GTA Online Heist Thread

  • Thread starter Jahgee
PS4 here, good with helicopters and OK at shooting (Not gonna say driving since you all are probably better than me, but I can provide custom vehicles if we can use them). Gonna tag people I can remember playing with to see if they would like to. @Katiegan @The Bman @Doog, there may be others but your names are slipping my mind

I've been kinda bored of GTA as of late, but hopefully this update'll be what pulls me back in. If it does, I'd be interested in pulling off some heists.
I've been kinda bored of GTA as of late, but hopefully this update'll be what pulls me back in. If it does, I'd be interested in pulling off some heists.
Same, logged in today to sell a car to make room for the Kuruma
I will, I don't know if on "day 1" but I'll definitely do them.
It's going to take a 3-4 hr commitment from all of us to complete it so we will have to coordinate real life schedules. .. please pm me with your psn ID or shoot me a FR @ driftinziggy2. I have added Michelin. I play on free aim for my primary crew but I am also in GTP crew and play under that on either aim assist or free aim. . Obviously this is something we have to agree on (i will gladly play on either) and we will have to communicate during these jobs so I can use a mic but I can be hard to hear sometimes if it's late and my kids are asleep.
Those of us doing heists, both on last and current gen, may need mics to talk to each other in order to pull things off successfully, as communication will be critical.
Oh, yeah, recruitment. I'm pretty good at everything except for flying really.

Saying that, I did get all gold in both of the flying schools. :sly:
Forgot to say back when we were all trying to sell ourselves for heists that I have 10 million already, so I'm willing to foot the bill for the heists as leader