vacation, Slipz. I don't post baseless facts nearly as much as you think I do.

And the Furai's body would change the handling of the car. There is a reason why it was given that body. While it maybe a LMP2 underneath, it's still technically not an LMP2. It was more of an LMP2 Concept. Meaning, there's still really no way to know for sure how the body would affect the handling unless you actually drive it, which you can't do anymore. Remember, a computer simulation is pretty much just a calculated guess at how a vehicle handles. It could be spot on, or it could be completely off. Which is where the real world data gathering is useful. Granted, the simulations are getting better, but you still need real world tests. But, I'll admit, since it's based on an LMP2, testing one of those will HAVE to do for now.

As for the interior. *shrug* Considering that the car hasn't been made Premium yet, I don't know if we'll ever see it as one. I agree that PD most likely took interior shots. And who knows, they could prove me wrong by popping out a Premium model soon. That said, however, I believe GT5 had the only "Road going version." Everyone else had the LMP2 livery design. Perhaps PD got a look at a different car...or simply worked a bit more closely with Mazda. Who knows. We'll see how this story ends. It would be nice to see it converted to Premium. Still, as I said, with only really old data at their disposal, it's doubtful we'll see it in many more games.
I'd imagine it's where the motors and drive wheels are located. Battery packs shouldn't matter, it doesn't matter where the fuel tank is in a gas guzzler.
Good point... That would make it RR then.
When I typed that I forgot the battery wasn't the motor
Personally i hope he flat out asks Kaz why he doesnt give gt buyers what they really want i,e a full livery editor, FOV for cockpit view and a drag strip instead on the stupid lunar rover and moon which i doubt a single buyer on earth wished for.

Its sad but i dont get all this kind of thought proccess unless you knew him personally, I only really bring this up because i've seen loads of rip PW on facebook because all of my fb friends are so compassionate, So much so that they couldnt give a crap about the other guy who died with him.

Not everyone wants a livery editor or a drag strip or uses cockpit view either. Especially livery editor, online, I'd rather not see cars painted by kids with crayons
I hope the GTP resist the release event with the flood of people coming to the site :D:tup:
Its sad but i dont get all this kind of thought proccess unless you knew him personally, I only really bring this up because i've seen loads of rip PW on facebook because all of my fb friends are so compassionate, So much so that they couldnt give a crap about the other guy who died with him.

To be honest, i wasn't so affected when i first heard the news, maybe it was just a reluctance to believe and it pretty much has only sunk in now when i'm at work. I guess for me, one of the big reasons is that for most of us car people who so often get looked at the wrong way and are constantly labelled as misfits (or worse, criminals), the F&F films gave us a welcomed relief and escape from all that, they might have been campy and ridiculous, but it (hopefully) brought with it a mainstream acceptance of our culture and it brought many gearheads together.

PW's character was someone we (or, i) could identify with on a personal level and i guess with him gone, it does feel like a part of us died along with him. Of course, all that is just my own personal opinion. I is sads. But maybe after this, we will celebrate his life rather than continue mourning his death.
Low sales figures may be the best for the series in the long run in a perverse kind of way, what we have seen from GT6 shows that there needs to be a bit of a shake up. If the game bombs then it may act as the catalyst for PD to make some changes and make a better next gen for all of us.
Low sales figures may be the best for the series in the long run in a perverse kind of way, what we have seen from GT6 shows that there needs to be a bit of a shake up. If the game bombs then it may act as the catalyst for PD to make some changes and make a better next gen for all of us.

If not PD surely Sony would step back and look at why and do something about it.
You'll be waiting for about a year to get real numbers. That's a solid sample size
Won't take that long. First 4 weeks are in the millions usually.
Thanks. The funny thing is, I was looking them over, sad to see that even the best shots did not do justice to reality. Ronda really is that beautiful, especially in such perfect weather conditions.
Yep, the whole Andalusia region is my favourite place in Spain. Visited Ronda on honeymoon - it is very picturesque.
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