GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Hi, I play on PS4 and I'm at level 28. Whenever I play heist setups or any missions, I die very easily. I see that other players can take a lot more hits than me. Why is it so? Do I have to max my stats? Please give me suggestions.


Maxing out your stats will help, but you have a higher total amount of health when you are rank 120. Additionally, the Utility Vests you can purchase at any clothing store gives you a significant damage resistance only in heist setups and finales. Outside of those missions, they are purely cosmetic and do not give you an advantage. Bulletproof helmets will always work (Regardless of being in a mission or not), in the event that an AI's bullets happen to be hitting above your torso. Once you buy a Utility Vest, save it as one of your outfits, that way you can wear it in the heist. Just remember to tell the host to allow Player-Owned Outfits.
Hi, I play on PS4 and I'm at level 28. Whenever I play heist setups or any missions, I die very easily. I see that other players can take a lot more hits than me. Why is it so? Do I have to max my stats? Please give me suggestions.

You may or may not have noticed that sometimes when you level up you get a "Max health increased" notification. Your max health is at 100 when you are level 1 and increases by 20 every 20 levels. It's up to debate as to when the max health increase stops, but some people have said level 120, 150, 200, and even endless.

Since you are level 28 your tolerance to weapons is low compared to a level 100 player. This means that he/she will be able to take more damage than you (I've never noticed it in a gunfight myself) before they die.

Other factors in your gunfights could be your shooting stat, type of armor, and latency issues.

This is why I'm currently staying away from PvP on my 2nd character which is level 83.
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Maxing out your stats will help, but you have a higher total amount of health when you are rank 120. Additionally, the Utility Vests you can purchase at any clothing store gives you a significant damage resistance only in heist setups and finales. Outside of those missions, they are purely cosmetic and do not give you an advantage. Bulletproof helmets will always work (Regardless of being in a mission or not), in the event that an AI's bullets happen to be hitting above your torso. Once you buy a Utility Vest, save it as one of your outfits, that way you can wear it in the heist. Just remember to tell the host to allow Player-Owned Outfits.

You may or may not have noticed that sometimes when you level up you get a "Max health increased" notification. Your max health is at 100 when you are level 1 and increases by 20 every 20 levels. It's up to debate as to when the max health increase stops, but some people have said level 120, 150, 200, and even endless.

Since you are level 28 your tolerance to weapons is low compared to a level 100 player. This means that he/she might will be able to take more damage than you (I've never noticed it in a gunfight myself) before they die.

Other factors in your gunfights could be your shooting stat, type of armor, and latency issues.

This is why I'm currently staying away from PvP on my 2nd character which is level 83.

Okay I'll make sure to buy those vests and keep levelling up. Thanks for the help guys. :)
If in autoaim lobbies, utilize rolling and headshots. They are key. When you roll, the other person's autoaim turns to free aim and they have to aim again.
By the way, you don't have to face off a guy head on. There are no edicts in honorable fighting in GTA, since there's no honor in putting a bullet in someone else.

Since I'm mostly a rubbish shot, I always make it hard for any of my enemies to try getting a clear shot. I take a corner, and their chase won't expect a proxy mine they triggered that so happens to have their name on it. You all should know that I've lured Hydras into parking lots with perfectly aimed Glorious RPGs blowing up the jets.

What people are lacking nowadays to beat me in a 1v1 deathmatch is the cunning.
I had an arab guy constantly say bad things about my mother because I killed him. It was quite crass.

I was with a friend, just goofing around, and when we finally got serious, well, he did, I grabbed my RPG, yelled Allah Akbar and blew myself and him up. He almost pissed his pants.
RPGs are just an easy kill. I never used to use them unless a random used them on me. You learn pretty quick that gentlemanly conduct gets you no where so now i use thrm whenever i can. Use every sly trick you can think of.

Muggers are great to send on someone then killing the random while they're flailing on the floor.

If my K/D ratio takes a knock due to getting bested by a none stop rolling fully armoured pro I just find someone to kill repeatedly until I even the odds.

If the odds get too great I pull out the hydra. I just don't care anymore. You kill me I'll kill you however I can.

Embrace the terrible insulting texts, text them back with words like LOLZ and LooOOOo00L just to annoy them.

If they report you report them back, they vote to kick you then kick them too.
His broken english and constant "your matha is a wh**e b**ch" was quite amusing.

I rarely use the RPG, only when my opponent is hiding and I need some splash damage. To be honest I am to tight to use explosives as they are expensive to replenish :lol:. I am one of those guys who constantly refills all my ammo in every lobby.
Blowing up a helicopter or plane taking off for a parachute challenge or something often sparks nasty texts and further mayhem amongst randoms.

Blowing up a helicopter or plane taking off for a parachute challenge or something often sparks nasty texts and further mayhem amongst randoms.

That I don't do. That's just annoying when you're trying to do something.
My friends and I were in a session and there was a Dead Drop event. We went to get it. It was in the airport. As we got the package, a hacker came who has unlimited ammo and god mode on. He killed us all and took the package. We started chasing him and we ended up punching him to the ground and running him over with cars, harassing him. His aim was terrible too. We ended up making him leave the session.
I had a great plan for the Fleeca finale. Set the cut at 50/50. Wait till the other guy accepts it but do not hit continue. Send him a message and when he reads it quickly change the cut to 100/0 then hit continue. Chances are he wont notice and finish the job. When he gets no money simply reply that it was a glitch and you got no money either.
*evil laugh*

Note: I have not actually tried this
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I'm one of those 'randoms' that can't deathmatch or one-on-one for crap. Jobs, missions, heists, sure, I can do pretty well.

The other stuff...I am turrible.

Nothing more frustrating than getting in a heli just to get blown up for no reason...especially with no move made whatsoever towards even looking like I am attempting to kill that player...makes no sense to me, but I just move on
Decided to see how much of an annoying asshole I could be today.

Took my Insurgent out and started following around random people, blaring my horn. Then there was a group of two guys in particular. After following them around for a little while, they both got shrekt by a Hydra. Then, they tried to get a Merryweather pickup from a Maverick, but I kept interrupting the landing zone, and eventually caused it to be damaged by a train overpass, so it flew away. Somebody began yelling at this point, but I couldn't tell if one of them had a mic or some other person in the lobby. They both grabbed Annihilators from the Vespucci Heliport (we were across the street from it) although I did get a hit on both choppers with my Insurgent before they flew away. I tried to get one of them with a Stinger missile, but they were out of range.

They flew to Fort Zancudo, but I don't know if they actually made it inside. A bunch of people were there (a VIP mission might have taken place prior to their arrival, I don't pay attention to those) so they could've been shot down. I followed and annoyed them again after they were in a brief police chase on the river. One guy began walking up a mountain so I followed him. The other guy left and grabbed a chopper. As he came back to pick up his friend, I left passive mode, Stinger missile in hand. They flew away and I fired. Heh.
I've been delayed and won't show up until mid 2016.

That sucks. I was able to put up with the next gen exclusive updates for a while; Freemode Events I could do without, I also turned a blind eye to the lack of lowriders.

But when Executives and Other Criminals came out I snapped. "I can't miss out on any more stuff!" :P