GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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First night I had some time to put some laps into Race B practice - Will admit took me a while to find my favorite car and wheel settings but I think I have what I wanted now. Still need to tweak some things, including (obviously) my own driving 😂 but so far, building up my confidence with each lap.

Haven't done a race yet, though! Also @newmedia_dev what happens now?! 😬😂


Have a nice evening! Off to bed, good luck at the races!
First night I had some time to put some laps into Race B practice - Will admit took me a while to find my favorite car and wheel settings but I think I have what I wanted now. Still need to tweak some things, including (obviously) my own driving 😂 but so far, building up my confidence with each lap.

Haven't done a race yet, though! Also @newmedia_dev what happens now?! 😬😂

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Have a nice evening! Off to bed, good luck at the races!
What happens now?

I think about it and decide if I can be bothered to race any more.. ;)
I tried the Porsche to see if I could improve my time but I was half a second or off off my best time. I should get it with more practice however.

Race 1 has me in P6 to start and I immediately get turn 1 wrong and fall to the back of the field. Still, some good racing back there and I make a sweet pass on the final lap in the huge sweeper after the backstretch for P7. I lost SR as there was a lot of contact.

Race 2 I switch back to the Huracan and it has me in P4 this time. I survive turn 1 on the first lap this time! Then I have a huge spin in turn 1 on lap 2 and it was all my fault. The tire model is working as I lost all grip and around I went. I'm not even mad at that one. I finish P12 after running by myself.

Back to the Porsche for Race 3 and start P2. No spins, but I came close a few times. I fall to P4 and have a nice battle with P3 but can't make a pass. Again, some some contact that I have no problem with.

My final race puts me in P4 and I have a moment on lap 1 where I come down on a river as they were going for the littlest of gaps I left entering the tunnel. I make a great save and continue on. I get to P6 entering the final lap when P5 clips the barrier that sticks out entering turn 1. There is a huge smoke cloud and I check up and make it through with no troubles and finish in P5 with a clean race bonus.

I think my time with the Huracan is done for now as it's a handful to control. It was before, but it's too much for me now. I'll stick with the Porsche the rest of the week and see if I can't get my qualifying time down.
First night I had some time to put some laps into Race B practice - Will admit took me a while to find my favorite car and wheel settings but I think I have what I wanted now. Still need to tweak some things, including (obviously) my own driving 😂 but so far, building up my confidence with each lap.

Haven't done a race yet, though! Also @newmedia_dev what happens now?! 😬😂

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Have a nice evening! Off to bed, good luck at the races!
Have a good night mate! I'm very pleased that after 5 races I jumped up to a mid-C, before I was stuck at a low D.
I did 7 races and 4 of them I finished in 2nd place, and one I came in first, the other two i finished in 4-5th position. So I was having a good lucky day in terms of the lobbies. A bunch of C/D drivers and then my last race was full of B and C drivers.

So, how was your day?
I tried the Porsche to see if I could improve my time but I was half a second or off off my best time. I should get it with more practice however.

Race 1 has me in P6 to start and I immediately get turn 1 wrong and fall to the back of the field. Still, some good racing back there and I make a sweet pass on the final lap in the huge sweeper after the backstretch for P7. I lost SR as there was a lot of contact.

Race 2 I switch back to the Huracan and it has me in P4 this time. I survive turn 1 on the first lap this time! Then I have a huge spin in turn 1 on lap 2 and it was all my fault. The tire model is working as I lost all grip and around I went. I'm not even mad at that one. I finish P12 after running by myself.

Back to the Porsche for Race 3 and start P2. No spins, but I came close a few times. I fall to P4 and have a nice battle with P3 but can't make a pass. Again, some some contact that I have no problem with.

My final race puts me in P4 and I have a moment on lap 1 where I come down on a river as they were going for the littlest of gaps I left entering the tunnel. I make a great save and continue on. I get to P6 entering the final lap when P5 clips the barrier that sticks out entering turn 1. There is a huge smoke cloud and I check up and make it through with no troubles and finish in P5 with a clean race bonus.

