GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Im up for grinding it a little later on if anyone is still playing. I wait out back with an entity and just race the doc carrier to madrazos house
I talked another friend into getting GTA5 over the weekend. He is just loving the online as expected. He is currently only around level 6 so he has no idea just how awesome the online gets. :D

I also showed him right away how to host his own private servers. That way he can free roam without randoms ruining the experience.

I hit level 120 this weekend so now I have the mini-gun. :)

Also found a REALLY fun race that someone made with a 4 way intersection. It is in the playlist vote screen. Easily the most fun race in the game. I think it is called "4 way madness"?
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Grinding? Are you guys still doing that? I need to get to lvl 100 and I'm about 1000RP from lvl 96..

On another news, just got 30 Platinum awards. :D
I just looked at that reply again and it really looks like his avatar is saying that. It even has an arrow pointing right at the avatars face! :lol:

Grinding? Are you guys still doing that? I need to get to lvl 100 and I'm about 1000RP from lvl 96..

On another news, just got 30 Platinum awards. :D

I still grind, just hit level 250 today and still intend to carry on. I like the cash to buy whatever I want.

Congrats on the awards, I assume that unlocked the 'Decorated' trophy for you, for some it glitches until they hit 31 or even 32 sometimes.
I still grind, just hit level 250 today and still intend to carry on. I like the cash to buy whatever I want.

Congrats on the awards, I assume that unlocked the 'Decorated' trophy for you, for some it glitches until they hit 31 or even 32 sometimes.

Yep it unlocked, and different from what happened with GRID 2 when the last two torphies glitched for me and that prevented me from getting Platinum on that game, this one didn't glitch. Mind you, I'm still mad with GRID 2 because of that. Tried everything they told me to do on the internet to get those glitched trophies, but I just couldn't... :(
Anyone up for some Rooftop Rumble grinding? Around 2 minutes and minimal work for $18,700 and around 4,300RP.

Just a few tips for R.R. grinders, have one person in the front and another stationed in the back with an RPG/grenade launcher or explosive of any kind to blow up the vehicles along the side with the Gauntlet and SUVs. This will take out almost everyone. Shoot down the last few members, and should the guy with the document manage to attempt a getaway in the Fugitive, have your vehicle parked to where he'll try to go around it and end up driving into a wall. Kill him, and quickly hop in your car. Have the document driver in front and the other player(s) behind him/her, fighting off the enemy Grangers while the document holder makes a run for it. Then on the 2nd fork in the road going up Vinewood Hills, make a left instead of going right. This will shrink down the amount of time taken during the mission. Going right is about a 1/2 mile, while going left is about a 1/4 mile. Then slide into Martin's driveway, and you're done. Rinse and repeat until satisfied.
I can't be bothered with Coveted, since I'm crap at sniping, so if you're in the same boat as me, then try the above techniques in Rooftop Rumble to get around the same payout.
BONUS: Have your buddies in the same crew and make sure you're playing with friends. This will add to the total RP you earn during the mission, effectively boosting it to around 4,500 - 4,600RP.
Here is fastest way do it and only 2 members needed.
1. Another person calls buzzard and goes get it when mission starts.
2.Other guys kill everybody while buzzard is coming.
3. Take documents when buzzard has landed,
4. Get in and fly Martins house.

This is for sure fastest way to do it :)
Sent you an FR. Coveted or RR I dont mind, I dont know the quick way of doing Coveted though

Snipe the guy by the SUV, go down to the SUV and snipe all the other guys at the end of the peninsula, wait for the Cargobob and kill that pilot, go in and grab the container and fly it to the lockup