GT7 SVG request thread.

  • Thread starter daan
That wording is confusing. I want them small so they fit within the 15 kb limit. I've seen very detailed stuff on the game. All im trying to do is find versions that are either small enough to go in or be converted to go in. I know it can be done because there's already Overwatch stuff in the game for Tracer, Dva, Genji and Reaper. Basically just some artwork or their sprays. If i could get small enough versions of the sprays, that would be tops

All that compressing thing does is change the file into an unusable type. Trying to change it back to a usable type explodes the size again. In fact no matter what i do, the size is inconsistent. A image could be 16.3 kb but the most comically small one is 17.1.

I literally saved the exact same image twice!! No changes between them but they're different sizes!!

Im not sure why you talk about size and comically small. A vector is measured in points, not size, and therefore can be scaled ultra large without any change in kb.

For saving kb you can use this:

Also, there are a few svg wizards who are able to create advance svgs under 15kb, which takes a lot knowledge about the structure of svgs.
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Im not sure why you talk about size and comically small. A vector is measured in points, not size, and therefore can be scaled ultra large without any change in kb.

For saving kb you can use this:

Also, there are a few svg wizards who are able to create advance svgs under 15kb, which takes a lot knowledge about the structure of svgs.
it took a second, but your points explanation worked....

I put the precision number down and it got to under 15kb and uploaded. Now i have to experiment and see what i can get away with then
Apologies if everyone already knows this, but this site makes text in a vast amount of fonts in .SVG that work in the livery editor as long as size less than 15kb. I've made a load of text SVGs for my NASCAR liveries and all seem to work fine.

Edit/ removed compression tool
Nice find. I've added it to the first post of the SVG Tutorial thread.
Anyone able to help with these? 🙏🏻
Love Axolotl own 2 myself - managed to get the smallest one done for you, could only get the larger image down to 25k (hopefully someone else will have more luck)


  • 245C9E02-E1C6-4694-A745-9BC4E1EEEADB.svg
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Apologies if everyone already knows this, but this site makes text in a vast amount of fonts in .SVG that work in the livery editor as long as size less than 15kb. I've made a load of text SVGs for my NASCAR liveries and all seem to work fine.

Edit/ removed compression tool
Thank you so much for this! Exactly what I needed per my previous post. Ever since the "LetMeFont" site has went away, I've had some difficulties with text to .svg....most of it admittedly self inflicted....or in other words, not remembering how to do all the steps. That site you linked doesn't work with my phone, but works perfectly on my pc.
Thanks again!

And to everyone else here, I'd like to apologize for the aforementioned previous post about halfway up page 126. I was rather frustrated when I posted, having spent far, far too long trying to figure it out on my own with Inkscape . After re-reading that post, it sounds a bit terse, and kinda bitchy. Definitely bitchy. Didn't mean to sound like....well, like such a little bitch.😖

Sorry about that.
(Thats probably why I didn't get any responses to it).:scared:

Anyways, I try to do some of this stuff on my own, mainly because I see how swamped you people who do this get with all these requests. The frustration I feel sometimes when attempting these decals just reinforces to me that you people provide an AWESOME service for this site and the GT games.

I don't think a lot of people understand and realize how difficult and especially time consuming this can be.

Cheers to you all!!
Thank you all so very very much for what you do!!!!
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but i was wondering if there was a way to find smaller size versions or ones that can be more easily converted
Also, there are a few svg wizards who are able to create advance svgs under 15kb, which takes a lot knowledge about the structure of svgs.
it took a second, but your points explanation worked....

I put the precision number down and it got to under 15kb and uploaded. Now i have to experiment and see what i can get away with then

I feel compelled to interject here just to make sure @brutus13 is fully understanding things - and I've ended up typing out a lengthy post which I suggest anyone who finds themselves frequenting this thread reads, to help them understand a little of how to do it for themselves, and why sometimes you just get nowhere with requests.

** and yes some of it is an over simplification, but it's the principles I'm trying to convey...

There's two ways of creating an SVG from an image you already have.

1) Auto trace
2) Re-draw it yourself

Firstly Auto trace:

An auto trace is when a program looks at a raster image (i.e. JPG/PNG etc.) and tries to automatically re create it as a vector image (SVG)
  • A vector image assigns co-ordinates for lines that make up the image, and fills and styles to apply to those lines.
  • A raster image is simply information about what colour each pixel in the image should be.
They are two fundamentally different things and you need to remember that going from JPG to SVG is not like going from JPG to PNG (for example).

A raster file is generally compressed itself, but in very simple terms you can imagine that it doesn't really matter what the pixels are, the file has a value for each of them anyway, and the more there are the bigger the file size will be.
A 10×10 image will have 100 pixels (and might be 1kb (for example), and a 1000×1000 image will be a million pixels (i.e. 1 MegaPixel), and that might be 100kb. If you scale the image up or down, it changes the number of pixels and therefore the file size.

A vector file on the other hand is basically just a co-ordinate list. This list is written in XML, which is human readable, you can literally read the list of co-ordinates in the file. Doubling the image size might be as simple as changing a 1 to a 2, rather than doubling the amount of data the file needs to store.
  • Imagine you want to draw a diagonal line from one corner of a square to another using standard X,Y co-ordinates - in the format 'startX startY, finishX finishY'.
  • You could express this as 0 0, 1 1 (i.e. you start at zero on X and Y axis and end one unit across and one unit down). A set of co-ordinates can also be called a node.
  • In this example the coordinates are only one digit, so you have 4 digits (and a comma and spaces but we'll forget about that)... But, imagine the auto trace app has decided it was actually 0.0010 -0.002, 0.99183 1.0003 (which it'll do because of anti-aliasing in the original image) - this is now 28 digits.
Because every digit in the SVG file adds 1 byte, you can see that in our imaginary diagonal line, there's 4 bytes, and in the auto trace there's 28 bytes, you can begin to see why auto-traced files can be much bigger than they need to be. If your image was made up of 100 of these diagonal lines, you should have 400 bytes, but you end up with 2.8kb in the above example.

SVGOMG etc, simply rounds these numbers down/up as per the slider. That slider is just rewriting the XML as '1' instead of '1.00003' for example, this is the major part of how it saves file size.

So when you auto trace, the app you're using looks at every pixel and tries to figure out what groups of pixels in the raster image it can draw lines around to make a vector image. Because there's thousands of pixels in most images, or more, the app will end up creating thousands of lines to draw around all the pixels, and each of these lines are defined by nodes. Given the auto trace will try and draw around groups of pixels that are a similar colour, imagine how many lines it has to try and make for the subtle fade in skin tone across someone's face etc., or something that is blurred, or has lots of different colours in a small space.

  • SVG file size is mostly 'number of nodes' × 'number of digits per node'... so considering all of the above, an auto traced image can have a lot of nodes, and each one might have lots of digits.
  • You can reduce the number of nodes when you auto trace by going for a lower quality trace - but this can give you a very poor looking decal.
  • Using SVGOMG will reduce the number of digits contained in each node. Often you can reduce it quite a lot with little to no perceptible loss of quality, then at some point it drops off a cliff.
It may only take a couple minutes to create an SVG from an image using auto trace, even if you have to drop it in SVGOMG on the way, it can be done in a few clicks. You can split images up as well, so if you get a 250kb auto trace of a photo, it's possible to slice it up into tiles that are 15kb each. This is tedious, but if you want to put a photo style picture on the car, it's likely the best way.


Secondly Re-draw it yourself:

If you have access to a graphics utility like Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Affinity or CorelDraw, you can attempt to remake the image from scratch.

This generally requires only very simple tools within the application.

Line, Arc, Polyline, Rectangle, Ellipse to draw lines
Fill colour, line colour to make the above look how you want (gradient fills included in that)
Shaping tools such as Union, Intersect, Back minus front, front minus back and combine
of course
Then there's labour saving features such as fillet or contour, which can just save you time.

This really all there is to it. Any decal, in principle, can be created with just a few of these tools.

I made this video of me remaking a simple logo as a decal to to give an idea of a typical process.... It's neither that quick or that amazing, but what it should demonstrate is how simple the tools being used are, and that there's no artistic or creative talent required.... it ain't like learnin' blender.

You'll typically paste the image into the application and just draw over it by hand.
  • If you were doing a simple company logo, and you have lots of fonts on your system... this might be a five minute job, it might be an hour.
  • If you are doing something detailed, like a character illustration, it can take hours or days, or even weeks.
The benefit of going through the redrawing process, is that it allows you to draw things more efficiently than an auto trace will - you will likely use significantly less nodes when drawing for yourself... and consequently end up with much, much smaller file sizes, likely of better quality, but at the expense of your time. Detailed looking Illustrated characters as one or two decals will almost definitely have been redrawn by hand, and you can often draw things up in such a fashion that you can adjust different elements of the character when on the car.


