GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Hello to all.

Please, do not consider my post as a discussion starter.
My intention is only to express my feelings.

Backing up a little, why PD always set races for the last 124 years, with a kind of challenge only for FWD GT4 cars?
Why not, RWD or MR or AWD as well?

Personally, one of the best combos, was the GT3 at SPA with ~40mnts and random rain.
This set could be even better, if PD allowed players to choose all kind of tires.
We could have several different race strategies. One big chance ruined.

Now, one of the worst combos. The GT at Le Mans without chicanes... What???
Why contemporaneous cars at LM without chicanes? For another one make race.

Now, once another week is finishing, this is what is going on in my soul.

Daily A: Why can't we use our skins? If the issue is the rear wing, why not replace it by the one used by PD?
At least, the liveries are ours.
I have made only one race, to test it. That was all.

Daily B: GT3 races with only 5 laps... At least give a proper tyre wear.

Daily C: With the world best times with 58941 Huracans, what to expect?
I joined races, that my car was the only one not Huracan.
What to do in similar situations? Why not increase the tire wear to the best car? No need to change the BOP.

Another weird question is why offer a top 5 finish to players that just quit racing (most of them by bad loosing, or/and lack of fair play, every time they spin).
Many times, I watch players quit just before the finish line, because they drop to a place higher than 5.
Why not penalize them, instead of giving a prize? Weird...

Unfortunately, I have to say that I feel PD does not have consideration to the players that dedicate many time to the game.
Some of us make liveries, buy cars, buy tire sets and then the occasional players, get in and chose any car with all the tires available to play.

A game that have so many cars and many tracks with their multiple layouts, why always set the same kind of races, with almost
the same tracks?
I really need a break with Tsukuba, unless with Minis, K-Cars, Abarth 500 (classic) and kind.

As for the GT1 class.
There are many cars to set races only with the classic prototypes, LMP1 and VGT cars all alone.
Sometimes, all together it is alright too.

Other than that, I would like to have a race with the VGT (not GT1). They are quite a few as well, let's enjoy them.

I am not the owner of the true nor reason.
This is my humble opinion.

From a veteran since PS1, that have bought all the PS since day one, only to play GT (have them all, even those extensions DVDs)

Sorry for my bad English, not my native language.

Preaching to the choir mate. Dailies are underwhelming to practically everyone with a vested interest in them.
Unfortunately, there's no competition and no real reason for them to change. All you can do is not play, and that's a rubbish solution if you enjoy the game.
Hello to all.

Please, do not consider my post as a discussion starter.
My intention is only to express my feelings.

Backing up a little, why PD always set races for the last 124 years, with a kind of challenge only for FWD GT4 cars?
Why not, RWD or MR or AWD as well?

Personally, one of the best combos, was the GT3 at SPA with ~40mnts and random rain.
This set could be even better, if PD allowed players to choose all kind of tires.
We could have several different race strategies. One big chance ruined.

Now, one of the worst combos. The GT at Le Mans without chicanes... What???
Why contemporaneous cars at LM without chicanes? For another one make race.

Now, once another week is finishing, this is what is going on in my soul.

Daily A: Why can't we use our skins? If the issue is the rear wing, why not replace it by the one used by PD?
At least, the liveries are ours.
I have made only one race, to test it. That was all.

Daily B: GT3 races with only 5 laps... At least give a proper tyre wear.

Daily C: With the world best times with 58941 Huracans, what to expect?
I joined races, that my car was the only one not Huracan.
What to do in similar situations? Why not increase the tire wear to the best car? No need to change the BOP.

Another weird question is why offer a top 5 finish to players that just quit racing (most of them by bad loosing, or/and lack of fair play, every time they spin).
Many times, I watch players quit just before the finish line, because they drop to a place higher than 5.
Why not penalize them, instead of giving a prize? Weird...

Unfortunately, I have to say that I feel PD does not have consideration to the players that dedicate many time to the game.
Some of us make liveries, buy cars, buy tire sets and then the occasional players, get in and chose any car with all the tires available to play.

A game that have so many cars and many tracks with their multiple layouts, why always set the same kind of races, with almost
the same tracks?
I really need a break with Tsukuba, unless with Minis, K-Cars, Abarth 500 (classic) and kind.

As for the GT1 class.
There are many cars to set races only with the classic prototypes, LMP1 and VGT cars all alone.
Sometimes, all together it is alright too.

