GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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Um, they always worked for me, what issues did you have?
I'm not sure I choose one of my songs and when a race loads sometimes my music plays but sometimes the game soundtrack plays it's really annoying because I then have to go back to the options and choose another of my songs to get them working again
I dont know whether this is thread worthy or not, but does anyone here thinks that PD will fix the incorrect specs of certain cars in GT6?
One thing I hope they fix are the custom soundtracks because in GT5 it feels like a roll of the dice whether they work or not :indiff:

If they don't bother to match the sound samples to the proper cars, I highly doubt they'll work on specs and soundtracks..:banghead::lol:
I always turn engine sounds off in every racing game I play so I don't really care about that
The point of my post isn't that one must listen to engine sounds, it's that if they don't bother to fix a core element of the game, they certainly won't be working on something more fringe like music or engine/car specs.
I always turn engine sounds off in every racing game I play so I don't really care about that

Wow. I guess you don't drive manual then?

I often play GT5 with the TV muted late at night, manual, and no aids, still possible and I often did TT or races online this way. It became second nature after a lot of driving some cars in real life with very good sound insulated interior and pretty loud audio playing ( usually music that won't make me sleepy ) , that I barely hear the engine noise even when nearing redline. Well that, and very keen eye for the large tachometer HUD and quick reflexes.

When I do the A spec events against the AI, I usually turn off sound effects and 100% music volume playing my favorite trance songs blaring through my surround, joyful driving :D
Nope :D I prefer to listen to the music in games so I turn off the engine sounds

When I was a kid i used to do this, now I just turn the music up slightly over the engine sounds. You need them if you drive manual, and occasionally I do when I use a wheel. But I can't drive without music, in GT or real life. Custom soundtracks are a must :lol:
This was brought up elsewhere, but figured it might get more attention from the Canadian members as it's a Canadian GT6 Contest here- seems pretty interesting guessing the cars. I wonder if anyone will win? Or if anything new will be shown if its 10 cars per week over 6 weeks for a total of 60 cars.
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This was brought up elsewhere, but figured it might get more attention from the Canadian members as it's a Canadian GT6 Contest here- seems pretty interesting guessing the cars. I wonder if anyone will win? Or if anything new will be shown if its 10 cars per week over 6 weeks for a total of 60 cars.

Seems like anyone can guess (but probably you need to be Canadian to win). I gave the first ten a go, half of them were easy, but some of them are extremely hard! I got 6/10 :ouch:

And not all of them are new cars, some of them were in GT5 too.
This was brought up elsewhere, but figured it might get more attention from the Canadian members as it's a Canadian GT6 Contest here- seems pretty interesting guessing the cars. I wonder if anyone will win? Or if anything new will be shown if its 10 cars per week over 6 weeks for a total of 60 cars.
Interesting find! I have problems with #7 :(
UPD: Get them all!
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I tend to drive noticeably worse if I turn the sounds off.
+1. As you don't have the benefit of feeling the forces on your body with a sim, you need the audio feedback to drive ok. I find the tyre squeal is pretty essential to hear. It just feels disconnected without the sound. I turn music off.
I can't have music going as it puts me off, I prefer to be able to hear the engine sound and tyre sounds. I don't always look at the tacho either its fine sometimes to shift by listening to the engine revs. :)

But that's just me.
So you drive automatic and you turn the engine sounds off, eh? Mind if I ask why you play racing games at all? Just curious.

Probably because he enjoys them? 💡
Wow. I guess you don't drive manual then?
Not hard at all, atleast with a DS3. I usually drive like this when my dad starts blasting terrible music across the house, can't hear anything from the game during this period. Still have a blast with my R2 and L2 fingers.
Not hard at all, atleast with a DS3. I usually drive like this when my dad starts blasting terrible music across the house, can't hear anything from the game during this period. Still have a blast with my R2 and L2 fingers.

What do you use as a shifting cue though, the speedo? I can't concentrate on that and what I'm actually doing, I need an audible cue to shift.
What do you use as a shifting cue though, the speedo? I can't concentrate on that and what I'm actually doing, I need an audible cue to shift.
I rely mostly on instinct, the rev counter and sometimes the speedo when I know my machine well enough. I've gotten used to pulling the R2 and L2 buttons a bit too much that it now comes off as instinctive :scared:
You shift with those buttons? What do you accelerate/brake with, face buttons?

I guess I can shift on instinct with no sound but I'd certainly miss a few.
One month to go and they don't release news about the game. Really disappointed :(

Better to underpromise and overdeliver than the other way around. Maybe Sony have told them to be quiet and get on with finishing the game. Once they've got a finalised, gold version of GT6 then PD can continue telling us what we're getting.... and when the updates are coming ;)
Better to underpromise and overdeliver than the other way around. Maybe Sony have told them to be quiet and get on with finishing the game. Then once they've got a finalised, gold version of GT6 then PD can continue telling us what we're getting.... and when the updates are coming ;)

Which should be happening right about now if the release date remains correct.
You shift with those buttons? What do you accelerate/brake with, face buttons?

I guess I can shift on instinct with no sound but I'd certainly miss a few.
I use the right stick for accel/braking. You can miss, but it's really rare for me to miss a shift, only when I'm extremely angry, nervous or Desperate.

I've been MT driving since GTPSP, learned it through drifting.
I use the right stick for accel/braking. You can miss, but it's really rare for me to miss a shift, only when I'm extremely angry, nervous or Desperate.

I've been MT driving since GTPSP, learned it through drifting.

The downside with that Sparky is that you can't brake and accelerate at the same time. In fact you have to come off the accelerator before you can press the brake which wastes a split second.

I used to do something similar. I pretty much stopped using the DS3 once I got a wheel but I thought I'd try relearning for the odd times I do use a DS3. Much more control with the setup below.

Gear Up = Circle
Gear down = X

Directional buttons setup as follows
Left=look left
Right=look right
Up=change view
Down=look behind
I know
The downside with that Sparky is that you can't brake and accelerate at the same time.

I used to do something similar sparky. I stopped using the DS3 once I got a wheel but I thought I'd try relearning for the odd times I do use a DS3. Much more control with the setup below.

Gear Up = Circle
Gear down = X

Directional buttons setup as follows
Left=look left
Right=look right
Up=change view
Down=look behind
I know that downside, it's just that the R2/L2 buttons feel uncomfortable for accel/braking. I tried it a few weeks ago, but I just can't do it, doesn't feel natural to me. I'm not nearly as fast with that style.

They're hard to keep your finger on unless you have special grips on them, the DS4's triggers look more comfy for this.
That's why I never go with that setup either and stick with square & x for braking & accelerating. My fingers tend to slip off the buttons if holding them for a certain amount of time.
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