GTA Green ticket,Pass/Gifting thread! SPL Kart 125's

  • Thread starter playnthru
Looking for the Ferrari F2007 and the Chaparral 2D.
Have most of the other hidden tickets.
Can send today.
To all friends ask me for car . Note .. Evry 24 hours i can send 1 car
please be patient
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Okay do you mean this Sunday if you do then yes that is fine can you put it in midnight purple.

6/2 Sunday yes... I'm on after meds time(:crazy:)

The car will a Green ticket(unopened ticket) new car. The color options are in my original post you can pick any of those.👍

EDIT: Silly me....Yes I meant Sunday..I had my days crossed up, sorry.
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Yes you can. I can schedule you for 6/2, if that works ok for you? Which color do you want?

I can take care of this request for you playnthru, as long as he asks for one of these two colors.

GT-R Black edition Tuned car (GT Academy) '12 - Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P)
GT-R Black edition Tuned car (GT Academy) '12 - Aurora Flare Blue Pearl (3P)

K20turbo if you fancy one of these two, send me a fr mentioning which color you want. I can send it in about 4 hours.
Trying to complete my GT-R BlackEdition TunedCar (GT Academy) '12 collection.
Looking for them in this colors.
-Dark Metal Grey (M)

Will pass it on to who ever else needs them.:dopey: thanks:tup:
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red bull s. vettel send to ayyocuhz ( SD180sx )

edit .. can you send the ticket to sparkytooth50001 ?
Trying to complete my GT-R BlackEdition TunedCar (GT Academy) '12 collection.
Looking for them in this colors.
-Dark Metal Grey (M)
-Brillant White Pearl (3P)
-Aurora Flare Blue Pearl (3P)
-Ultimate Metal Silver (4M)

Will pass it on to who ever else needs them.:dopey: thanks:tup:

Have those green tickets. Send me a FR. Wouldn't mind getting those 5Gs. Thanks much. I have a send available now.
Have those green tickets. Send me a FR. Wouldn't mind getting those 5Gs. Thanks much. I have a send available now.
Sending you a FR now. I got the 5G lined up to send to someone else. I can send it to you after him. If he doesn't need it, I can send it to you tomorrow after my reset. Thanks:dopey:

Thanks brother .. you will save my life if you send it to him :crazy:

No problem man. Always glad to help people that helps me:cheers:

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