GTA Online Heist Thread

  • Thread starter Jahgee
Looking for some players to recruit for heists but first, you must meet the following requirements below.

Must own a PS4.
Must have a mic.
Must be Rank 120 or higher.
Must speak English.
Must be a good player. Not accepting people with bad skills.
Must be mature. This is a very important rule as I often get bullied for my voice with people thinking I got Down syndrome or sound like a 13 year old or younger while I'm actually 17. Anyone that bullies me is considered immature, guaranteed to get kicked out and will also get reported if necessary.
Must be 16 years old or older.
Must own 2 or more high end apartments. It's alright if you own one or two 10 car garages. Although you must own atleast one high end apartment.
Must be an active player.
You must use matte black cars. This rule isn't required but anyone who completes a Heist mission with a Matte Black car will get a 10% cut bonus. Much like a style bonus.

My PSN ID is pokemonfan58. If interested feel free to add me.
I don't have matte black but I have a Metallic Black Granger which I will likely use. I meet all other requirements
So last night I set my X1 to auto update. I got on GTA5 this morning to at least peak at the heists. Spawned outside of apartment which was a bit strange. Enter apartment "You must be level 12 for heists". I am level 138. :confused::ouch:

I will have to research to see how to resolve this. No surprise at all after waiting over 530 days for heists.
So last night I set my X1 to auto update. I got on GTA5 this morning to at least peak at the heists. Spawned outside of apartment which was a bit strange. Enter apartment "You must be level 12 for heists". I am level 138. :confused::ouch:

I will have to research to see how to resolve this. No surprise at all after waiting over 530 days for heists.
Not like you were counting. Wait, 5-3=2 2X3=6 6/2=3 R* illuminati confirmed!
Not like you were counting. Wait, 5-3=2 2X3=6 6/2=3 R* illuminati confirmed!
I personally wasn't but someone had a site set up that was actually counting. Last time I had checked it was around 530 days. ;)

Hopefully some of you are able to play and can confirm heists are working.
So last night I set my X1 to auto update. I got on GTA5 this morning to at least peak at the heists. Spawned outside of apartment which was a bit strange. Enter apartment "You must be level 12 for heists". I am level 138. :confused::ouch:

I will have to research to see how to resolve this. No surprise at all after waiting over 530 days for heists.

Lester will call you to go to his Warehouse.
Finished the 1st Heist with randoms.. took several attempts and a new partner since the 1st one didn't work out. At the end of it I now have both versions of the Kuruma and I couldn't be happier.
Excellent! About how long do you think it took? How much communication is necessary? Or is it fairly straight forward? If I don't have friends on I might have to play with randoms.
Excellent! About how long do you think it took? How much communication is necessary? Or is it fairly straight forward? If I don't have friends on I might have to play with randoms.
I remember IGN say the third heist (Could have been the Humane Labs one) took 2-4 hours, depending on how good your crew is. Communication will be very important as everything your crew does is down to how well the leader communicates.
Someone needs to do a video with 30 of these

With this music playing
Excellent! About how long do you think it took? How much communication is necessary? Or is it fairly straight forward? If I don't have friends on I might have to play with randoms.
I did it with randoms the first few trys.. pretty straight forward. . Probably 1 hr tops but less if you have decent people...the first random was low level with no mic and had a hard time with the hacking... totally worth itvthough.. i will be doing more tonight after work to get the challenge bonuses.
I shoukd be able to download it on PS3 tonight. Probably going to hold off on Heists so I can check out the clothes and whatnot for a bit. Probably do some free roam stuff and a bit of grinding for money. I'd prefer to do Heists on the weekends because more free time. We'll see what happens. So hype for the new clothes.
You can add me , we're in the same timezone too.

@Leadfoot530 well Heists are a good way to grind out money ...

Well, something that takes a little less time than a full heist. As of right now I just want some of the clothes, and those can't be horribly expensive can they? That, and I'm not going to buy all of them in one shot. Got 200K saved up, too.
You two and @JASON_ROCKS1998 and I need to do the heists. I'll be home in a couple hours, who's heist leader?

I'm heist leader.

I might be off in a couple of hours. Not sure.

I'm doing heist #2.

Waiting for PS_johan and ally-renwick to join. *don't know their GTP ID.


Going to have to invite randoms.

It's me, @ZeroGamingHD and and a guy from the USMC Crew.
Alright, I'll use my Banshee as a fast getaway car and my Granger as a possible escort vehicle