GTA Online Heist Thread

  • Thread starter Jahgee
Downloading update now. Shall be ready for heists in an hour (gotta get dinner in 20 minutes). Will it be an even share (25% all round)?


I get 100% Muahahahahahaha


No I'm kidding.

25% all around.


Servers are toast. Can't even download player lists/crew lists/friend lists


Can't invite @ZeroGamingHD becuase invites are disabled

"Both players must have completed the GTA Tutorial in order to invite"
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Great feedback guys! Can't wait to not play it when I get done eating!!:crazy::yuck::rolleyes::(:indiff::nervous::mad:👎
And i DCed again, and now a cant get back online. Apperantly for me, the servers are down. Is anyone still connected to GTA Online?
And i DCed again, and now a cant get back online. Apperantly for me, the servers are down. Is anyone still connected to GTA Online?
I am.

"Rockstar services not available right now. Please try again later."

Well whoopty-🤬-do!


Joining another GTP player in the second heist.


Guess not.

You know what... I'm heading off to play some War Thunder.

I'm done...
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Bummer about the PSN servers but I pretty much knew that would happen. I am sure the X1 Rockstar servers will do the same thing by the time I get on tonight. I didn't really expect to play the heists until the weekend. After waiting a couple years for heists, down servers was inevitable. Hopefully everything is up and running by the weekend. At least a few people were able to get a taste of how it works.
I did it with randoms the first few trys.. pretty straight forward. . Probably 1 hr tops but less if you have decent people...the first random was low level with no mic and had a hard time with the hacking... totally worth itvthough.. i will be doing more tonight after work to get the challenge bonuses.
Ty for the info. Glad to hear that are not too long. An hour or so would not be bad at all. We are able to do them over and over again right? I am just so glad we can play with randoms if friends are not online.

Did some research and apparently it's a glitch you cant use the vehicles in SP or they just didn't include them. :/
I did the first Heist from an invite from a random last night(PS4). The set up went rather smoothly, then there was an apparent server load, and I thought I lost the progress. But luckily the original host sent a Heist invitation, and that went ok. The hack was rather cumbersome as I had problems with the controls and kept failing. Then the drilling took a few minutes to figure out, and the getaway took a surprising turn from a
SP heist character, Eddie Ho shows up with a Cargo Bob equipped with a magnet.
Then again I thought I lost it when it showed a celebratory cut scene went black, and had to close the application. Luckily when I reloaded GTA Online I didn't lose any progress and the cash from the Heist.

How do you access the Heist vehicles in single player? Mainly the Choppers and Hydra.

I checked the Warstock website and none of them showed up in Single Player wtf :irked:
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Well, I've been trying to actually download the update (1314mb) for about 4-5 hours now. Its either crashing with an error 807107something or just goes like 1% per 10 minutes which is insane. Do you guys have any idea how to fix this? I had sometimes such a problem, but after canceling and resuming it was alright, but this time, nothing works, it just won't download.
PS3 Fat (the first version)
@JASON_ROCKS1998 and I are gonna do the first heist, who else wants to join us? I might have a real life friend doing it with me, so we might only have one more spot.

Also, I had no download on my PS4, was it automatic? I started GTA and here I am, playing.
@JASON_ROCKS1998 and I are gonna do the first heist, who else wants to join us? I might have a real life friend doing it with me, so we might only have one more spot.

Also, I had no download on my PS4, was it automatic? I started GTA and here I am, playing.
Sorry but I'll wait til tomorrow, Servers may be fixed then, was waiting for half an hour with 3 freinds waiting for the 3rd guy to accept invite, he accepted 5 invites and he couldn't join.
I'll try and be on later

@Lister_Storm I saw you in the same game as me before I just had to switch off. Drop me a friend add if you want and next time we online can team up