Other than that, I would like to have a race with the VGT (not GT1). They are quite a few as well, let's enjoy them.

I am not the owner of the true nor reason.
This is my humble opinion.

From a veteran since PS1, that have bought all the PS since day one, only to play GT (have them all, even those extensions DVDs)

Sorry for my bad English, not my native language.

Feeling your frustration and you never know maybe PD reads this stuff and it gives them ideas on different combinations etc

Personally, I don’t have much time to play, due to children, work etc so the current set up I like, I actually only race race b, hardly ever the other two 😁

But I certainly emphasise with your wanting more from the daily online races - I hope we get it, I also hope sport mode doesn’t get watered down to the point where there isn’t enough racers in each slot

Edit. This week Race b is deep forest gr4 reverse, Christmas came twice this year 🤣
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Race C is pretty boring. But whilst I'm good at it, I'm gonna spam it.

First race, started 4th, finished 2nd. One proper overtake all race. Combo otherwise of someone else spinning out, and then just a procession and everyone doing a completely pointless drive through pistop with RH x1 tyres on lap 9
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Gran Turismo™ 7_20241230093706.png

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Brake Balance

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Gran Turismo™ 7_20241230093812.png

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Gran Turismo™ 7_20241230093917.png

Anti-Roll Bar
Damping Ratio (Compression + Expansion)
Natural Frequency
Initial Torque
Acceleration Sensitivity
Braking Sensitivity
Brake Balance

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Gran Turismo™ 7_20241230094005.png

Brake Balance
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Anti-Roll Bar
Damping Ratio (Compression + Expansion)
Natural Frequency
Initial Torque
Acceleration Sensitivity
Braking Sensitivity
Brake Balance

Ooh nice didn’t realise B had tuning I had a few races earlier and did perfectly fine without any

But I’ll be going back for a bit more huracan and g70 lapping to see what time there is more for me out there
Am watching Rory's live stream while the little man is having a nap, PD have let us down with Race C, it looks boring AF 🙈. Should have made it a wet race at least 🤣
Am watching Rory's live stream while the little man is having a nap, PD have let us down with Race C, it looks boring AF 🙈. Should have made it a wet race at least 🤣
I started practicing it first thing this morning with the full intention to do the first few races. Then on a hot lap after running a great first and (what I thought was) second chicane. Up popped the "0.5s penalty" message. I hate driving to artificial track limits, and as you say, it's a crap combo, so decided I couldn't be bothered with it for this week.
Racing is racing, people race lawnmowers and get the same adrenaline and thrill as a full blown 700hp race car. You can race anything and with similar competition it becomes fun.

This week is a bit of a bummer because of my timing. Not really a complaint, just salty observation. I decided to give my equipment irl another week of holiday, so I have some extra free time this week. Was hoping for a more interesting gr3 race as I enjoy that class the most. I will have to try gr4 again. For me though I find gr4 so boring after 1-2 races. Obviously just my own opinion, I know I’m in the minority.

I know everyone loves it and raves and raves on here, seemingly that’s by far the most popular class discussed and times posted on here. I’m not fast, nor do I pretend to be, but gr4 I have time to balance my finances, let the dog out, hash break, refill my drink, switch the laundry, and make toast during each lap. I once updated my phone to the latest software mid corner.

My point is that I wish I enjoyed gr4 more, tens of thousands of people race it every week. I must be missing out. This week could prob bake a hard tire gr3 theme cake on the straightaways of monza. I’ll try gr4, maybe with extra time I can really get into this week. I love that track in reverse too. Gr3 is also way more fun in Vr than the gr4 cars are. Just my thoughts. Maybe time to expand my sim racing daily horizons. Not sure if I can race the lambo though, While fast, it’s just not fun. Though There’s always next week. Is there something wrong with me and my lack of gr4 appeal? Lol
Racing is racing, people race lawnmowers and get the same adrenaline and thrill as a full blown 700hp race car. You can race anything and with similar competition it becomes fun.

This week is a bit of a bummer because of my timing. Not really a complaint, just salty observation. I decided to give my equipment irl another week of holiday, so I have some extra free time this week. Was hoping for a more interesting gr3 race as I enjoy that class the most. I will have to try gr4 again. For me though I find gr4 so boring after 1-2 races. Obviously just my own opinion, I know I’m in the minority.

