GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Level 78? Pfft. :sly: :lol:

I'd be annoyed at losing my stuff. Invested a lot of money into my things.

78 days playtime, I'm sure he means.

Yep. 78 days playtime, 11.3 million, to my name, as well as millions worth of cars, properties, and over 5 million sold with vehical exports.

Been using this character since October 6th of 2013, I ain't losing it now!
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In game days??.....

Ah I'm just messing with you. Crazy to think of how much time has been spent on that game online alone.
I've noticed an increase in ridiculous NPC driving again. Cars sliding across the road to hit me. Crazy lane changes and u-turns. Cars and trucks just spawning in front of me. It got pretty bad that a while ago but definitely lessened over the past few months. Today though it was bad again.
I've noticed an increase in ridiculous NPC driving again. Cars sliding across the road to hit me. Crazy lane changes and u-turns. Cars and trucks just spawning in front of me. It got pretty bad that a while ago but definitely lessened over the past few months. Today though it was bad again.

Were you on a bike or doing an I/E mission?
I've noticed an increase in ridiculous NPC driving again. Cars sliding across the road to hit me. Crazy lane changes and u-turns. Cars and trucks just spawning in front of me. It got pretty bad that a while ago but definitely lessened over the past few months. Today though it was bad again.
I had it bad on an few I/E missions. Including my Cargobob in an empty lobby disconnecting 3 times.
On Car or bike. Not doing I/E missions.

Alright. Just wanted to confirm since I've only noticed insane AIs while on my bikes and in the two source missions I played. As for driving cars in regular free mode, I've never had any issues.

I sure hope it's tomorrow, actually.

Quick side note: called it.

The Turismo Classic is the new fastest Sports Classic car.
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The Stigs GTA Cousin gives his view on the Classics:

  • The Turismo will break the Sports Classics class even more than it already is. Est. test time: 1:04.6
  • The Infernus is about the same as the Stirling GT, at least in terms of lap time. Comes in at about 1:06.3

Not that it changes my view on buying both of them. Of the 58 days I've apparently spent on GTA, I've spent barely 22 hours and 30 minutes on racing, most of that either being with friends (so non-competitive) or a very long time ago.

Besides, it's an F40 and a Diablo. Any counter arguments are invalid.
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... And how much of that time were you drunk? :lol:

I spend a lot of time just 'idling' with my character watching TV on my yacht/office/apartment so the stat isn't truly representative of my time 'playing.' I've left it on for more than a couple of days before without even touching the controller.

However, calculating the amount of time spent drunk is relatively easy. It takes approximately 30 seconds to consume 3 beverages and achieve the 'drunk' state, upon which it takes a further 2 minutes 30 seconds to dissipate. Of course, if you consume more than 3 drinks the time to sober up is extended, as it is if you smoke from the water filtration device. As such, you can't really calculate an accurate total time spent drunk, but you can calculate an amount of time that is the least possible amount that you have been drunk. Calling it 3 minutes per(probably rather conservative as many times it's more than 3 drinks) over the 7560 or some-odd times my character has now been drunk approximately 378 hours. That's round 15 days, 18 hours of real time spent drunk. :cheers:


Upon Edit: The "176d 1h 2m 22s" quoted above is under the 'time played as character' statistic in the social club. Upon further investigation "Time spent in GTA Online" totals at 205d 13h 23m 24s. Perhaps also noteworthy is the "Time played in first person" totals at 90d 22h 55m 43s. I'm thinking the difference between the 'Time Spent in GTA Online' and 'Time Played as Character' is the time I've spent on my other(2nd) character.
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The Turismo Classic and the Infernus Classic: I'm getting them both regardless of B-Stig's times (for the record, @rallymorten, I did watch that video)...and I already have the Stirling GT, so I think that'll cover the Sports Classics class for me.
@leeislee NPCs have been pissing me off as well. I have to put 100% armor on my cars because if I don't they'll get ravaged by braindead drivers and trigger-happy cops anywhere I go...
I do the same thing...not for the same reason you do, I just like my cars looking like they're in pristine condition. I myself haven't experienced what this "new and improved" traffic AI is like, so I'm positively in the dark here.
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Alright. Just wanted to confirm since I've only noticed insane AIs while on my bikes and in the two source missions I played. As for driving cars in regular free mode, I've never had any issues.
I call foul. You mean to tell us it always happens during those two occasions? :rolleyes:
I call foul. You mean to tell us it always happens during those two occasions? :rolleyes:

While cruising in my cars, I've never had any AI cars swerve wildly and cause me to crash. On a bike, that's happened numerous times.
..aaand the Infernus Classic iiiiis..

Available! $915,000 of Diablo goodness is waiting.

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And, after what mods I wanted to apply (which was literally just slightly more skirts and some different rims more akin to those on the SV)

Grand Theft Auto V_20170328111123.jpg

And yes, the Prius is a placeholder while we wait for the Turismo.
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