I just taught a new player the ways of GTA Online.
I was heading towards my yacht and I noticed that someone was on it. It was a level 19, and he was friendly, so I stabbed him in the neck with my switchblade. He respawned on the beach and got on a jetski and was hesitant about coming back as I was shooting at him with my sniper rifle. He ended up going miles out into the middle of the ocean and I followed him with my yacht helicopter. I ended up crashing and sent him a text saying "halp". He came over on his jetski and I pulled him off of it and I drove back to my yacht. He drowned himself. rip
However, he payed me back unknowingly, because Pegasus reclaimed the vehicle when he called in another vehicle so I was kicked off of it when I was only half way back. I texted him "halp" again and he came back in a helicopter. Knowing it would end badly I just waited for my inevitable death and he slowly descended until he was in the water chopping my body into multiple pieces.