GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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Well, I'm glad we're having something of a civil thumb wrestle this time. And I'm up on how modelers work, having skills in one aspect or another, but that's precisely my point. We know that Kaz has admitted to adding twenty some people to the team, but even then, who knows how many of them are modelers? And how many are working on cars, how many on tracks? We can't say. I would point out that in GT5, we only got twenty or so new tracks, and I think that was five locations or so. That's just a location a year, or slightly more.

Plus, with that ambitious DLC schedule they set for themselves, I'm sure that a good majority of those tracks are going to be legacy tracks from previous Gran Turismos, likely every one of them, and that's something I've been whining about since GT4. So some of the blame for that goes to me, but I'll buy every single track they release of them.

Like I said above, every developer does whatever they do and we can second guess them freely, but we aren't involved and have only a general idea what their workload is, and how well they're handling it. I guess we'll see. In a few hours!! :D
Modeling is a continuous process. The implication is that, by release, they will have enough modelers that they will be able to collectively finish a track roughly monthly (and will have had for as long as it takes to make a track). Without knowing how many staff they have or how long a given track takes to model, we can go no further.

However, we do know that PD has been hiring more staff over the last year or so (and their new offices are right next to a school that specialises in game development, esp. the artistic stuff), so presumably their contributions will surface at some point, probably continuously if new modelers have been hired continuously too (e.g. one per month starting 12 to 18 months ago, for six months).
Plus, with that ambitious DLC schedule they set for themselves, I'm sure that a good majority of those tracks are going to be legacy tracks from previous Gran Turismos, likely every one of them, and that's something I've been whining about since GT4. So some of the blame for that goes to me, but I'll buy every single track they release of them.

I want legacy tracks as well but like I've said before, they've been sat on those for EIGHT YEARS. If they haven't had the time to update those to PS3 quality in that time but then chuck them all at us as DLC after release of the second disc based game I certainly won't be buying them. That's very poor.
I kid you not.

The tracks aren't created by magic so one would assume that people are working on creating tracks yes.

I believe you are missing the point. This can only go two ways.

1. They make regular DLC and make enough money to make it worthwhile. This is pretty easy. They don't have to make scads of money to make it worthwhile but any income flowing in between releases helps to pay the overhead, wages etc. So yes, the DLC will keep coming.

2. They sell very little DLC or at least not enough to be worth bothering. In which case content development on GT6 ceases as it did on GT5 and you get no new, or very little DLC.

Personally I hope enough people buy the DLC to keep it flowing and I'd bet on it as well, so long as the quality is there. I'd much rather have more content for GT6 than wait for it in GT7.

So yes, it's here to stay. When it stops, the next DLC you get of any significance is GT7.
I'm not missing the point. I think your faith that additional profits keep the lights on and don't just line the pockets of shareholders is misplaced.

You throw out terms like "here to stay" when that's not a given. It's your preference, you extreme capitalists have this sense that your views on markets and economics are as sound as the laws of physics.

Here's a hint, they aren't. It's dogma. A dogma which isn't providing meaningful employment for the majority of the worlds' population, either. Meaningful being defined as a rising standard of living for all but the top 1%.
Oh dear Lord... yes, I can hardly wait for government owned gaming companies, because of course communist nations have the most vibrant and thriving societies ever.

Or maybe I'll just flit off and go paint some cars. :D
Aaaand politics. I struggle to reconcile the law of entropy with typical capitalist notions and practices, but I think that such endeavours should be left as an exercise for the reader. I.e. Google capitalism and entropy and proceed to worry about the chaos that currently reigns...

This thread has its own chaos to worry about.
For pete's sake, Griffith500, your linguistics and knowledge/intellect are just too much some times. You better tone it down or I'll start charging you a dollar each time you do this to me.

eek, I think I done did a bit of an ironic comment in regards to your post above mine. :D
The Nissan Nissan ZEOD RC was revealed today and the offical Nissan Channel have a video about this. You can Watch this video here

Anyway the channel post some interesting comments and one of them is this:

"Gran Turismo to this :)"

what does it mean hmm?

Sorry for my bad english lolwoops :P
As I already said it means nothing.

It was a follow on comment from "These guys are racing for us tomorrow - so awesome", referring to the GT Academy drivers and their progress from the game to racing for real.
A new Nissan? Kaz must be going nuts right about now:sly:!


awwww :(
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I'm not missing the point. I think your faith that additional profits keep the lights on and don't just line the pockets of shareholders is misplaced.

You throw out terms like "here to stay" when that's not a given. It's your preference, you extreme capitalists have this sense that your views on markets and economics are as sound as the laws of physics.

Here's a hint, they aren't. It's dogma. A dogma which isn't providing meaningful employment for the majority of the worlds' population, either. Meaningful being defined as a rising standard of living for all but the top 1%.

Additional profits do line the pockets of shareholders that is the purpose of capitalism and it works wonderfully. I have a phone that has more computing power than the Apollo 11 rocket that landed on the moon and it cost me a days wages and for that I am more than happy to line the pockets of the money grubbing capitalists that own the company. People who like to make money, aka capitalists, tend to like to make more money. If DLC 1 sells, there will be DLC 2. If that sells there will be DLC 3...etc. etc. etc.

