From GTAForums Scrubs
- Cars stolen off of the streets then customized now sell for normal value. (It was 10k before if the car wasn't bought off of the websites.)
-Weasel news vans now storable.
- Slipstream on/off option added to races
- Five new "classical" horns added at LSC
- New Gestures - Air thrust, Dock, Knuckle crunch
- Green and Purple tire smoke now available at LSC
- Mechanic is still gone, R.I.P
- Hard mode now gives 1.5x more RP and CASH (OLD)
- New website found: (OLD)
- New GTA Online logo when switching characters.
- Clean Karin Rebel can now be stored.
- The Granger has been upgraded. It can keep up with a fully modified Turismo R.
- Can now purchase the Asea, Intruder, Granger and many others from Southern San Andreas.
- Race Payouts have been restored to Pre-Patch adjustments.
- ''Outfit'' option added to Ponsobys, however no clothing is available.
- NOS Glitch Patched (?) - Cars are still in the garage, although cannot replicate the glitch.
- Instead of Home on the Quick GPS it now says ''address'', possibility of owning multiple properties soon - Not currently possible.
- Several more Car Duplication glitches fixed.
- The ability to drop the Collector's Edition 50. Pistol returns.
- Tank Sniping is gone, i'll quote another post: ''The bullets 'ping' at long range now instead of going through the tank and killing the driver.''
New & Old Glitches
- Arms turn invisible from all of the Business DLC torso clothing
- The Tommy Rosenberg gun from the Valentine's DLC is gone from everyone's inventory.
- Extended magazine glitch is still in efffect - Glitch where even when changing back to default clip, the mag reverts to extended
- When you get a tattoo, a circular blank spot appears on the Player's chest. Also reports of several other new Tattoo glitches.
- The new Business masks don't save to your character, you have to re-buy them every time you switch sessions.
- SP2MP Glitch is still working, although it has to be in public session.
Miscellaneous Adjustments
- Los Santos Belle shirt has flipped, the front is now at the back, glitch?
- Chain necklaces are now more thin than before.
- You now get 3 stars for stealing from a single armoured truck while it was previously 2. [OLD]