GT6 Tune Directory (Index of Every Tune!!)

  • Thread starter XS
Sorry if this has been answered already, but does anyone have a tuning for the Tommykaira for top speed? I know I got mine up to 280mph, just wondering if anyone has gotten it way higher than that lol
I love final fantasy 11, played it for about 9 years. I would still be there now, but I got burnt out. Not on the game itself, I got burnt out from all the off-game work tied to it. My advise to you is, know when to draw the line man.
Peace ^^
I'm still playing FF11!

@XS, as far as drawing the line, I can only tell you, that if you're feeling frustrated now with the time/effort this requires, that unfortunately it's only going one direction from here. You will spend more time with this database, than you will enjoying GT6. While the playerbase of the game will fluctuate, Tuners don't come and go for the most part. Tuners are in for the long haul, and the amount of them only increases with time. The amount of tunes they create and rate at which they produce them will increase as they streamline their process. Right now is the easy part...
Thanks for the heads up. I knew what to expect, mostly lol. I'm still figuring things out too, and streamlining how I update the index too. I don't have much going on right now anyway, so should the day come that I can't or don't want to keep up with it, I'll have to make some decisions. Hopefully it never comes to that.

Switching gears, sort of, I know the list is still incomplete. I am working all weekend on a big update for the index. I hope tomorrow or Tuesday I can roll out a V2.0 directory with all current tunes.
And I finished one I had been working on for a few days now also.

And Adrenaline, I'm going back to fxii playing when tax return season comes, lol. But I'm going to let who I left in charge run the shell, I'm not overdoing it this time. I'll just be their secret weapon, lol.

Pontiac GTO Tempest Le Mans '64
588pp racing hard tires

Tempest Link
Thanks, I appreciate it. Your garage is current in my template list I'm building right now.
Just added 2 new tunes! Nissan GT-R R34 and Honda S2000 '06.. Sorry I still don't know how to link the tune reply to the car names. :confused:

Right click on the post number and copy the URL. For example, the URL to post #229 in this forum is:

The format to link a URL in text is:

[URL= add url ] add text here [/url] (should be in caps)

So when I've finished it should come out like this.

Same as to how you have the tunes on the front page. :)
my tune for mazdaspeed atenza '05 @ 450pp...
full weight reduction without hood and windows
suspension: rh 100/101 spring 8.56/5.45 dampers comp 2/1 ext 4/2 stab 5/6 camber 0.3/0.0 toe -0.05/+0.02
gearbox fully cust stock ratios
lsd front 7/18/28 rear 7/20/5 torquesplit 30/70
racingbrakes 5/5
did a 1.29,2 @ trial mountain with rs tyres
Some one have audi r18 tdi car setting?
Click the link in the 1st post.
my tune for mazdaspeed atenza '05 @ 450pp...
full weight reduction without hood and windows
suspension: rh 100/101 spring 8.56/5.45 dampers comp 2/1 ext 4/2 stab 5/6 camber 0.3/0.0 toe -0.05/+0.02
gearbox fully cust stock ratios
lsd front 7/18/28 rear 7/20/5 torquesplit 30/70
racingbrakes 5/5
did a 1.29,2 @ trial mountain with rs tyres
Cool, but submit your tune to the FITT Car of the Month thread, if that's what you wanted to do. If not, start your own thread so everybody can access it easier.
Why are some many of the tunes in here have no tranny set up so it makes the tunes not complete who ever is in charge of this thread should romevo every tune with no tranny set up because its an incomplete tune.
I know this tune so called tuning shop all he do is copy and paste other tunes HaB-Racing take him off plus he has no tranny set ups does how you know he is coping & pasting oother tunes an claiming he made.
Welcome to the new GT6 Tune Directory!! This latest version being brought about, quite quickly, by errors in the old index as well as an overall need to switch to a better platform. I am still grabbing new tunes to update the index, so please be patient. Furthermore, I will as always listen to new suggestions, but as the site is new and a lot still needs to be completed, my main concern is making sure the directory is accurate and current. Race hard, and enjoy!

Why are some many of the tunes in here have no tranny set up so it makes the tunes not complete who ever is in charge of this thread should remove every tune with no tranny set up because its an incomplete tune.

I know this so called tuning shop all he do is copy and paste other tunes HaB-Racing take him off plus he has no tranny set ups does how you know he is coping & pasting oother tunes an claiming he made.
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I guess you missed the first seven pages of this thread. The great majority of the tunes do not have gear ratios and just have the final drive adjusted. Sorry but I'm not deleting 85% of the index because the tuner didn't "tune" the transmission. I myself don't tune the FC transmission, and my lap times are just the same with just a final drive adjusted. Maybe fractions of a second slower at best. And who are you saying HaB-Racing is stealing from? Seeing as how Highlandor has more tunes, and before most other tuners, I'm not sure who he could be stealing from???