I know everyone loves it and raves and raves on here, seemingly that’s by far the most popular class discussed and times posted on here. I’m not fast, nor do I pretend to be, but gr4 I have time to balance my finances, let the dog out, hash break, refill my drink, switch the laundry, and make toast during each lap. I once updated my phone to the latest software mid corner.

My point is that I wish I enjoyed gr4 more, tens of thousands of people race it every week. I must be missing out. This week could prob bake a hard tire gr3 theme cake on the straightaways of monza. I’ll try gr4, maybe with extra time I can really get into this week. I love that track in reverse too. Gr3 is also way more fun in Vr than the gr4 cars are. Just my thoughts. Maybe time to expand my sim racing daily horizons. Not sure if I can race the lambo though, While fast, it’s just not fun. Though There’s always next week. Is there something wrong with me and my lack of gr4 appeal? Lol

^You're not alone. I've said it many times for myself: I find the Gr4 cars boring. They just lack the spice of what I am looking for in a race/track car. Ie, there is virtually no consequence for over driving it. Aka, they're just too easy to control, especially the AWD cars which are META all the time anyway (and for that very reason). And that is not me saying I am too good for them but I really don't feel like one should be able to just pin the throttle coming out of a slow turn and the car just goes. A Gr3 car would never allow for that; the Gr4 cars' road going counterparts would never allow for that. But somehow, the Gr4 car you can just mash the throttle like it's a binary switch and off it goes.

I feel like the art of driving fast is you're ALWAYS flirting with disaster. How much throttle can I give this car coming out of the turn such I get the best exit possible while almost crashing/spinning but not quite! If you're too safe, you're slow; if you're too aggressive, you spin. But finding that balance for every turn on the track where you're a 'cat' hair away from dying at every non-straightaway moment is what make's the driver's adrenaline really get going... especially when you're door-to-door with another driver. That is what seperates a good driver, from a great one, from an alien (and not just on GT but in real racing too of course).

The Gr4 cars just don't get that, IMO. Gr1, Gr2, Gr3, and especially road cars you have to drive them like above. But Gr4 falls into a gray area where you really don't. They're basically de-tuned versions of their road going counterparts with sticky tires and more aero. I think it was @GOTMAXPOWER who recently said that putting street tires on them would make them more lively, and I agree. Or, backing down on any of the three things mentioned (more power, less areo, or non-slicks) would likely be enough as well but something has got to give to make them fun IMO. But, it'll never change.

Anyway, I'll go yell at the clouds. But since Gr4 are virtually always one of the Daily races, I can basically scratch 33% of every week's combo off right away. It's not that I refuse to drive them, but they're just so uninspiring and just plain boring to me it's usually not worth it at this point in the game's life, especially since the Lambo is OP every week anyway.

Now I know why I'm 5 seconds slower than anybody else in AS.
Any good tuner with a proper setup for Race B?

EDIT: 2 seconds slower (switched to the Lambo, -5 BB)
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As much as I've had entertaining races in Group 4, I feel like it encapsulates Polyphony's approach to their game...

Accessible to everyone, not too difficult for beginners/casuals and not-high-enough skill ceiling for experienced/hardcore players.

It's understandable, they are trying to boost Sport Mode as best they can, and the results up till now are underwhelming.
I feel like the art of driving fast is you're ALWAYS flirting with disaster.
Well said! Single player was always tc-1, start of sport mode I was tc1 as well. Decided to learn and became comfortable with tc0 on the gr3 cars after reading about the benefits in this thread. After break in week, tc0 has been the way to go.

Ever since no traction control the “flirting with disaster” feeling has made racing waaaay better! One more millimeter of throttle here and I’m breaking loose. Great feeling.

Like you said, gr4 I can just mash the throttle pretty much everywhere. But I also get that it’s the most inviting class overall. I get that I could go pc racing.

But I’m staying regardless. For overall ease, speed, not messing with settings, and quality gt7 vr2! I sit down and I’m racing in 5 minutes most times, vr2 is tough to beat for immersion right now.
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^You're not alone. I've said it many times for myself: I find the Gr4 cars boring. They just lack the spice of what I am looking for in a race/track car. Ie, there is virtually no consequence for over driving it. Aka, they're just too easy to control, especially the AWD cars which are META all the time anyway (and for that very reason). And that is not me saying I am too good for them but I really don't feel like one should be able to just pin the throttle coming out of a slow turn and the car just goes. A Gr3 car would never allow for that; the Gr4 cars' road going counterparts would never allow for that. But somehow, the Gr4 car you can just mash the throttle like it's a binary switch and off it goes.