As far as the rest of the world goes, when they give capitalism a try, they too can have what I/we have. Given that the vast majority of the world lives in one form of dictatorship or the other, it's no surprise their system doesn't work for everyone. If you can't see that capitalism is the single greatest force in the universe for the enrichment of all mankind you have a lot to learn.
Maybe this thread should be renamed:
Global economic and political studies


You go Jp.
I do have one question for you though.
Why, in light of the 100% increase (must be nice) the game companies imposed with the next gen games, don't we get a complete game to start with?
Now we are expected to pay for DLC too?

There is something wrong with that scenario.
I hope the capitalist on the demand side don't purchase any DLC.
I haven't, and don't plan too.

I agree it's here to stay.
There is a sucker born every minute.
What 100% increase?

When the next gen consoles came out(PS3 and 360), the cost of games in the US went from $30 to $60.

The last time I checked, that equates to a 100% increase.

You must have a short memory, or perhaps the cost increase was not the same where ever you are.
When the next gen consoles came out(PS3 and 360), the cost of games in the US went from $30 to $60.

The last time I checked, that equates to a 100% increase.

You must have a short memory, or perhaps the cost increase was not the same where ever you are.

No they didn't. PS2 games were $50.
And PS1 games were $40. Hey, he was pretty damn close, I'll give him that.

A factor of 5 over-estimation (30/30 vs. 10/50; 100% vs. 20%) is close? Still, a price hike is to be expected, maybe another 10-15% to cover the lifetime of the console. Not that anyone pays full price for games these days...
No they didn't. PS2 games were $50.

I paid $30 for the brand new games I bought for Xbox and PS2 including GT4, at the local E&B.
That wasn't very many. Most games I bought were used and cost less.
I've never seen or heard of a $50 PS2 game, but GT4 is probably the only new game I bought for PS2, which was spring 2005.
I had a used PS2 only to play GT3 and 4.
I paid $30 for the brand new games I bought for Xbox and PS2 including GT4, at the local E&B.
That wasn't very many. Most games I bought were used and cost less.
I've never seen or heard of a $50 PS2 game, but GT4 is probably the only new game I bought for PS2, which was spring 2005.
I had a used PS2 only to play GT3 and 4.
80 bucks here for PS2 games, 100 or even 110 for PS3 games at the beginning.
You're generalizing way too much.

Nowadays I pay 70 for PS3 games though, which is less than any AAA PS2 game ever was at launch as far as I know.
A factor of 5 over-estimation (30/30 vs. 10/50; 100% vs. 20%) is close? Still, a price hike is to be expected, maybe another 10-15% to cover the lifetime of the console. Not that anyone pays full price for games these days...
haha I was being :sly:.

I don't know how one could get a newly released PS2 game for anything less than $50 though. What gives?
Japanese PS2 games that I bought back in 2005 - 2007 costs around $50 to $70 and PS3 Japanese games are still around the same price range. The list prices were in yen - online shop direct from Japan.
80 bucks here for PS2 games, 100 or even 110 for PS3 games at the beginning.
You're generalizing way too much.

Nowadays I pay 70 for PS3 games though, which is less than any AAA PS2 game ever was at launch as far as I know.

You must have some exorbitant taxes overthere, or gaming is the business to be in.

The point is, I paid $30 for a new GT4.

I had to pay $60 for a new GT5.

GT5 wasn't half the game GT4 was.

And now I'm expected to pay for DLC as well?

Not likely.
You must have some exorbitant taxes overthere, or gaming is the business to be in.

The point is, I paid $30 for a new GT4.

I had to pay $60 for a new GT5.

GT5 wasn't half the game GT4 was.

And now I'm expected to pay for DLC as well?

Not likely.
8%, which is lower than the us average.
You may have got games for $30 but that was certainly not the RRP for new games. It was $50 and that is widely accepted because it's also widely accepted PS3 games were a $10 increase.

Don't you think if the RRP of PS3 games were twice that of PS2 games a huge fuss would have been made?
...As far as the rest of the world goes, when they give capitalism a try, they too can have what I/we have. Given that the vast majority of the world lives in one form of dictatorship or the other, it's no surprise their system doesn't work for everyone. If you can't see that capitalism is the single greatest force in the universe for the enrichment of all mankind you have a lot to learn.
Oh dear - it really isn't that simple JP. Point one is that quite a few of those dictatorships you so freely brand the 'majority of the world' with being under, are capiltalist based, (if you count it on a country/state basis) with a few exceptions, of course.

And I really think that your second comment I've highlighted is utter head-in-the-sand stuff. Capitalism enriches only the few. Sure it is responsible for a lot of development through competition, but there is nowhere in that model that guarantees that all of mankind will benefit from this. Still it will only be the few.

To keep profits up, workers classically suffer through lower wage increases, if at all. Nor are those workers going to be able to better themselves and thus compete with their bosses, at least not for the vast majority of the world's population. Venture capital is needed and I seriously cannot see your average sweat-shop worker getting on that first ladder rung, let alone high enough to make a difference. Nor would they have the time to study to improve their chances, not with the amount of hours they need, or are forced to work.

...I do have one question for you though.
Why, in light of the 100% increase (must be nice) the game companies imposed with the next gen games, don't we get a complete game to start with?
Back on topic - there will be no 100% increase between game generations, at least not on PlayStaion. Sony confirmed that PS4 prices will be the same as PS3 game prices.
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Just reading in the 'Kazunori Yamauchi Tweets' thread. On THIS PAGE there is talk of PD driving around a city area 1.5 miles away from Willow Springs with film crews and Police escorts.

Could this be a possible Photomode or Track Designer location?

Sorry if this has been discussed previously.
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