GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Will have 525k after the stimulus package, will be spending that on an apartment and the Continental GT and upgrading it as well
I recently purchased the Tinsel Towers Apt 45, at $270k.
3 Atla St, Apt 57 - Downtown Los Santos, Los Santos ($223,000, ten cars)

So I aprroxamately have 315,000 to spend after this (I have 50,000 currently) I'll probably buy and tune a Voltic to use in races.
Also, is it possible to glitch and insure the actual armored truck in your garage? With the protection it seems.. useful.
Got from level 53 to 59 today, some weird double RP or something while me and a mate win swapped in races. We started 52 and 53 ended up 55 and 58 :lol:. I'll take it though ;), I also now I have unlocked all the performance mods. 1.5 mil too so my Tank is not far away :P.
Put Stage 4 Engine, Turbo & Rally Master wheels on her & the sweet GTPlanet logo

I don't have a Level 4 Engine on mine. :/
Forgot to say, I had a lot of fun with BreadTC12, xxxxxxxxxxxxxKingJuicexxxxxxxxxx, ZDERP, and Yumi (sorry, no funny name for you). Started off with derping around, then killing a group of players over and over, then off roading, and finished off with some aquatic mayhem.
Got my $500k. :D Might change apartments. The "closest to the beach" apartment has the worst beach view...

Next time you see me on, come check out the view from my recently upgraded apartment, I'm quite pleased with the purchase. :dopey:
I see no less than 483156 of those in a 5 minute session.

I had to deliver a car to the docks for Simeon and jacked a Futo to get out of there. Saw an old Bobcat so I grabbed that and not 5 seconds later a Patriot came rolling down the street.


Shame the lights don't work.
Found a new fun hobby to do ever since I reached level 35.. Whenever there is an annoying kid on a mic under level 35, I will call mercanaries on them and hear them scream over the mic WTF is going on haha
Been messing around with my 'Sunoco Vigero' :P

Edit: stupid phone will add pics later.
Got my $500k. :D Might change apartments. The "closest to the beach" apartment has the worst beach view...

I bought the exact same apartment! Who would have known ugly buildings will block that amazing view..

For my 500k, I bought the Eclipse Towers b/c magnanimous view. I was also surprised that they let me trade in my existing house for 100k so I had enough for a supercar - the Bullet. Painted that car with Gulf colors and saved the remaining for modding my cars.
Forgot to say, I had a lot of fun with BreadTC12, xxxxxxxxxxxxxKingJuicexxxxxxxxxx, ZDERP, and Yumi (sorry, no funny name for you). Started off with derping around, then killing a group of players over and over, then off roading, and finished off with some aquatic mayhem.
We do that all the time, except that time I wasn't on :P
Also, I put Crew Smoke on my tires, so my burnouts are Red :lol:

I've got a Duneloader that I've painted and repaired, but don't want, if anyone wants it before I sell it to LS Customs, feel free to reply to this and either quote it or tag me in your post so I see it. It also has Steelie offroad wheels and Bulletproof tires.
Maybe you should re-read my post before you try and be smart, I was agreeing with someone and not asking for your opinion on what I should do when I find myself in that situation. Pretty sure you weren't in that lobby so you don't know what was happening.
I know EXACTLY what you posted and I know exactly what I posted. It was directed at both of you. The person before you complained about being killed over and over. YOU agreed and said you had to rage quit. Its quite simple, if you are getting killed by people in your lobby and you don't like it, leave and set up a private lobby.

I did say sorry to everyone I killed for no purpose, I mean i am kind of stupid :\.
And like always, there is truth to why people get killed over and over again. Always another side to the story if you wait a day or two. I am actually surprised you have not been kicked out of the GTA club. You have created a lot of problems in there from what I have read in this thread.
Thing was i couldnt quit. When i tried hit quit. He would kill me taking me out of Start Screen :\.
That is not true. You can quit GTA online at ANY time. Hold down on your D pad and warp to the single player characters (Franklin, Trevor, Michael)instantly at any time. Or go into the options and quit.
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I already had 1 million, so I bought a tank and spent the remaining 45k on sticky bombs.
Most of my cars are upgraded the way I want then
Any opinions on which of the military vehicles (Buzzard, Laser, Rhino) are the most useful, or will be most useful as new missions and heists become available? For those of us that can only afford one of them. :dopey:
Any opinions on which of the military vehicles (Buzzard, Laser, Rhino) are the most useful, or will be most useful as new missions and heists become available? For those of us that can only afford one of them. :dopey:
My vote goes for buzzard, we use it almost every mission and it's good way to save some money since you don't need waste sticky bombs..
Any opinions on which of the military vehicles (Buzzard, Laser, Rhino) are the most useful, or will be most useful as new missions and heists become available? For those of us that can only afford one of them. :dopey:

Well it's not down to those three really as the Laser cannot be purchased, but can be glitched into your garage, like the tank. But if you were to buy one, I'd say that the Buzzard had the most "use".
Ah, didn't realize we couldn't buy the Laser, so many kill happy randoms seem to have easy access to it in free roam that I assumed we could. I've been leaning towards the Buzzard anyway, it just seems like the more practical of the choices. I'm curious to find out if anyone really uses the Rhino for anything other than dominating free roam lobbies.
I'm curious to find out if anyone really uses the Rhino for anything other than dominating free roam lobbies.

Not that I've found, lol. The Buzzard as JK has said, gets a lot of use in later missions, by people that either own one, or get one to spawn, so I also think it's fair to say that it would be a better choice to spend your $1.75 million on (or whatever the exact amount is).
I'm curious to find out if anyone really uses the Rhino for anything other than dominating free roam lobbies.

I'm thinking as a 'safe' way to travel around the city. And brave your bounty. Watch out for the RPGs and other like minded tank men. Just ready Titanic for those situations.

I'm at 650k post stimulus, and after seeing what things do (Merryweather stuff, platinum my guns).. Rhino?

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