Reading all these comments... I just had to do it.
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I set up everything last night and had my first proper go with this, having basically no previous VR experience whatsoever.
First thing I did was going to VR showroom with my factory red F40, in front of the GT Cafe, and oh my god jesus christ, I almost **** myself from amazement when the image appeared, I was literally reaching with my hand to touch the car. Chrouched down to read the details on the tires, looking at the brakes, the lights, the details are ridiculous.
I spent the first hour probably just switching between cars and admiring the enteriors and exteriors, and then it was time to have the first drive. Jumped back in the F40 and gave it a spin on Grand Valley at sunset. No words to describe the feeling, the seating position, the sound, steering animation, the sense of depth, the surroundings. Tracks seem wider, and I don't know how but I can actually feel the elevation change even without the motion sim, probably the brain doing its things. I felt a bit sick in the first 30 seconds, but it just dissapeared when I processed everything and got used to it, and I kept on driving for the next 4 hours without a single issue. Well, that's a lie, I have issues today because I can't keep my eyes open at work because of the 3AM driving.
Some positive conclusions from the first session:
- The feeling itself is incredible while driving, really not comparable to the TV, it's like a completely different game, like it's not even a game
- The best moment of the entire session is when I had my first proper race against the AI, group 3, Spa, cars flying and buzzing around you, in front of you, going throug eau rouge at full speed and competitors are right there 1 meter left or right, it was actually scary at some point, I was literally afraid that I will crash into somebody, I felt like in real traffic
- When braking too late and hitting someone from the back, even if it's like just a small tap, you get a real sense of space, how long is the bonnet, and the additional feedback/vibration from the headset makes this even more immersive, I was feeling bad like I just caused a real accident

- I think I can catch the rear end much much quicker and easier, almost didn't have a single spin, even in the Gr3 Merc at Spa, in the rain, without TC, somehow you just feel the car much better than in 2D view
- Feeling of the elevation change is mind boggling, tried the 190E Evo at the Eiger 500PP race, and I was left speechless
- Now all the PD bull**** about collecting cars actually makes some sense, driving the legends even in stock form is an incredible experience, even if they are not usable in races and events, just sit in them and drive around the Ring/Valley/Spa/Eiger and enjoy
- I actually had no physical issues, I read about motion sickness, sweating, headaches etc... None so far
Some negatives:
- I definitely have to practice this very much, I'm not nearly as fast as on the TV, but I expected this, it's a process, like changing from the pad to a steering wheel, I kept missing my braking points and I still need to learn what the real track limits are
- I'm really missing the race order list while racing, I don't know the gaps, that's probably my biggest issue with this, rest of the HUD is more or less ok, but how is it possible that we don't have the option to turn this on?
- The VR2 itself is a bit picky when scanning the room and maintaining my play area, had to readjust 5 or 6 times, and every time I turn off the lights and the TV because I don't want to wake the kids, it has some issues after a while and I had to rescan the room (even though I'm sitting in the same place all the time, in my sim rig)
- The sharpness and the clarity is far from ideal, I mean I was not expecting it to be as crisp as on a new 4k TV, but still I believe this could be much better, when I'm driving the car enterior looks sharp and nice but the track in front of me is kind of blurry and pixelated, I hope this will be improved with some later update or even with a PS5 Pro / PS6 / whatever is next
Can't wait for my next session tongiht