GTA Green ticket,Pass/Gifting thread! SPL Kart 125's

  • Thread starter playnthru
If it's ok with AWOL 08, I can take care of this request provided that I receive a fr in the next two hours. I'd like to use my trade for today because I might not be on for a couple of days.

Ok cool do i add t_wilson01?
Passed 2D to AWOL 08. I have a send to playnthru on 6/3, a send to y41graham on 6/4. Right now 6/5 is open.
Yes it's ok with me .
Any one else need
Glitch tickets

I have
X1 prototype
GTR special
5g X1 white
GT-R Black edition Tuned Car '12
5G X1 red bull
Kenwood NSX
XR8 ford AU

Looking for

I can gift you the Furai now. You are already on my friends list. Can i please receive the XR8 ford AU?
Received 2D from racing_510 ,thankyou.
Received furai from GT champ , thankyou
XR8 sent to GT champ

Playnthru let me know which psn and ill to add you.
May I get in on XR8 ford AU ?? Can pass it on immediately. 👍
Currently available:
White 5G
X-1 Prototype
GT-R SpecV (GT Academy SPECIAL)
GT-R Black edition Tuned car (Gt Academy) '12/ Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P)
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II Nür (GT Academy) '02/ Jade green
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color
Vettel Livery 5G

Searching for:
Biege 5G X1

I will be happy to help you get started. Please send friend request when possible and I will gift you the KENWOOD #11 LM NSX-R.

I'll be able to send you a FR about 8pm tonight providing I'm not called to play in my snooker team as I don't know if we're playing tonight. If not, it'll be around midnight London time
Hi everyone, I have all of the SPLs except blue and pink.

I don't have any green tickets, but I'm willing to send/trade the SPLs I have.

I'm also interested in any 5Gs (not sure how many there are...2?) if anyone would be kind enough to send one along. I'm willing to trade anything I have, and I have basically everything... just no green tickets.

Let me know if you can help and I'll send a FR.
If I can help you but you don't have what I'm looking for, that's cool...send a FR and I'll still send what I can.

Hi everyone, I have all of the SPLs except blue and pink.

I don't have any green tickets, but I'm willing to send/trade the SPLs I have.

I'm also interested in any 5Gs (not sure how many there are...2?) if anyone would be kind enough to send one along. I'm willing to trade anything I have, and I have basically everything... just no green tickets.

Let me know if you can help and I'll send a FR.
If I can help you but you don't have what I'm looking for, that's cool...send a FR and I'll still send what I can.


I can gift you a 5G, I'll send it next reset :)
FR sent 👍
Thanks so much! Is there anything I can send you? Let me know...

Also, how many different 5Gs are there? Just curious.

Thanks again...
I'm still after the following cars:

370z (GT Academy)'08
SKYLINE GT-R Spec V II Nur '04
Hidden (Alfa Twin Spark) ticket.
2000 Ford Falcon XR8
Mazda Carol Tickets
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color
F2007 GTPolarized 001, 0/0/0
Hidden Honda Tickets
Biege 5G X1
White 5G X1
Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1
X1 Prototype

If there is anyone can help out with this for me, that'll be grateful. I do have tickets to trade if people want them and do have most LV tickets