Obviously I think the best part is that you will nab a rather whopping 100k for getting par with the rarely played time trials.
But let's have a small inspection on what they're offering us to do:
Friday May 6th: Vinewood Bowl
A moderately challenging and long one, due to both having an overall slim road and transitioning to off road later.
Saturday May 7th: Down Chilliad
PAIN!! Due to the off-road nature, the Sanchez would fare better than the Bati here, but I'm sure it's not impossible. Then again: PAIN!!
Sunday May 8th: Mount Gordo
MORE PAIN!! If climbing down is painful, it's also just as painful to climb up, especially when the given route's just not useful at all.
Monday May 9th: Great Ocean Highway
Totally made for the Banshee 900R, but still possible to do with an Adder/Z-Type. Just.. bikes won't be happy due to the RNG first jump off the parking lot.
Tuesday May 10th: Sawmill
Remember Luke: use the train tracks.
Wednesday May 11th: Maze Bank Arena
Particularly an easy one if you cut through the bushes, but traffic can be annoying here.
Thursday May 12th: End to End
The Hakuchou/Banshee 900R will have a blast going through the highway, but the short off road ending will need a bit of focus to deal with.
Funny how the best all around vehicle (Bati) isn't involved in the discount.