I feel like the art of driving fast is you're ALWAYS flirting with disaster. How much throttle can I give this car coming out of the turn such I get the best exit possible while almost crashing/spinning but not quite! If you're too safe, you're slow; if you're too aggressive, you spin. But finding that balance for every turn on the track where you're a 'cat' hair away from dying at every non-straightaway moment is what make's the driver's adrenaline really get going... especially when you're door-to-door with another driver. That is what seperates a good driver, from a great one, from an alien (and not just on GT but in real racing too of course).

The Gr4 cars just don't get that, IMO. Gr1, Gr2, Gr3, and especially road cars you have to drive them like above. But Gr4 falls into a gray area where you really don't. They're basically de-tuned versions of their road going counterparts with sticky tires and more aero. I think it was @GOTMAXPOWER who recently said that putting street tires on them would make them more lively, and I agree. Or, backing down on any of the three things mentioned (more power, less areo, or non-slicks) would likely be enough as well but something has got to give to make them fun IMO. But, it'll never change.

Anyway, I'll go yell at the clouds. But since Gr4 are virtually always one of the Daily races, I can basically scratch 33% of every week's combo off right away. It's not that I refuse to drive them, but they're just so uninspiring and just plain boring to me it's usually not worth it at this point in the game's life, especially since the Lambo is OP every week anyway.

Well, I agree with both of you however, I think the root cause is BoP. I will either race or run time trials off-line in a fully tuned car, the cars get pretty racy, are responsive and get difficult to handle, especially with all of the assist turned off. As soon as you get into a BoP race, it sucks the life right out of a car, usually to the tune of up to 20 mph.
The Daily races provide much better competition than AI, my racing has improved greatly by racing live competition and I think they do a decent job at placing similar talent together. Competitive racing (passing, side by side, swapping leads) seems more likely in the slower Gr.3/ Gr.4 cars, I love the Gr.1 cars but passing zones happen less frequently.
It's the G70 bud currently I'm good for about 325 on the leaderboard after half a dozen laps

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Nice mate, I was using it in the lambo 🤣 worked ok to be fair

Love those easy to remember max one way or the other tunes 😂

Cheers bro, gonna put it on the g70 now 🫶

Edit. Them times are a dropping already awesome stuff
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Likely gonna skip Race A this week and instead do the Weekly Challenges. I feel like I’d be a lot more interested in Race A if the cars had relatively more modest power, but it sounds like they’re all tuned to have around 900 or even over a thousand horsepower. Sounds like insanity, though I still wonder what cars are popular for this one. I’d imagine that the AWD machines like the Gallardo and GT-Rs would be splendid for putting the power down out of the corners.

I might do some qualifying just for giggles, we’ll see.
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I just wanted to query about the previous week, Catalunya races with the Gr.4 cars, may also apply to Daily Race B this week at Deep forest. But I noticed the NSX now allows a engine swap to a LS7 motor from the Rampage car, I guesss this engine would be banned from daily races, has any one tried this engine swap or any other Gr.4 cars at that matter with any engine mods?

NSX PS7 Swap.jpg
Man I didn't realise how much of a ballache settings are when you are using VR.

@ZEE it doesn't make a different the car is reset to factory spec for the race (basically it's just the livery and wheels that are used)
Ok cool thanks, just curious if anyone tried the engine swaps.

Yes I heard that doing settings in VR are difficult, PD need to patch the game in order for players to see the time delta in race and any settings clearly in the VR perspective. Hopefully they can be introudced in a new update in the new year?
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Here's me having fun at race B qualifying.
I really don't like using the AWD cars, so I tried some RWDs.
I'm racing the F-Type against my Vantage ghost. The first half of the lap is boring, but the twisty parts are a good time with a bit of oversteer. This is not a very fast lap (@1700), but I found out that I could get a better time by being a little more out of control.

If anyone want to suggest ways for me to get around the track more quickly, I'm open to suggestion.
I use A/T & controller with on/off throttle and brake, plus a bunch of assists. I won't be changing any of that.
Set in my ways. :dunce: