GTA 5 cars

  • Thread starter cj10
So the Annis Savestra is now roaming the streets of San Andreas. And no, before you get too much into it, you're not going to get one at the Junkyard after you 'splodarise mine with an Orbital Cannon.

(I subsequently decided the full-chrome treatment on the rear was a bit over the top)

Performance impressions, well, it is in the Sports Classics class, so don't expect it to break any lap records. It doesn't feel like it's got anywhere near enough speed to match the top of the class and, even after taking snow and all into consideration, it feels a bit on the understeery side when at speed. Thank God the brakes seem to work quite well.

Then again, I'm perfectly fine with not all cars being about being the fastest or the deadliest. Sometimes it's good to have something that just works for a drive. And this, I'd say, ticks that box very well indeed.
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Broughy's already done a few quick tests and it's got no chance against that Turismo Classic - but then I don't care because this Savestra looks awesome.

It's a shame Rockstar has the poxy cheek to sell it for ONE GOD-DAMN MILLION DOLLARS for what is effectively a different Futo, which is, umm, free.

Still, I'll buy one, when I eventually spend enough time grinding for it...

The image went really dark once I uploaded to to the RSC.
Will upload some later. Really fun car but the steering angle thing still bugs me.
How are you guys snapping photos when you take your cars out for a drive?
I imagine they record themselves with the rockstar editor feature, then take a PS4 screenshot, copy to a USB drive etc.

I need a 3.0 USB before I can do that myself, though.
Just to be clear before speaking my mind, nothing against @cudwieser with any of the following remarks.

This--whatever it is--bugs me. It seems significantly more pandering than your usual Rockstar releases (no doubt it's ungodly expensive, to boot). The whole cafe racer/bobber/scrambler craze is clearly out of hand when it's represented in GTA, particular when all three are represented by a single example.

And to emphasize there's nothing against you, cud, that black Buccaneer looks great.
Just to be clear before speaking my mind, nothing against @cudwieser with any of the following remarks.

This--whatever it is--bugs me. It seems significantly more pandering than your usual Rockstar releases (no doubt it's ungodly expensive, to boot). The whole cafe racer/bobber/scrambler craze is clearly out of hand when it's represented in GTA, particular when all three are represented by a single example.

And to emphasize there's nothing against you, cud, that black Buccaneer looks great.
What bike actually is that? The Manchez?

On another note, here's my FCR 1000 Custom. Went for a classic style.

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I've found the perfect scene for the Detomaserati Mepanterak:

Other than that:

It's a proper classic Italian supercar - bit of a handful around the corners, not really competitive on the track, but once you hit the straights, you've literally got to be in a jet fighter to beat it.

Yes, seriously.
Yeah I kind of hope the top speed thing doesn't get patched. That pay to win Pariah pile of rubbish doesn't deserve the no. 1 spot for top speed. At least this isn't stupidly overpriced for the speed it reaches.
The top speed, outside of the very best drivers in a race all around the freeway system, is a novelty at best, yes. And it is a clear sign that R* have given up on authenticity at this point. Neither the Pantera nor Merak were decidedly slow, but able to run rings around a souped-up Chiron? I still think it's cool, but seriously?

The main issue with all this is people will see (inevitably through MrMakesYouCoughBloodForTheNextThreeWeeksFTW) that it is the "fastest car in the game" (which is only half the truth) and it'll gain a.. I wouldn't call it a fanbase because it's anything but that, but a reputation like the Zentornoobs, Noobsirises, Noobro Customs and Noobriahs. At which point, unfortunately, it'll be utterly ruined (more badly than what GTA Series Videos have done to it) and we'll have to move it from Quite Cool (the paintgun shooters stop it being any better than that) all the way to Barely Hanging On To Seriously Uncool.
I completely agree, but then by Rockstar logic a Fiat 500 with a bodykit will keep up with a Veyron around a midsize track .

As for top speed, I find it very handy. Most of what I do is biker missions, involving a constant travel up and down the highway. Top speed's helpful indeed, especially when it's so far above everything else.

The fact that people still watch MrBoss is astounding. And horrifying. Broughy and Pyrealm are the two I normally watch. Even MrBoss isn't as bad as Sernandoe mind...

Still with the DetoMerak thingy, even if the top speed was bollocks I'd still buy it because De Tomasos are the damn best.
Can I get access to the Savestra and Sentinal Classic offline?
Nope! Every single update since ill-gotten gains 1 and 2 has added cars that you can't access offline. There's a very simple reason for that - if Rockstar lets you try the cars out offline, you won't buy them online when you realise they're not competitive in races, or the mods are bad, or whatever.

If they lock them to the online side, you're more likely to impulse-buy them just to see what they're like, and THEN you find out whether you like the car or not. I'm willing to bet it can all be traced back to the pushing of shark card sales.

I must sound like an anti-Rockstar conspiracy theorist...
Well...there's always PC trainers. :embarrassed:

...too bad I can't install any other mods without crashing this plane, with no survivors the game. :(
Well...there's always PC trainers. :embarrassed:

...too bad I can't install any other mods without crashing this plane, with no survivors the game. :(
I'm not a member of the PC Master Race I'm afraid. I am a lowly PS4 user.

In other news, I have a garage full of Albany vehicles. Odd since I'm not a big fan of Cadillac or anything.





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