GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh

Had some back luck with product sell missions lately. Someone destroyed one of my product vehicles with a heavy sniper of all things. :irked:
Leave it to Rockstar to leave slipstream on in a 🤬 Premium Race, of all things. I've tried this one on Canyon Crossing twice, finished 2nd on the first one, and 5th in the last one. I'm sure most of us know, I'm no slouch when it comes to racing, and naturally, the best car for the track is the 7B, so how in 🤬 am I getting my 🤬 handed to me by T20s, an Osiris thwt pulled away from everyone in the first race, and to lesser extent, an X80? Is there a faster way to go through tubes, because I sure as hell don't know it.

If you're going to have a race for $100,000, it should be non-contact, no catchup, no slipstream. For 🤬 sake Rockstar, get your heads out of your 🤬.

Bonus points to the guy that actually decided to use a Bullet. Doomed from the start. Por fella probably kept up fora mile or two.
I found out today that some mod menus for the PS3 and 360 have updated now. Anyone on past gen needs to be careful now because the modders will probably be back in full force tomorrow.
Leave it to Rockstar to leave slipstream on in a 🤬 Premium Race, of all things. I've tried this one on Canyon Crossing twice, finished 2nd on the first one, and 5th in the last one. I'm sure most of us know, I'm no slouch when it comes to racing, and naturally, the best car for the track is the 7B, so how in 🤬 am I getting my 🤬 handed to me by T20s, an Osiris thwt pulled away from everyone in the first race, and to lesser extent, an X80? Is there a faster way to go through tubes, because I sure as hell don't know it.

If you're going to have a race for $100,000, it should be non-contact, no catchup, no slipstream. For 🤬 sake Rockstar, get your heads out of your 🤬.

Bonus points to the guy that actually decided to use a Bullet. Doomed from the start. Por fella probably kept up fora mile or two.

I avoid those races like the plague. Sure, the money is tempting, but I know there will always be idiots crashing into everyone else.

I found out today that some mod menus for the PS3 and 360 have updated now. Anyone on past gen needs to be careful now because the modders will probably be back in full force tomorrow.

If you play on last-gen, then switch to current-gen later on in the day, will your stats be reverted to match last-gen's? I'm wondering, because modders can definitely find ways to drain your cash.
If you play on last-gen, then switch to current-gen later on in the day, will your stats be reverted to match last-gen's? I'm wondering, because modders can definitely find ways to drain your cash.

Your last-gen and current-gen account have nothing to do with each other after you've transfered.
Your last-gen and current-gen account have nothing to do with each other after you've transfered.

Ok. Thanks for clearing it up.

On another note, I've been having this major itch to play GTA IV again. My bedroom re-do is almost complete, and now that I have a huge desk, it's even easier to switch consoles. Ooh how I wish to cruise in Liberty City at night with Electro-Choc playing in the background.
I avoid those races like the plague. Sure, the money is tempting, but I know there will always be idiots crashing into everyone else.

If you play on last-gen, then switch to current-gen later on in the day, will your stats be reverted to match last-gen's? I'm wondering, because modders can definitely find ways to drain your cash.

Thats part of why I tried this race out, as it's permanently set to non-contact. Was hoping for a few attempts at an easy $100k. Apparently, everyon else on or above my skill level had the same idea. Why, oh why, did I thinkit was going to be the usual brainless GTA players.
What about it? All I'm seeing is that the Buzzard fires RPG rounds.

The Buzzard has textured rockets in the pods, yet those aren't the projectiles. Seems kinda lazy when all they have to do is swap the models.
That's apparently the 'missile', which I would expect to look like a stinger missile at the very least. Being a Buzzard pilot for years and having to not notice this shamfur dispray really can rile you up some.

R* Editor can make or break you I guess.
I've set up a crew session. We are just messing around till everyone gets here. Party also set up.
Check the crew events thread. Everyone welcome :gtpflag:
Leave it to Rockstar to leave slipstream on in a 🤬 Premium Race, of all things. I've tried this one on Canyon Crossing twice, finished 2nd on the first one, and 5th in the last one. I'm sure most of us know, I'm no slouch when it comes to racing, and naturally, the best car for the track is the 7B, so how in 🤬 am I getting my 🤬 handed to me by T20s, an Osiris thwt pulled away from everyone in the first race, and to lesser extent, an X80? Is there a faster way to go through tubes, because I sure as hell don't know it.

If you're going to have a race for $100,000, it should be non-contact, no catchup, no slipstream. For 🤬 sake Rockstar, get your heads out of your 🤬.

Bonus points to the guy that actually decided to use a Bullet. Doomed from the start. Por fella probably kept up fora mile or two.

Wasn't the 7B nerfed recently? Now it's not that much quicker than the X80 IIRC, or at least certainly not to the same extent that it once was.
Ok. Thanks for clearing it up.

On another note, I've been having this major itch to play GTA IV again. My bedroom re-do is almost complete, and now that I have a huge desk, it's even easier to switch consoles. Ooh how I wish to cruise in Liberty City at night with Electro-Choc playing in the background.

Are the online servers still up on this on ps3? I've been considering blasting online all I had left was the level 10 online trophy for platinum!
Are the online servers still up on this on ps3? I've been considering blasting online all I had left was the level 10 online trophy for platinum!
Yes. Public lobbies are hell if you don't run with a modder, but they are still up.
One of my friends is having issues getting online on PS3. I wouldn't be shocked if Rockstar is having server issues tonight.
I'm not being flipant here as I know money doesn't grow on trees and not everyone can afford the next best thing but I'm suprised people still play GTA on the PS3. It must be an awful awful experience.

I played GTA for a few months on PS3 and it was a terrible thing. The whole lobby being killed, God modes, teleported next to a modder etc etc. I just had to go out and buy a PS4 as soon as gta was released on next gen as the modders literally killed the game dead for me.
Are the online servers still up on this on ps3? I've been considering blasting online all I had left was the level 10 online trophy for platinum!

Yes. Public lobbies are hell if you don't run with a modder, but they are still up.

Just wondering, do either of you have or know someone who has the "Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie" trophy? I doubt I'll ever get 100% completion on the game, but it's a rare trophy I want to get.
Just wondering, do either of you have or know someone who has the "Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie" trophy? I doubt I'll ever get 100% completion on the game, but it's a rare trophy I want to get.
I don't have it.