This game is losing it's GTA spirit and fast. I loved the variety of vehicles and handling physics in the original San Andreas. There were gokarts, golf carts, powerslidy Sentinel, slicky Super GT, the rare Turismo... Now, on top of dull driving physics, they're removing all interesting vehicles one by one. Pretty much all that's left is dull saloons that all feel exactly the same. It has taken away the will to explore and find new, more interesting cars. And IMO I've never got bored of a GTA this fast before. Ofcourse the mass online multiplayer scheme is really a milestone for such a game franchise but it doesn't make up for the fact that instead of adding new, interesting content they're removing it for no reason. I absolutely hate it. I want more cars, more interesting cars, more interesting mods, cars that are (were) hard to obtain and that made you feel so good when you succeeded. Gokarts, saveable police cars, anything that would put some colors into the gray mass of identical SUVs, saloons and chrome Adders...
I swear, if they remve the MW Mesa and the Canis Bodhi, and now I can definitely see them do that, I'm laying off this game until R* opens their eyes. Might just shell out for GT6 and a steering wheel even though I haven't even gotten into GT5 properly...