In conclusion... complex, good looking decals just don't happen without a lot of effort, there is no magic 'save as' or 'convertor' that will turn a complex image into a good looking useable 15kb SVG with a couple of clicks. It's not necessarily about the physical size or file size of an image that makes it difficult to produce as an SVG, but once you done a few auto traces and drawn a few decals from scratch you quickly learn to see why some requests are ignored, and why some are completed - and just because you've seen other really good decals on the showcase, it doesn't mean everything's possible, and almost certainly not just from a few clicks in a convertor.
This is info for anyone scrolling that wants to try their own liveries. I drop this truth once in a while, vectornator is free, accessible, easy to learn and gives rewarding results. I learned in a week and in the short while I believe I have become proficient. I make almost 100% of my decals at this point, I will dig up my post to see a date, but I bet around a year since I looked up “how to make svg”. All possibilities are open very quickly.
Edit:yup, my first decals were on a livery on 5/18/2022.
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Anyone fancy converting this to SVG?

Struggling to get it under 15kb even with the optimizer.


    65.2 KB · Views: 15
I'm pretty bad at explaining things but here's my workaround on some complex svgs. (On Adobe Illustrator if that matters)

I gotta say I got a habit of separating the artwork into layers so I can re-color each part separately in-game for coloring precision.

I don't know how other software beside AI works but basically they should work by the same logic.

So usually Vector based illustration software always have us work on a "Canvas" which we will utilize it here.

So first we gotta make the "base" decal for positioning the decal by merge all the elements into one solid color element.

then onto the "real" decal, separate the artwork into parts by color while retaining original position and canvas size.

(think of duplicating the canvas with the artwork intact then delete the part you don't need)

then save it to a name that correspondent to the each files by designated color (ex. Polaroid_Logo_Blue.svg etc.) just so you won't get confuse which is which.

then in the Livery editor, first just add the base part and position it to where you what it to be.

after you're done just replace the base decal to the "real" decal and keep repeating this until you're done all all the parts.

recolor how you like it and you'll be all set!

I know this is probably not the most efficient way to do it but works for me!

If anybody could simplify what I'm trying to say that would be much appreciated!

hope this would help with some of you here!
I would really require some help with these


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I was able to turn these into vectors, does anyone know how to make them smaller?


  • hmf.svg
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  • h6.svg
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I was able to turn these into vectors, does anyone know how to make them smaller?
Theres not much that could be done on the h6, would be better remade by hand but remaking the starscape is beyond me.


  • hmf opt.svg
    9.1 KB · Views: 9
I remade the png without the starscap, you think you can do anything ?


  • C94F3261-DE8E-4884-9FC9-9FDC9344BF34.png
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I remade the png without the starscap, you think you can do anything ?
Away from ps5 atm so I cant check ingame whether the gradients are correct, I suspect atleast one is gonna break. Will check tommorow and fix if needed.


  • H6 Grad(1).svg
    5.3 KB · Views: 13
Would anyone be able to make these for me. My partner really likes the Fiat 500 in mint green, so I want to surprise her with a virtual one for her 40th.

Would anyone be able to make these for me. My partner really likes the Fiat 500 in mint green, so I want to surprise her with a virtual one for her 40th.

View attachment 1268048
Again hope the Gradients are correct, Bit more confident this time mind.


  • SAB 40 White.svg
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  • SAB 40 Yellow(1).svg
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Hello everyone, I’m interested in getting the two attached images made into decals on GT7 (just the letters not the background). Would anyone be able to do this for me please and a tremendous thank you!!


  • 7D3CF76E-C98D-4DE0-87FD-26F852A7380F.png
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Hi everyone, I'm remaking the Chrome Line models from the GT5 Signature Edition but I would need some help.

The GT negative decal I used is "too big" and prevents me from making the side chrome line which is supposed to be on the bottom of the side, under the chrome bar on the 300 SL for example.

View media item 138244
It's not that bad like this but I would like it to be more like the real one so I would need to have this decal cut under the base of the T, I don't know if I'm clear enough...

Thanks in advance for your help. :)

Edit : here is the decal like it applies and my problem is the bottom part of it.


If possible it would be prefect if I could have a cut under the chrome bar, and another one even more cut, like showed with the white line bellow.



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