GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Anyone notice that there's a dude in your house in that one unused room?

I think that room is supposed to be used for heists... So..
Now this I like. Except the Black/And orange top :\/
Yep, that's the only problem with the car. I wish that R* would fix the pearlescent on matte glitch, but at the same time I hope they don't because I have a bunch of cars that use it to full effect.
I also prefer the white. Which is strange because I usually don't like white on a car at all. The yellow and red looks like something Ronald Mcdonald would drive. Which is irnoic since my character in GTA5 looks like a clown. :lol:



You know, that is the only thing I thought about with a yellow and red car.

Was playing as my female level 8 secondary, some level 73 with 2002 in his username picks me up in his Entity and drives me around for 15 minutes. I tell him "brb" and switch to my primary (Dressed like Pee Wee Herman ATM), I then invite him to my garage and start airhumping him. He unfriended me.
After driving all 3 DLC cars, I decided that I just don't really care for any of them. The Turismo R quickly became the new noobmobile for Super class racing thanks to being essentially a cheaper Entity XF, which is why I quickly decided to avoid this car. The Alpha is dull, slow and overall just an overall boring car. And finally the Jester is just...well...hideous. Bare in mind that this is just my opinion, and that you have every right to disagree with me. I will hold nothing against you. All three cars just don't interest me in the slightest, mainly for two reasons; 1) I don't enjoy driving very fast cars and 2) The styling is just out of the ordinary, and in a bad way.
The Vestra however is awesome.
Hopefully the 3 new leaked vehicles impress me more, but until then I'm steering clear of these current vehicles.