You are my favorite kind of customer...
But unfortunately in this business there is much less of you than me.
not at all, a communities tone is set by the expectation of the product supported by the marketing messaging.
Communities for based on like minded interests and when those interests aren't served, or worse, based on grossly miss leading PR, communities tend to complain.
And when a group of very different people complain about the same thing, throw in some false advertising, and you have a mob...
The majority always rules, even if they aren't in control. To say the majority is wrong? Well, you would fit into the US senate quite well...
Consumers, as groups, decide with their wallets. Those wallets open from advertising. I think most here just want what was promised... Not just random requests...
And to really hammer my point? I've been a game developer for longer than Kaz, with massive successes that all gamers have experienced through my products... And with as much as I know, I sound exactly like a typical customer...
GT 6 is simply unacceptable in its current form.
So let's please bring on those updates promised, at least the ones due last month...