Tonight's tour is going to be a little different. Looking to start a bit earlier, perhaps closer to 7PM EDT, though I'm waiting to see if that will be feasible for the others before making a firm call.
The plan this evening is to change it up a bit. Instead of listening to me ramble on about some random building you don't care about, this is an all request Memorial Day weekend. If there is a favourite place you like to hang out, or something you've always wondered what it is; tonight you can find out! That is, as long as I can find out.
I know, or can usuaully find quickly, most of the areas in the game ranging from buildings to neighbourhoods to state parks and prominent natural features. Some of the beaches, hills, trails, etc all have real life inspirations. Any of these places you've always wondered about, come let me know tonight and we will all find out together! Now be aware, some things are generic and others are temporary so identifying where this particular dumpster with the funny graffiti was parked on the day R* mapping team drove by in 2010 can prove difficult. But, I've found random things like a particular hot dog stand and similar, so I'm willing to give it a shot! Also we can enjoy a few other non-tour related activities and have some fun mixed in there.
Anyway, as always all are welcome, but we do hold this in an invite room. So if you haven't been joining us regularly lately and would like an invite tonight let me know here.
If you are interested but would prefer starting either at the normal 9-930ish or closer to 7PM(EDT, about 4 and a half hours from this post) let me know your preference so I have an idea which time would be most accomodating to everyone.
Edit: For those unfamiliar, this is hosted on PS4. If you've never been, I recommend giving it a try. You can always bail if we suck!