GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
What??!!? The clean Rebel is no more? The bell is wrong with R*? Does this mean I won't find my shiny red Rebel when
I go online next time? :mad: Please tell me it's not true.


I loved my Rebel :(
From R* Staff
"As a part of the latest patch, the Rat Loader has been removed from garages. The Rat Loader is classed as a utility vehicle (in the same way that the Tow Truck is), and was not meant to be stored in player garages. Certain models of the Tornado and Karin Rebel have also been removed, as they were Single Player only mission vehicles."

The hell? What utility does the Rat Loader do? What can it carry? Nothing.

I suppose they should remove the utility Bison from the in-game Internet as well as removing the Dune Loader too! Argh! Stupid stupid stupid!
Good to see Rockstar is taking the PD method of fixing things. Fix 2 good things remove 5 things that didn't hurt anybody for no reason at all.

And I just got a convertible Tornado that looked nice too :/
Good to see Rockstar is taking the PD method of fixing things. Fix 2 good things remove 5 things that didn't hurt anybody for no reason at all.

And I just got a convertible Tornado that looked nice too :/

Or, fix 1 thing, break 3 things.
I think I'm done with GTA Online.
Rockstar ruined all of our fun. The fact that the Cargobob is now available for any player does NOT make up for the fact that those mentioned vehicles have been removed from our garages. Rockstar clearly don't want us to have fun. Nice playing with y'all, but I give up for GTA Online. Screw the heists, screw Rockstar. I'm done.
I think I'm done with GTA Online.
Rockstar ruined all of our fun. The fact that the Cargobob is now available for any player does NOT make up for the fact that those mentioned vehicles have been removed from our garages. Rockstar clearly don't want us to have fun. Nice playing with y'all, but I give up for GTA Online. Screw the heists, screw Rockstar. I'm done.

Yeh same thing here, Time to take GTA Disc out :P.
I think I'm done with GTA Online.
Rockstar ruined all of our fun. The fact that the Cargobob is now available for any player does NOT make up for the fact that those mentioned vehicles have been removed from our garages. Rockstar clearly don't want us to have fun. Nice playing with y'all, but I give up for GTA Online. Screw the heists, screw Rockstar. I'm done.


Great. Now I won't have anyone to play GTAO with. Everyone is just playing GT6.
Yeh same thing here, Time to take GTA Disc out :P.
I'm having too much fun with GT6 to even care for GTA V at the moment. GTA Online could have been so much, and it gave us so little. I know it's only been out for two months, but Rockstar seem to have more fun patching unnecessary crap rather then give us the heists that were the absolute highlight of GTA Online. A two month waiting time is unacceptable for a few missions. Instead of releasing a few heist missions, let's patch an old 1940s Dodge ratrod from entering our garage! That's much more important, right?
Honestly I might trade in GTA V, since I see absolutely no point in playing it anymore.
This game is losing it's GTA spirit and fast. I loved the variety of vehicles and handling physics in the original San Andreas. There were gokarts, golf carts, powerslidy Sentinel, slicky Super GT, the rare Turismo... Now, on top of dull driving physics, they're removing all interesting vehicles one by one. Pretty much all that's left is dull saloons that all feel exactly the same. It has taken away the will to explore and find new, more interesting cars. And IMO I've never got bored of a GTA this fast before. Ofcourse the mass online multiplayer scheme is really a milestone for such a game franchise but it doesn't make up for the fact that instead of adding new, interesting content they're removing it for no reason. I absolutely hate it. I want more cars, more interesting cars, more interesting mods, cars that are (were) hard to obtain and that made you feel so good when you succeeded. Gokarts, saveable police cars, anything that would put some colors into the gray mass of identical SUVs, saloons and chrome Adders...

I swear, if they remve the MW Mesa and the Canis Bodhi, and now I can definitely see them do that, I'm laying off this game until R* opens their eyes. Might just shell out for GT6 and a steering wheel even though I haven't even gotten into GT5 properly...
I knew people would get tired of this game down the line, say two years from now. But it's sad that people really are starting to drift away right now. I guess we should learn from our mistakes: The big one being to never over hype a game to such a high degree like GTA Online again.
I knew people would get tired of this game down the line, say two years from now. But it's sad that people really are starting to drift away right now. I guess we should learn from our mistakes: The big one being to never over hype a game to such a high degree like GTA Online again.

Yup i learned my lesson xD.
I think it's pretty unreasonable to completely stop playing GTA V because of 3 cars getting removed from online... I'm having fun with the content creator, the re-introduction of the Cargobob is a good sign and some of the fixes are pretty neat.
How about a compromise? Lawnmower GTA race on a dirt oval...

If the engine speed relates to the cutting blade speed (Yes I know, no actual blades on the mower in GTA), then when you activate the nitrous, you'll produce more downforce than a Red Bull X-Prototype!
The only real problem with the dirt oval is that you really have to be efficient with your checkpoint placement to get up to the minimum 0.62 mi... I made a dirt oval circuit just now, but on one of the turns you can miss a checkpoint if you hug the inside too much (though it's at least not a wise idea to do so).
I think it's pretty unreasonable to completely stop playing GTA V because of 3 cars getting removed from online... I'm having fun with the content creator, the re-introduction of the Cargobob is a good sign and some of the fixes are pretty neat.
Does the Cargobob spawn apply to pre-level 22?
Well I hope you guys enjoy your time on GTA Online. I'm out of commission now. It was fun playing with you all, but the recent patches ruined the game for myself. We all have a different perspective on the situation, and my perspective is that Rockstar killed GTA Online. The fact that I helped so many players mod Rat-Loaders to the max, and then have them lose the car because of some idiotic patch is enough to set me off. Why even have the damn car online if you cannot save it anymore? This game feels like as much of a mess as Saints Row The Third was. If you have me added on PSN for GTA Online you can delete me if you want, because I will not be going back on GTA Online.
Rockstar need to learn from this and not hype up the garbage that is GTA Online (in my opinion). The trailers looked very promising, and what we got was a half-assed GTA 4.5 multiplayer.
Well I hope you guys enjoy your time on GTA Online. I'm out of commission now. It was fun playing with you all, but the recent patches ruined the game for myself. We all have a different perspective on the situation, and my perspective is that Rockstar killed GTA Online. The fact that I helped so many players mod Rat-Loaders to the max, and then have them lose the car because of some idiotic patch is enough to set me off. Why even have the damn car online if you cannot save it anymore? This game feels like as much of a mess as Saints Row The Third was. If you have me added on PSN for GTA Online you can delete me if you want, because I will not be going back on GTA Online.
Rockstar need to learn from this and not hype up the garbage that is GTA Online (in my opinion). The trailers looked very promising, and what we got was a half-assed GTA 4.5 multiplayer.

The reason why the Ratloader was in? People hacked it in.

I'm just waiting for someone to do a 16 player Boeing 747 race.