GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
SecuroServ's shoddy spawning strikes again!


Worse than the mechanic.
Can you imagine if the old mechanic... well, mechanics, were still in place, and you had to watch some poor sod try and fly a Buzzard all the way up there?
You'd end up dead or on foot every single time. :lol:
I've been planning to make a 2nd Character once i reach my 1st Character up to rank 100. Thinking about making a female...
Is it really worth doing the modded Sandkings? Given how out of the way they are, having to start a job, garage locations, time efficiency wise it seems like Sentinel hunting is easier
I've been planning to make a 2nd Character once i reach my 1st Character up to rank 100. Thinking about making a female...
I say go for it. It's been interesting for me so far.

Pros: I seem to get higher heist finale cuts and people seem nicer for the most part.

Cons: Thirsty dudes will follow you 60%-70% of the time.
I say go for it. It's been interesting for me so far.

Pros: I seem to get higher heist finale cuts and people seem nicer for the most part.

Cons: Thirsty dudes will follow you 60%-70% of the time.
Unless i joined "friends/Crew" lobbies, i should be fine... Definitely i'm far from being fine.
On the F/C Lobbies...
Is it me or whatever i join a room in my region instead of joining lobbies with friends or crew, i noticed that a lot of times that players aren't interested in Freedom Events at all! I easily became the Beast for several times and almost few to none bothered to try and kill me. I won Freedom events by just doing stuff for few seconds. I mean everything else from VIP, Content missions, Heists, Deathmatches, Races, LTS...etc are the usual as every GTA Online players but for some reasons they aren't bothered with Freedom events...not sure why.
Anyway's, could you tell me which of the stuff are shared with the other character and not? Money? Rank? Cars? Items...etc?
Just 7 hours left on the download... My PS4 has been on for a bit under 2 days and the connection speed is stable at 1.5 Mbps. Let's hope I can put in some playtime tonight.
I need help with Prison Break setups and eventually the heist. I tried doing it with randoms but I failed miserably. I've never done any heists before and I'm a noob at GTA Online. Playing on PS4.

@Aaroh, I cannot do heists right now because the game will only finish installing in four hours and I'll play it tomorrow. I can still provide you with some advice for every role except Demolitions though.

Pilot: Try to assume this role because most randoms have the IQ of a brick and can't fly to save their lives. Once the enemy jets engage, stay behind them at all costs until Demo shoots them down. The jet AI in this heist is extremely dumb. The missiles, as far as I can tell, are not homing ones so they can easily be dodged anyway. The enemy jet tends to fly towards Grapeseed if you're trailing, so you should lure it back to Sandy Shores in order to make Demo's job easier.

Prison Officer: Whatever you do, DON'T RUN. This will trigger the alarm. Lead the way in combat, because the prisoner only has an AP Pistol IIRC.

Prisoner: Same as Prison Officer; don't run. In case the guards engage in combat, stay back an take cover.
@Aaroh, I cannot do heists right now because the game will only finish installing in four hours and I'll play it tomorrow. I can still provide you with some advice for every role except Demolitions though.

Pilot: Try to assume this role because most randoms have the IQ of a brick and can't fly to save their lives. Once the enemy jets engage, stay behind them at all costs until Demo shoots them down. The jet AI in this heist is extremely dumb. The missiles, as far as I can tell, are not homing ones so they can easily be dodged anyway. The enemy jet tends to fly towards Grapeseed if you're trailing, so you should lure it back to Sandy Shores in order to make Demo's job easier.

Prison Officer: Whatever you do, DON'T RUN. This will trigger the alarm. Lead the way in combat, because the prisoner only has an AP Pistol IIRC.

Prisoner: Same as Prison Officer; don't run. In case the guards engage in combat, stay back an take cover.

