GT7 SVG request thread.

  • Thread starter daan
Here you go.

I’ll push on if it can’t be chenged, but on the “I put that on everything” svg in game, there is a thin black line that runs from the top left of the u to the bottom right of the t in “put”.

For all I know it is supposed to be there though…..
Could someone help me with these ? Thx in advance


  • 6422B91F-E9A2-48B9-94F2-A40F325CA78C.png
    2.9 KB · Views: 21
  • A66FF73D-DE1D-40EE-BC13-4DB8A3029462.png
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Thank you so much.
Again, never feels like enough to just say thanks.
incredible that you, and others, use your skills and TIME to help random people on the internet.
Yup. Very thankful for people here. I’ll try my best to do it myself and I can just about manage with single colour ones, but sometimes the people here are a savior.
Here's S.B.V. Excelsior.
Thanks so much, much appriciated!!!!

Can you (or anyone else) please advise if it is realistic to make that other request (copied below) also as a decal (only the fifure itself without the letters or the grey background) or is it to compiclated to achive this? I am not really an expert on this so do not know what is realistic to expect....


(I am making a livery based on JGSDG camo and would like to add this figure to the design)
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yo can someone do these for me? please and thank you
Can do. I wasn't sure how to create the feathered edges effect on the yellow outline of the "LOST PUPPET" decal, so I just used a simple outline. Hope it's OK.


  • Sexy Knights.svg
    3.9 KB · Views: 17
  • Lost Puppet.svg
    8.3 KB · Views: 23
Can do. I wasn't sure how to create the feathered edges effect on the yellow outline of the "LOST PUPPET" decal, so I just used a simple outline. Hope it's OK.
yo thanks bruh, hero, and that feathered edges were just due to my extra mid editing skills, honestly greatful for the fix, thanks again :D
Can somebody convert these into SVGs? I couldn't figure out how to do them, for the life of me. I'll be needing these for an LEC I'm making, so it's kinda urgent. Thanks in advance.


  • tvojacockta.png
    67.1 KB · Views: 19
  • cocktabottle.png
    11.3 KB · Views: 14
  • cocktacura.png
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  • cocktaoutline.png
    1.8 KB · Views: 15
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Can somebody convert these into SVGs? I couldn't figure out how to do them, for the life of me. I'll be needing these for an LEC I'm making, so it's kinda urgent. Thanks in advance.
Here's 3 of the 4 requested. The bottle is beyond my skills so maybe someone can pick up that one.


  • cocktaoutline.svg
    3 KB · Views: 16
    12.7 KB · Views: 15
  • Cocktacura.svg
    4.2 KB · Views: 17
Here's 3 of the 4 requested. The bottle is beyond my skills so maybe someone can pick up that one.
Thanks a lot, these are great!

Whoever tries to convert the bottle, if it is too complicated to convert, you can just ignore that one.
oops, my bad, there were many different files with similar names and i got confused when i checked them, perfect, thank you very much.
now i onlly need this one.

View attachment 1173553
Here you go. The original artwork you posted was already in SVG format here, so it was just a matter of finding the Harald Becker layer and deleting the rest :)


  • Harald Becker.svg
    11 KB · Views: 19
The original artwork you posted was already in SVG format here, so it was just a matter of finding the Harald Becker layer and deleting the rest :)
It's also where i "borrowed" the item logo and text from a while ago when I made that 996 livery :lol:
Hi, how are you able to view the svg information? all I can see on the gt7 website is a png.
It's a decal I've uploaded myself to GT7 and then linked here. There is (afaik) no way to get to the SVG behind a PNG in the GT7 showcase area.
Can somebody convert these into SVG ,it would be very much appreciative.
I like to keep it orginal, the copyrights symbol do need to be removed however 😬


  • US-2-5e3032f94cad957820f465c21c146478.png
    30.7 KB · Views: 17
Hello. Can someone please make me 2 simple word decals.

#1. KoNcEpT

#2. KonceptMotorSports
This was written for GTSport but it still works in 7.
For anyone wanting to do a text SVG. in a few steps. Totally free and no programs to download.
1 Go to Let me Font. Type in your text and pick a font. Click on the text on the right and download as a .eps file
2 Go to Convert eps to svg. upload your .eps file and download a .svg file.
3 Go to SVGOMG. load your .svg and adjust settings so file is under 15kb (may not need shrinking but can help to stop invisible decals). Then save .svg
4 Go to GT Sport website. Login with PSN settings. Click Decal uploader. Load svg
5 Load GTSport on your PS4 and use your new decal.

If you still have problems at least you can provide decal makers with an esp file or very minimum a Font name.
There is (afaik) no way to get to the SVG behind a PNG in the GT7 showcase area.
For GTS the user content server-generated filename of the SVG and the PNG preview were the same (most likely the hash of the SVG) so if you knew one it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the other. From my limited access to the GT7 showcase (basically the few "featured" items on the no-account preview page) it appears the filenames for the SVG and the PNG are now completely different (each file, the SVG and the PNG preview, are probably hashed separately now) and the "link" between the two is managed via a database.
From my limited access to the GT7 showcase (basically the few "featured" items on the no-account preview page) it appears the filenames for the SVG and the PNG are now completely different (each file, the SVG and the PNG preview, are probably hashed separately now) and the "link" between the two is managed via a database.
So in theory maybe with a lot of luck if you turn any thumb.png into temp.svg you could get some other SVG file actually shown to you? :D
So in theory maybe with a lot of luck if you turn any thumb.png into temp.svg you could get some other SVG file actually shown to you? :D
Unfortunately not. This was, more or less, the situation with GTS, but the changes to how the GT7 UGC is stored looks to be purposefully preventing that from being possible again.
Despite an SVG and PNG preview looking, for all intents and purposes, identical the actual file contents are vastly different and thus a hash of each file (to be used as a filename) would generate vastly different filenames. And if you're going to use different hashes, and maintain the "links" between the two files via a database, then you may as well start throwing in another randomly generated value (or "salt" as its referred to in cryptography) for each hash generated which would further randomise the filenames (and minimise name collisions) thus making file-extension swapping completely impossible.

Brute-forcing a 32-bit hash isn't beyond the realms of possibility, but would it be worth the time and effort just to get at one SVG? Almost definately not. Besides Brute-forcing would quickly generate so many server requests that the GT7 UGC server would probably think you're trying to DDOS (or worse hack) it and you'd probably find your I.P. address blocked (and good luck playing the game after that! :lol:)
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Anyone fancying giving this grille a try? Can be with or without what's behind it, if it's too much of a hassle the grille itself will do.


Thanks in advance :cheers:

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