This, I think we expect way too much from this game, I really like gt6 and I was not disappointed because I didn't have super high expectations like most people on here, I remember some of the stuff we used to complain about in gt5, endurance races being too long I will use as an example. Thy shortened them in gt6 and we all complain and say PD is so horrible. Why don't we take the game for what it is and stop complaining about what it does or doesn't have.
For that example.. PD/Kaz are freaking bi-polar!
They go from 24 hours to... wait for it... 24 minutes? Not many people ever complained that about the 4 hour races, or 2.4 hour races. Why? because they were good. So PD screwed up again by taking them away. 24 hour races were too much for most, but some people liked them I am sure. That doesn't mean you cut out
ALL OF THE ENDURANCE races, and call a 24 minute race an endurance race! That is a perfect example of Kaz/PD's completely bipolar attitude.
No one ever complained that the ai were "too good", and "too smart", yet they made them even dumber, and the brake checking is still there in abundance. No one ever complained that the career mode was "too interesting", or had "too many good races", or "too many interesting championships", yet they made the career mode shorter still, and made the races shorter, and championships aren't any better now than GT5..
No one ever complained that there weren't enough "chase the rabbit" single file start races in the game, yet PD use that formula for most races in the game.. total fail again. No one complained the ai were
too fast, yet they made them slower, and made them slower if you go slower, taking the challenge completely out of the race even if you try to use a slower car to make it more of a challenge.. another huge fail by Kaz/PD.
Please. Don't give PD/Kaz a pass because your expectations were already so low. That is terrible way to look at the situation. Just because a few people complain about one thing, and then PD happen to change it, doesn't mean PD "listened to the customers" and made the changes because of that. There is no proof of that, and even if Kaz said that happened, I still don't believe it. We all know how much of a difficult time Kaz has with the truth lately.
I think they do what they want, and don't give a flying crap what the people who pay their salaries (us, the paying customers) think or want out of GT. I think they just take the easy way out, and are milking the series for everything it's worth. All the cars and tracks, and so little to actually do with them. Such a lack of progression in the game these days. When GT was more like how I (and many others) liked it, the game sold much better.
Sales figures are reflecting how much Kaz/PD has failed, me thinks. People are voting with their wallets. I personally think Kaz still doesn't care, and will take GT to astonishing new lows in the future, until he is either fired, or GT is gone forever. I for one hope he gets fired and someone who has some more creativity and managing talent takes over and makes GT as good as we all know it should be.