I think my time with the Huracan is done for now as it's a handful to control. It was before, but it's too much for me now. I'll stick with the Porsche the rest of the week and see if I can't get my qualifying time down.
If reports like this started with e.g. “Race B:”, it would be awesome. Or at least mention which daily we are talking about at a very early point, - quite easy to do, and would just be so lovely.🙏🏻

I have a confession to make about yesterdays race C:
I shame quit. I did something that could only be interpreted as me being a complete arse, I freaked out and quit after T2.🤯
I started P3, but braked too early for T1 and two cars swooped by. At T2 I was on the inside, missed my braking mark completely and managed to take out both of the cars that overtook me, and I drove out of the turn unharmed. I felt I had just by accident become the most evil driver who takes out anybody who overtakes him. It would have looked like a perfectly executed “revenge” for my own mistake.
My initial reaction was to slow down, but then quickly realized that I did not know for whom I would be waiting. Then I just quit. Certainly not my proudest moment.🙈
I hope that me quitting would have left them an indication of my lack of ill intention (if they watched the replay). Oh well…

Apart from that, I have had a good time at Bathearst. Do you guys change tires? It feels like I don’t do slower laps in the end without changing them, but then again, I am not fast to begin with. My race laps are at 2:08-2:09 (if no traffic or mistakes). I imagine if race laps were 5 seconds faster, tire wear would be harder and changing them would make more sense (like Tidgney recommended).
I rarely ever quit because it tanks my DR, it puts me at finishing dead last in the race. I try to persevere and tolerate the drivers and the track limits/penalties. And just do the best I can to all the skills and concepts I've learned about driving properly.
I rarely ever quit because it tanks my DR, it puts me at finishing dead last in the race. I try to persevere and tolerate the drivers and the track limits/penalties. And just do the best I can to all the skills and concepts I've learned about driving properly.
Yup, I never quit either. But this time my brain just freaked out, thinking what it looked like for the guys I just took out.🤷🏼‍♂️
I’ve been running it on -5. Seems crazy but it has worked better that way for me. I was using one of the top ghost replays and noticed he seemed to be on rails and I was on skates. Dialed it back to -2 and noticed it helped and eventually dialed it all the way to -5 and discovered I wasn’t on skates anymore.
I’ve been running it on -5. Seems crazy but it has worked better that way for me. I was using one of the top ghost replays and noticed he seemed to be on rails and I was on skates. Dialed it back to -2 and noticed it helped and eventually dialed it all the way to -5 and discovered I wasn’t on skates anymore.
What times did you get using the BB of -5? If they were good then I'll try using your method too.
Yup, I never quit either. But this time my brain just freaked out, thinking what it looked like for the guys I just took out.🤷🏼‍♂️
Had a similar scenario a couple weeks ago...unintentionally punted a driver going into T1 at NGP. Felt like a complete idiot. Next race, flying toward T1 on L1, I'm on the inside (bad) having a great conversation with myself about NOT doing what I did last race and totally missed my brake marker. Who do I t-bone into another dimension...same driver. Insta-Quit.🤣

But know this...the fact that you felt bad about it means your racecraft is at a MUCH higher level than than some, maybe even most.👍

Was messing around in the porsche with BB and to the front -2 in my case really helped the car feel more stable under braking with the back not stepping out anymore.

Have a try and see what you guys think.

I tried it at -2 and I found it didn’t stop fast enough so I immediately put it back to 0 😁 managed to improve my QT to 1.53.0xx but I have to say maybe it’s the physics but I’m getting that’s slower is faster vibe going on, I’ve crashed out on most days this week, which isn’t like me.

Also, today a Lamborghini flies past me off the line at TM, Twice, wtf?
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I tried it at -2 and I found it didn’t stop fast enough so I immediately put it back to 0 😁 managed to improve my QT to 1.53.0xx but I have to say maybe it’s the best physics but I’m getting that’s slower is faster vibe going on, I’ve crashed out on most days this week, which isn’t like me.

Also, today a Lamborghini flies past me off the line at TM, wtf?
I thought we were PSN friends?

I'm finding the same thing, the more I fight the car the slower it goes, but if I just relax and brake a little earlier and smoother earlier on the power it rewards that.

The online races are so glitchy at the moment, Rory had a race where half the field started 30s behind the front lot 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Got my time down to a 1:51.8 but it would have been 1:51.3 if I hadn't of clipped the wall of the tunnel FML 🤣

Edit: @TechnoIsLove just so you know I've set you a better target but that will drop by tomorrow so you might want to try to beat it with a safety margin ;) :P
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@GrumpyOldMan lol, I see you got an evil time, 1'53.666. 666 is the number of the beast!

I almost beat my PB of 1'55.011, I got a 1'55.288, so I'm being consistent. I'm still not finding a good line for the last obstacle before the finish line, it should be called "The Lap Destroyer".

I need to find another car, I'll try some of the other ones that my friends/buddies are using.
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I thought we were PSN friends?

I'm finding the same thing, the more I fight the car the slower it goes, but if I just relax and brake a little earlier and smoother earlier on the power it rewards that.