Thanks for your advice. :)
The Jets do fire homing missiles but they only lock on once you fly in a straight line for to long and even when they fire, you can dodge them without problems. And, you can let the first jet live throughout the mission so that Demo can just **** about with the heli, shooting cops and stuff.
I just called Lamar to send a mugger after someone. Who does he send? An obese old woman from the hood who was talking like she was chatting with her girls as she was running towards the guy...

@Aaroh, I cannot do heists right now because the game will only finish installing in four hours and I'll play it tomorrow. I can still provide you with some advice for every role except Demolitions though.

Pilot: Try to assume this role because most randoms have the IQ of a brick and can't fly to save their lives. Once the enemy jets engage, stay behind them at all costs until Demo shoots them down. The jet AI in this heist is extremely dumb. The missiles, as far as I can tell, are not homing ones so they can easily be dodged anyway. The enemy jet tends to fly towards Grapeseed if you're trailing, so you should lure it back to Sandy Shores in order to make Demo's job easier.

Prison Officer: Whatever you do, DON'T RUN. This will trigger the alarm. Lead the way in combat, because the prisoner only has an AP Pistol IIRC.

Prisoner: Same as Prison Officer; don't run. In case the guards engage in combat, stay back an take cover.

So there is a way to get through the Prison Break heist without triggering the alarm?
So there is a way to get through the Prison Break heist without triggering the alarm

I can't find anything suggesting that it's possible because the 3rd guard you encounter will always shoot once you get to close.

Maybe slowly run him over with the bus?


I wonder if it's possible to land the Flying Egg in the prison.
AFAIK there isn't, but refraining from running will extend the time before it is

Did the obese old lady do her job? :lol:
Interesting. I've only ever played that heist with randoms, so, you know how that goes.

No, she didn't. :lol: After he got away, she was replaced with some other guy and then they guy that I was trying to get mugged was killed so I just killed the mugger.
I can't find anything suggesting that it's possible because the 3rd guard you encounter will always shoot once you get to close.

Maybe slowly run him over with the bus?


I wonder if it's possible to land the Flying Egg in the prison.

Maybe that's why sometimes the people I play it with just immediately start shooting...
Doing VIP stuff in a full lobby is great! So much mayhem.
I find that Piracy Prevention and Executive Search are more fun when there's people there to challenge you, but in Hostile Takeover and Sightseer I prefer to be undisturbed. (I don't do executive deathmatch or the other one where you have to deliver vehicles) Of course what you prefer and what actually happens are normally two different things.


Another thing, when playing Executive Search I notice that bodyguards like to hover around the VIP. Don't do this as it basically shows everyone else where to go to kill the VIP. When playing executive search you want to be completely separated from the VIP, preferably in a group with the other bodyguards so that the people coming after the VIP just go after the bodyguards on the complete other side of the search zone away from the VIP. I was nearly killed today because my bodyguards kept leading people to me during executive search, so for future reference, gtfo. :lol:

Me and @superstreet556 have played Executive Search probably at least 50 times so far using this method and I've only been killed once.

Also, please don't take over control of my rockets in the Buzzard when I need them the most...
I find that Piracy Prevention and Executive Search are more fun when there's people there to challenge you, but in Hostile Takeover and Sightseer I prefer to be undisturbed. (I don't do executive deathmatch or the other one where you have to deliver vehicles) Of course what you prefer and what actually happens are normally two different things.


Another thing, when playing Executive Search I notice that bodyguards like to hover around the VIP. Don't do this as it basically shows everyone else where to go to kill the VIP. When playing executive search you want to be completely separated from the VIP, preferably in a group with the other bodyguards so that the people coming after the VIP just go after the bodyguards on the complete other side of the search zone away from the VIP. I was nearly killed today because my bodyguards kept leading people to me during executive search, so for future reference, gtfo. :lol:

Me and @superstreet556 have played Executive Search probably at least 50 times so far using this method and I've only been killed once.

Also, please don't take over control of my rockets in the Buzzard when I need them the most...
But how else will I prove that my human aiming is better than a locking on computer?

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