GT6 Screenshots / Videos

  • Thread starter BkS
Integrale as gift car for getting 1/2 the B class license.

Honestly, the people who got a copy before release can do whatever they want. Once the day-one patch comes out it won't matter anyway.

Credit to them for making it sound like one of next year's turbo V6 F1 engines.

inb4 the supposed sound update completely ruins it.
Is the sense of speed to grip totally off or is just me?

Watch him come into turn 3&4 the cutting. He comes in way too hot, brakes while giving it turning input and saves it right before what should have been understeer right into the wall.

It's the same here.

This is a 1971 Ferrari. Probably on sport hard tires. Watch him come down Graham Hill turn 3.

Just seems off.

Playing the game differently? It's cheating, plain and simple.

And? It's not like they can play online until the 6th, which is when the patch will most likely counteract the hacking anyway. Whatever they do offline shouldn't be of concern to you or anyone else.
They can hack all they want, I will play the game my way and enjoy it. Online, i'll have strict limits on my event, so unless they practiced with real world cars, my friends will eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So it does not really matter. Hack away at your own games/game saves.
People can do whatever they want with their PS3 as long as they don't ruin the online experience for others.
It's kind of inevitable isn't it? If you can hack the game save for credits, you can probably hack it for all kinds of other things, and some of those things will affect online if PD hasn't given us the tools to combat it with room settings. Hacking has been around for months and we haven't gotten the tools yet, no reason so far to think we will.

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