GT7 SVG request thread.

  • Thread starter daan
@KayDee-43 @MidnightRun85

Just in case either of you want the chrome version of the K-PAX logo, I took the time to make this...

If you want to take a peek at the vector I based this on...



Yep, every last bit of every gradient is split into hundreds of tiny slices! The only things directly extractable was the word "racing", the black stripes and the thin black inner outline of K-PAX. Accurately rebuilding everything lost because of the stupid slices was a bit of a pain in the arse! :lol:


  • K-Pax Racing (Chrome) [GT] .svg
    8.1 KB · Views: 22
Can anyone help me with this file? Uploads fine to gt7 site but will not show up in game. I've tried everything in my power and followed all guides and it still will not show. I must of uploaded 50 different files I'm pulling my hair out now lol. Any help is truly appreciated.


  • Original.svg
    11.7 KB · Views: 17
Can anyone help me with this file? Uploads fine to gt7 site but will not show up in game. I've tried everything in my power and followed all guides and it still will not show. I must of uploaded 50 different files I'm pulling my hair out now lol. Any help is truly appreciated.
How is it supposed to look like?
Because I don't thnik it's supposed to look like what I see when I open it

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How is it supposed to look like?
Because I don't thnik it's supposed to look like what I see when I open it

At least that app makes a better attempt at opening it that Adobe Illustrator...
I had to go to a zoom level of 10% to find everything! That small white box is the artboard/viewbox! :lol:


I think if you delete the huge rectangle, and the small one sitting awkwardly to the left of that you may end up with the actual logo. Looking at the markup its no wonder even apps are struggling to open it! :lol::lol:
<svg viewBox="0 0 348.6273 105.1569" width="5000px" height="1508.156444880648px" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" preserveAspectRatio="none"><defs></defs><style>.abnDBogYb7fillColor {fill:#BCB4B4;fill-opacity:1;}.aD6z1nYkhcolor {fill:#FF5A09;fill-opacity:1;}.aGGH5BIM1UfillColor {fill:#FF5A09;fill-opacity:1;}.analmWY9MMcolors-0 {fill:#BCB4B4;fill-opacity:1;}.analmWY9MMcolors-1 {fill:#A2D9A2;fill-opacity:1;}.analmWY9MMcolors-2 {fill:#277B27;fill-opacity:1;}.aR4vwXzSL5colors-0 {fill:#FF5A09;fill-opacity:1;}.aR4vwXzSL5colors-1 {fill:#A2D9A2;fill-opacity:1;}.aR4vwXzSL5colors-2 {fill:#277B27;fill-opacity:1;}.aRrt_6HF3UfillColor {fill:#FF5A09;fill-opacity:1;}.aRrt_6HF3UstrokeColor-str {stroke:#FF5A09;stroke-opacity:1;}.aSdu5O-aWdcolors-0 {fill:#FF5A09;fill-opacity:1;}.aSdu5O-aWdcolors-1 {fill:#A2D9A2;fill-opacity:1;}.aSdu5O-aWdcolors-2 {fill:#277B27;fill-opacity:1;}.av1QEndwdEcolor {fill:#FF5A09;fill-opacity:1;}.aZYFwAfzD5colors-0 {fill:#FF5A09;fill-opacity:1;}.aZYFwAfzD5colors-1 {fill:#A2D9A2;fill-opacity:1;}.aZYFwAfzD5colors-2 {fill:#277B27;fill-opacity:1;}.shapeStroke-str {stroke:#FBFBFB;stroke-opacity:1;}</style><g opacity="1" transform="rotate(0 231.5688 2.5789000000000044)">
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Going crazy attempting to bring these to 15kb….someone please help.
Greatly appreciated..


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You sir are a legend! Thank you SO much for this, the Gran Turismo community really is a great one to be a part of!
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hi all 👋 could someone please do this for me without the border around it, thanks so much 👍

can anyone do this?
Anyone at all?


  • e3a4e9bd162e1e67bad9417b5f41ad5a.jpg
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Hi guys, anyone able to make these as SVG's with the green area around the rabbit logo removed? So keeping the white and black on the simplified logo and keeping the green text on the one with the text. Basically I don't want the green box around the rabbit.

Thanks in advance!


  • 1753a852bac06ac9cec180ae3149d9bb_thumb.png
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  • 012c6db44ed832e8fd9f4cf9d9a97c19_thumb.png
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Hi guys, anyone able to make these as SVG's with the green area around the rabbit logo removed? So keeping the white and black on the simplified logo and keeping the green text on the one with the text. Basically I don't want the green box around the rabbit.