The online races are so glitchy at the moment, Rory had a race where half the field started 30s behind the front lot 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Got my time down to a 1:51.8 but it would have been 1:51.3 if I hadn't of clipped the wall of the tunnel FML 🤣

Edit: @TechnoIsLove just so you know I've set you a better target but that will drop by tomorrow so you might want to try to beat it with a safety margin ;) :P

Yeah I’m not invested in TM this week and I think my time reflects the time I’ve invested, as I am mainly racing, it’s been hard going this week, but I’m looking forward to Suzuka 👌

Sorry I did have a bunch of you as psn friends, but the competition was a little too good for me and my motivation levels 😆, rest assured we are very much GTP friends 😘
Sorry I did have a bunch of you as psn friends, but the competition was a little too good for me and my motivation levels 😆, rest assured we are very much GTP friends 😘
That's both sad and humbling to hear.

I get what you are saying but you must be trying to improve against something?

Just so you know I rarely even feature on the first page of my leaderboard. That's life I know people quicker than me and I want to be quicker so every time I take a 10th or 2 off and climb up it's a great feeling.

We will always be virtual mates here obviously.

First night I had some time to put some laps into Race B practice - Will admit took me a while to find my favorite car and wheel settings but I think I have what I wanted now. Still need to tweak some things, including (obviously) my own driving 😂 but so far, building up my confidence with each lap.

Haven't done a race yet, though! Also @newmedia_dev what happens now?! 😬😂

View attachment 1377064

Have a nice evening! Off to bed, good luck at the races!
Yikes, I am off the pace. My current QT on my VR account is 1:55 something in the RS01. That was good to start P3 in my first DR D race which I finished also in P3. I'm definitely not as fast as I used to be but it is more fun! Guess I will be playing in the lower ranks for a while..

Fun thing is because I don't have any of you on my VR friends list I've no idea where I stack up until I join a race. Kind of like the old days and I'm kind of liking it. Oddly, I got myself in a mindset on the main account that if I wasn't near the top of the friends list that I wouldn't be competitive enough to race in mid DR A so I started to skip racing. This reset is reawakening the senses again...
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Yikes, I am off the pace. My current QT on my VR account is 1:55 something in the RS01. That was good to start P3 in my first DR D race which I finished also in P3. I'm definitely not as fast as I used to be but it is more fun! Guess I will be playing in the lower ranks for a while..
kriptical tells me I'd enjoy the game more in VR and I have 2 friends IRL who do top 100 and 50 times for TTs and Dailies but I just can't justify the cost (ironic I know with a rig, huge TV, DD wheel etc 🤣) but also the disconnect from the world around me.

Clearly you can be fast like really fast in VR but I just can't see my self using it atm
kriptical tells me I'd enjoy the game more in VR and I have 2 friends IRL who do top 100 and 50 times for TTs and Dailies but I just can't justify the cost (ironic I know with a rig, huge TV, DD wheel etc 🤣) but also the disconnect from the world around me.

Clearly you can be fast like really fast in VR but I just can't see my self using it atm
VR is really fun but definitely not a necessity. I've been tempted to pick PSVR2 up a few times for GT, but I used to use VR on iRacing etc. when the Oculus Rift was new (and I still have a Quest 2 I can and have hooked up) - and to be honest I find it a bit cumbersome for the most part, takes away from the 'seamless' feel of playing games with a big fat visor hanging off my face I have to keep taking off and adjusting between races.

It's deifnitely an awesome experience though and I'd recommend anyone try it out if you get the chance, it feels great when you're on the track but especially with GT7s races being so short (and the HUD missing random pieces of good intel) it feels to me it'd be even more faff than I found it on iRacing so I don't think I could see myself using it properly either.
Yikes, I am off the pace. My current QT on my VR account is 1:55 something in the RS01. That was good to start P3 in my first DR D race which I finished also in P3. I'm definitely not as fast as I used to be but it is more fun! Guess I will be playing in the lower ranks for a while..
Is the "conversion" process and all the VR players that Ive been talking to went through the same.
I was a low A+ before VR and dropped almost a full bar.

I was prepared to race in B territory asuming that I was no longer capable to race at what was my TV pace and honestly, I didnt care.
The inmersion was worth it.
With some time and miles, the pace came and I reckon that now Im faster than before.

Enjoy your ride and the confidence will come alone.
What times did you get using the BB of -5? If they were good then I'll try using your method too.

I was low 1:55 on 0. Was just sliding around too much. Couldn’t get the car to settle. Got into the 154s with -2 and then into the 1:53s with -5. I wish I could got to -8 lol.

I’m using controller with Auto trans. TCS 1, CSA Weak and ASM on.
with GT7s races being so short (and the HUD missing random pieces of good intel) it feels to me it'd be even more faff than I found it on iRacing so I don't think I could see myself using it properly either.
You generally don't need to take it off as the 2d parts float around in cinema mode, though I'll admit I do take it off between races to allow my eyes different focal points and also when capturing screen grabs, 2d just works better as VR will only grab in a HD resolution and then it tends to pixelate the periphery so capturing the starting and ending positions for a race to log in GTTracker is not good.
Is the "conversion" process and all the VR players that Ive been talking to went through the same.
I was a low A+ before VR and dropped almost a full bar.

