GTA Green ticket,Pass/Gifting thread! SPL Kart 125's

  • Thread starter playnthru
Hello I can send the 2D

Thank you. Just received now.

Pandulce1, I shall send one now to you.

If the X1 prototype is just the X2010 Prototype, all i need is the Biege 5G X1
Let me get the WHITE one. Sending you the Ferrari P4 now.👍

Edit-Car sent

Been trying to collect all the colors for the Skyline GT-R V-Spec II Nur (GT Academy) '02.

May I have the white one as well please. Already have Aurora Flare Blue and Milllenium Jade. Thanks much.
Been trying to collect all the colors for the Skyline GT-R V-Spec II Nur (GT Academy) '02.

May I have the white one as well please. Already have Aurora Flare Blue and Milllenium Jade. Thanks much.

Sure thing man, if you dont get it. I'll send it to you tomorrow after my reset.:cheers:
Since I'm trying to catch up with the collections, I thought of collecting those academies a set at a time. is anyone free to help out complete:

GT-R Black edition Tuned car (GT Academy) '12 in:

Dark Metal Grey (M)
Brillant White Pearl (3P)


GT-R V.spec II Nur (GT Academy) '02 all colors needed
Ferrari F1 2007 - Polarized 001-P (Carol 360 Deluxe '62 white ticket)
Beige 5G X1
X1 Prototype
F1 2010 nero nemesis

And as usual, I'll pass it on to those needing it, too.

Thanks again, buddies. :cheers:
If you meant the fr, it was received. If you meant the 2D, then :confused:

Ferrari F1 2007 - Polarized 001-P (Carol 360 Deluxe '62 white ticket) sent. 👍

I got the 2D race car from AWOL_08. I was on about the FR
Specific list (my account for this = AAA-Ticket):

Hidden (Alfa Twin Spark) ticket.
2000 Ford Falcon XR8 by playnthru

Mazda Carol Tickets
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color #3 by Rayzah
F2007 GTPolarized 001, 0/0/0 by playnthru

Hidden Honda Tickets
Beige 5G X1 by playnthru
White 5G X1 #2 by GRANKUSTOM
Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1 by playnthru
X1 Prototype by playnthru
KENWOOD NSX-R Prototype Race Car LM #11. by playnthru
2J #1 old stock ;)
2D #5 by playnthru
Nissan GT-R SPECV (GT ACADEMY SPECIAL) #4 by tronrider345

.?. Ticket
Ferrari 330 P4 by gordongt
Mazda Carol Ticket Ferrari F10#6 by gordongt


My send list:
White X1 5G to gordongt1990 - sent 04/06
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color to gordongt1990 - sent 06/06

Green = announced/covered
Green + strike off = in truck


2D and F10 received. Thanks, playnthru and gordongt 👍

Ferrari 330 P4 in Old GEN BLUE sent under Honda Civic ticket
Specific list (my account for this = AAA-Ticket):

Hidden (Alfa Twin Spark) ticket.
2000 Ford Falcon XR8 by playnthru

Mazda Carol Tickets
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color #3 by Rayzah
F2007 GTPolarized 001, 0/0/0 by playnthru

Hidden Honda Tickets
Beige 5G X1 #7 by playnthru
White 5G X1 #2 by GRANKUSTOM
Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1 by playnthru
X1 Prototype by playnthru
KENWOOD NSX-R Prototype Race Car LM #11. by playnthru
Chaparral 2J #1 old stock ;)
Chaparral 2D #5 by playnthru
Nissan GT-R SPECV (GT ACADEMY SPECIAL) #4 by tronrider345

.?. Ticket
Honda Civic Ticket Ferrari 330 P4 #8 by gordongt
Mazda Carol Ticket Ferrari F10#6 by gordongt


My send list:
White X1 5G to gordongt1990 - sent 04/06
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color to gordongt1990 - sent 06/06

Green = announced/covered
Green + strike off = in truck


Beige X2010 and 330 P4 received. Thanks, playnthru and gordongt 👍
Since I'm trying to catch up with the collections, I thought of collecting those academies a set at a time. is anyone free to help out complete:

GT-R Black edition Tuned car (GT Academy) '12 in:

Dark Metal Grey (M)
Brillant White Pearl (3P)


GT-R V.spec II Nur (GT Academy) '02 all colors needed
Ferrari F1 2007 - Polarized 001-P (Carol 360 Deluxe '62 white ticket)
Beige 5G X1
X1 Prototype
F1 2010 nero nemesis

And as usual, I'll pass it on to those needing it, too.

Thanks again, buddies. :cheers:

I can help out with the GT-R Black Edition Tuned Car & Skyline GT-R V-Spec II Nur (GT Academy) '02. Add me.

Is it possible to get the Silky Black FT-86 II Concept '11 green ticket? Thanks in advance.
Can I borrow someone's F10 Nero Nemesis?

I don't even need the ticket, I can just borrow glitch the car.
Can I borrow someone's F10 Nero Nemesis?

I don't even need the ticket, I can just borrow glitch the car.

Send friend request and I will gift you the F10 Nero Nemesis later tonight.

Currently available:
X-1 Prototype
White 5G
GT-R SpecV (GT Academy SPECIAL)
GT-R Black edition Tuned car (Gt Academy) '12/ Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P)
SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II Nür (GT Academy) '02/ Jade green
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color
Vettel Livery 5G
F2007 GTPolarized 001
XR8 ford AU
F10 '10 - Nero Nemesis

Searching for:
Biege 5G X1
Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67, GT OLD GENERATION 004