Thanks in advance!
This is the most current logo Vaillant use, is it vitally important the font matches the (old) image you provided?




  • Vaillant [GT].svg
    4.6 KB · Views: 20
  • Vaillant Rabbit [GT].svg
    2.6 KB · Views: 17
This is the most current logo Vaillant use, is it vitally important the font matches the (old) image you provided?

View attachment 1166339

View attachment 1166341
Nope, that's absolutely fine! In fact, it's probably better for me to be using the modernised font! That said, any chance you could make a text-only version? So I can have the right font on the wing (just text) and create a stacked logo on the bonnet, plus split decals on the roof?
Nope, that's absolutely fine! In fact, it's probably better for me to be using the modernised font! That said, any chance you could make a text-only version? So I can have the right font on the wing (just text) and create a stacked logo on the bonnet, plus split decals on the roof?
Wordmark only...


  • Vaillant [Wordmark][GT].svg
    2.1 KB · Views: 19
Trying to do a redesign of The Suzuki Escudo 98 Pikes Peak car, I've managed to make it so far, but I the last 3 decals I couldn't find, I've made them, but no matter what size or svg type, (every converter going I've used, changed sizes, resolution, dpi, etc....) I cannot get them uploaded to finish the car. So I've signed up here and wondered if I could get any help. I've literally made them lol but nope, GT 7 upload hates me.


  • Picsart_22-06-27_15-46-47-380.jpg
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  • Picsart_22-06-27_16-01-42-571.jpg
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  • Picsart_22-06-27_16-17-35-251_mh1656343143654.jpg
    241.5 KB · Views: 17
Trying to do a redesign of The Suzuki Escudo 98 Pikes Peak car, I've managed to make it so far, but I the last 3 decals I couldn't find, I've made them, but no matter what size or svg type, (every converter going I've used, changed sizes, resolution, dpi, etc....) I cannot get them uploaded to finish the car. So I've signed up here and wondered if I could get any help. I've literally made them lol but nope, GT 7 upload hates me.
Please post the SVG files and we'll have a look at them to see what's wrong.
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Please post the SVG files and we'll have a look at them to see what's wrong with them.
I've attached originals and svg files. Though I know these svg are wrong size. Sorry


  • Picsart_22-06-27_16-17-35-251_mh1656343143654.jpg
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  • Picsart_22-06-27_16-01-42-571.jpg
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  • Picsart_22-06-27_15-46-47-380.jpg
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  • Picsart_22-06-27_15-46-47-380.svg
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  • Picsart_22-06-27_16-01-42-571.svg
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  • Picsart_22-06-27_16-17-35-251_mh1656343143654.svg
    349.8 KB · Views: 18
I've attached originals and svg files. Though I know these svg are wrong size. Sorry
The "size" (if you're referring to dimensions) of an SVG isn't typically a problem. The problem is you've tried to auto-trace them with far, far too much precision which generates far too many vector/anchor points... the casino one has 18k!
18k nodes? woah! :D

Got another request, anyone willing to give it a try?

EDIT: I think it says Est. 1888 in the O. I also don't need the bottom Foscia Rossa Birra text. The "Superiore" text in the badge isn't needed either.

Thanks in advance :cheers:
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Oh crap I didn't know. I've never used svg before lol. Would the jpg be usable or should I start from scratch. Thank you for helping.
I've found a high quality version of the Midnight Rose logo that would be fairly easy for me to replicate. Does it really need to have the confetti and streamers over it?
I can do this one monochrome but my Inkscape skills are still rudimentary, so any of you lot skilled with complex vectors and the like inclined to do this one as a gold metallic (no background) would be truly legendary.


  • OzoneGold.png
    37.2 KB · Views: 14
No I was just trying to replicate the one on the suzuki lol. Thank you so much xXx you're a saint.
Not sure if the gradient in the middle is going to look in-game like it does here, if it doesn't I'll probably have to just make the background a solid colour, either purple or pink.


Font for "international" isn't quite right but few, if any, should notice once its on a car.




  • Midnight Rose [GT].svg
    9.4 KB · Views: 19
  • Pikes Peak 98 [GT].svg
    6.8 KB · Views: 20
  • Pikes Peak Sticker [GT].svg
    14.4 KB · Views: 21
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18k nodes? woah! :D

Got another request, anyone willing to give it a try?

EDIT: I think it says Est. 1888 in the O. I also don't need the bottom Foscia Rossa Birra text. The "Superiore" text in the badge isn't needed either.

Thanks in advance :cheers:
I'll check if I still have the svgs from this one, and it shouldn't take too much time if so


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