I was prepared to race in B territory asuming that I was no longer capable to race at what was my TV pace and honestly, I didnt care.
The inmersion was worth it.
With some time and miles, the pace came and I reckon that now Im faster than before.

Enjoy your ride and the confidence will come alone.
In the TT I am actually faster than 2D now on the Eiger course so I'm getting used to it. For daily races, I'm finding the lack of HUD information with splits to cars in front and behind reduces my awareness around me of position but I'm getting used to it quickly. I'm also not chasing ghosts in my QT now so this is just my pure track speed and some of it is figuring out the new braking points with the in cockpit view and the new physics. I will say, that attacking a course seems easier but also scarier than before. It seems more natural, but because I feel more "in the car" real-world concerns about crashing get into my mind and I forget it's a game and seem to drive a bit more cautiously. Again that should improve as I get used to car width and feel.

I must say that the first corners of Trail Mountain seem much easier in VR than bumper.... It's also easier to nail the apex on each corner but again that might be because I am running at 97% of my prior pace so I'm not on the ragged each anymore.
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You generally don't need to take it off as the 2d parts float around in cinema mode, though I'll admit I do take it off between races to allow my eyes different focal points and also when capturing screen grabs, 2d just works better as VR will only grab in a HD resolution and then it tends to pixelate the periphery so capturing the starting and ending positions for a race to log in GTTracker is not good.
Don't need to but I certainly like to! Nice to ease my eyes and me and my partner game in the same room together anyway so it's a bit rubbish to just seclude myself away from her so I can browse menus in a visor hahaha
Does anyone else feel like this?

I'm not feeling any motivation to race right now, because I can't get a handle on the changed physics, and I know I'd suck so bad in a race that it seems pointless.

Maybe it's time to break out my alternate account until I can get the hang of things.
@GrumpyOldMan lol, I see you got an evil time, 1'53.666. 666 is the number of the beast!
I guess I'll have to get off my butt and get the hell out of my time!
I'm not feeling any motivation to race right now, because I can't get a handle on the changed physics, and I know I'd suck so bad in a race that it seems pointless.

Maybe it's time to break out my alternate account until I can get the hang of things.
I was losing the motivation but the VR thing has made it all new. That said, running your alt account may be good. Starting over in VR at the same time as the new physics dropped did not phase me as I was learning all over again. Honestly, its pretty fun being in a lower ranks again starting over, as you feel like you know what you are actually doing (for me) third time around. I'll expect to find a natural level in the upper Bs (or perhaps A again) at some point but I have a way to go to get there.
Does anyone else feel like this?

I'm not feeling any motivation to race right now, because I can't get a handle on the changed physics, and I know I'd suck so bad in a race that it seems pointless.
I'm a little younger but not much, I have a young family so yesterday I didn't race I played in the oversized paddling pool with my daughter. Didn't race at all and my life was fine.

The new physics aren't that crazy my friend in fact they help people who race like us on the forum.

They aren't great, but they are easily usable if you just slow down a little.

The main issue is it punishes on off control of the car, don't force the corners just maximise exits and it's all good.

I the game broke my will several times over, but I regroup and consolidate for a week or so and savour losing poles to 5th place finishes. It is what it is. But the thrill of the race is the draw.
kriptical tells me I'd enjoy the game more in VR and I have 2 friends IRL who do top 100 and 50 times for TTs and Dailies but I just can't justify the cost (ironic I know with a rig, huge TV, DD wheel etc 🤣) but also the disconnect from the world around me.

Clearly you can be fast like really fast in VR but I just can't see my self using it atm
Why do you hate joy and happiness?

Ps: i use that thing like a helmut. Slap it on for races, and off right after. Flats good for menu’s and replays. Just not driving anymore.
Does anyone else feel like this?

I'm not feeling any motivation to race right now, because I can't get a handle on the changed physics, and I know I'd suck so bad in a race that it seems pointless.

Maybe it's time to break out my alternate account until I can get the hang of things.

I guess I'll have to get off my butt and get the hell out of my time!
Miles are miles, run 'em. A casual blast around the Nord' or door handle to door handle with your peers, you're gonna pick up the physics either way. Just choose the one that doesn't end with something thrown at the display and all is good.😁

I had a great week at Spa, can't comment on TM yet. The physics, for controller'd me, have been an awesome upgrade. Car just 'feels' better in every aspect so I'm super motivated to race but time-limited to get it done.

The alt account might be a good idea. At least then you can take the stress of DR/SR out of the equation and try to have a good time of it.:cheers: