@Lukejuryous ,thank you for your explanation. I didn't know that running an ethernet/wifi version of an arduino could be able to run an exe files since I'm very newbie in those MC.
Then, I might try to look for some python integration with a normal arduino first, because some user @gt7coders has publish a python code on his github. Yeah, I believe that's not an easy programming level to intergrate to, but I've seen some possibilities by using the pyfirmata, which I've been working into these few days.
For now, I'm only able to move the dc motor (however continuously, not as intended) by using simple if else statement in the python code regarding the speed/rpm from gtsports from ps4.
Since I am very new to python as well, I've dug into a great trouble by just inserting the if else logic inside an already defined function in python. Even to lit up the built-in led from my nano reflecting a certain rpms also lead me to no luck. LOL. Anyway, I found this very interesting and would love to hear if anyone here has a great success integrating those data into an arduino board.
My connection is, running python from win7 laptop, plugged in arduino board to laptop's usb, and read the data from ps4 using WiFi or ethernet.