GTA Green ticket,Pass/Gifting thread! SPL Kart 125's

  • Thread starter playnthru
If you are giving away gt academy cars, like the 370z and Silva and more I would like one, the 370z no tuned in pitcular Psn is GTP_Ph7shr


Same here please :)

In particular the GTR Black edition and suits:
Glitch Suits,JG suits, GTA suits.
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If you could send a friends request to PSN playnthru2 I would appreciate it.


2D Sent to AAA-Ticket:tup:

Sent! Thanks!!
Can anyone give me a Ferrari 330 p4 green ticket please. If anyone will send the green ticket to me anytime send the car to gucci_mama22.
Specific list (my account for this = AAA-Ticket):

Hidden (Alfa Twin Spark) ticket.
2000 Ford Falcon XR8 by playnthru

Mazda Carol Tickets
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color #3 by Rayzah
F2007 GTPolarized 001, 0/0/0 by playnthru

Hidden Honda Tickets
Beige 5G X1 by playnthru
White 5G X1 #2 by GRANKUSTOM
Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1 by playnthru
X1 Prototype by playnthru
KENWOOD NSX-R Prototype Race Car LM #11. by playnthru
2J #1 old stock ;)
2D by playnthru
Nissan GT-R SPECV (GT ACADEMY SPECIAL) by #4 tronrider345

.?. Ticket
Ferrari 330 P4 by gordongt
Ferrari F10 by gordongt


I did not change Ford Falcon and Kenwood NSX because I read you had used tickets???

My send list:
White X1 5G to gordongt1990 - sent 04/06
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color to gordongt1990 - sent 06/06

Green = announced/covered
Green + strike off = in truck

F10 sent mate under Mazda Carol Ticket. Then the 330 P4 is tomorrow and shall suply with anything else you don't have unless you get it through playnthru
6/11 AAA-ticket>gordongt, KENWOOD NSX-R Prototype Race Car LM #11
6/12 AAA-ticket >gordongt, Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1
6-13 AAA-ticket>gordongt, 2000 Ford Falcon XR8

I no longer need these 3 cars but am interested in the 4 hidden tickets JDT, Le Mans and other 2. Do they gift cars?
Specific list (my account for this = AAA-Ticket):

Hidden (Alfa Twin Spark) ticket.
2000 Ford Falcon XR8 by playnthru

Mazda Carol Tickets
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color #3 by Rayzah
F2007 GTPolarized 001, 0/0/0 by playnthru

Hidden Honda Tickets
Beige 5G X1 by playnthru
White 5G X1 #2 by GRANKUSTOM
Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1 by playnthru
X1 Prototype by playnthru
KENWOOD NSX-R Prototype Race Car LM #11. by playnthru
2J #1 old stock ;)
2D #5 by playnthru
Nissan GT-R SPECV (GT ACADEMY SPECIAL) #4 by tronrider345

.?. Ticket
Ferrari 330 P4 by gordongt
Mazda Carol Ticket Ferrari F10#6 by gordongt


My send list:
White X1 5G to gordongt1990 - sent 04/06
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color to gordongt1990 - sent 06/06

Green = announced/covered
Green + strike off = in truck


2D and F10 received. Thanks, playnthru and gordongt 👍
Thanks to CalistoJR for the 5G tickets!!

I currently have tickets for: White 5G, Vettel 5G, and Skyline GT-R V-spec II Nur (GT Academy) '02 in Millenium Jade (M).

I'm looking for any other Skyline Nur colors (except Aurora Flare Blue Pearl) and for Racing Kart SPLs in blue or pink only.

I'm also curious about the gear playnthru mentioned:

Glitch Suits (I have one suit and one helmet, are there others?)
JG suits (Jeff Gordon? I have two, are there others?)
GTA suits (I have one, are there others?)

I appreciate any info you guys can pass along!
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I'm also curious about the gear playnthru mentioned:

Glitch Suits (I have one suit and one helmet, are there others?)
JG suits (Jeff Gordon? I have two, are there others?)
GTA suits (I have one, are there others?)

I appreciate any info you guys can pass along!

Hello :)

Yes,That's all the gear I am referring to. Everyone does not have it so I offer it in the OP.:)
I have a free send today, if someone wants something.
What I have on offer is here

Also, I am still looking for these:

Biege 5G X1
Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67
F10 '10

I have a free send today, if someone wants something.
What I have on offer is here

Also, I am still looking for these:

Biege 5G X1
Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67
F10 '10


Sup man, I'm looking for a GT-R V.spec II Nur (GT Academy)'02 in Vibrant red. I can trade a Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67 that your looking for. thanks
Sup man, I'm looking for a GT-R V.spec II Nur (GT Academy)'02 in Vibrant red. I can trade a Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67 that your looking for. thanks

I don't have it in that colour, the only colours I have are:
Jade, 2 Different Whites, Black, Silver & 2 different Blues.
Not sure if its available in Red.

Hey Jerry555, I should have a Biege 5G on tuesday. Wanna trade for a Skyline Nur then?

Is it this one, GT-R V.spec II Nur (GT Academy)'02
What colour do you want?
Colours are in above post.
Can send either today or after rest.
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I don't have it in that colour, the only colours I have are:
Jade, 2 Different Whites, Black, Silver & 2 different Blues.
Not sure if its available in Red.

What are the two whites you have? And its available in red.
Is it this one, GT-R V.spec II Nur (GT Academy)'02
What colour do you want?
Colours are in above post.
Can send either today or after rest.

Yeah, that's the one. Any color except Millenium Green and Aurora Flare Blue Pearl. Let's wait until tuesday in case I don't get the 5G.
I am in need of the following
Biege 5G X1
F2007 GTPolarized 001
X1 Prototype