GTA V - General Thread

  • Thread starter Hollidog
With the exception of the scenes in the countryside, i've not seen any evidence of any other city other than Los Santos/Los Angeles. The skylines and architecture are pure LA. So far...


I do like the look of the surrounding countryside though. I thought Mount Chiliad was big in GTASA but that range in the trailer is absolutely vast...


Sexual innuendo/reference there. And in the background of that scene must be the Los Santos Docks.


That little structure's from Vice City... But there's that "SA dog". This one may spur a fair amount of speculation.

Pay attention to the poster with the word "Pleasure". The picture shows that place in the Los Santos beaches with the roller coaster and stuff. That long strip of road, yes.


Odd that the two-way road is gone in the trailer.

Santa Monica pier and typical Santa Monica lifeguard hut. Santa Marina in GTA:SA.
Santa Monica pier and typical Santa Monica lifeguard hut. Santa Marina in GTA:SA.

So that's the name of that area... Thanks for clarifying.


Aside from the convertible, can our character get piercings? Look at the background, there's a sign that says "PIERC" (the rest of the word is covered by the car), and I bet it says "PIERCINGS".


Typical design of a high-class residence in Vinewood?
I noticed a lot of places from the original San Andreas game.
Still I'm conflicted.
San Andreas as a whole or only Los Santos ?
My gut tell me the whole of SA with the planes and all.
I'm not sure why the "San Andreas" markings of things are exciting people so much. That's just the county that Los Santos is in, nothing more. It's no surprise at all that some stuff in Los Santos will be marked San Andreas, and while it's nice to think there'll be more cities, there's zero evidence of that so far.
Rockstar has confirmed that Grand Theft Auto V will be set in its fictional world of San Andreas.

San Andreas is a fictional U.S Southwestern state which includes three cites based on real U.S cities - Los Santos, (Los Angeles), San Fierro (San Francisco) and Las Venturas (Las Vegas). Rockstar has a habit of tweaking its cities, and GTA V is set in modern day, so it's possible that area names and the city's layout will change.
I'm not sure why the "San Andreas" markings of things are exciting people so much. That's just the county that Los Santos is in, nothing more. It's no surprise at all that some stuff in Los Santos will be marked San Andreas, and while it's nice to think there'll be more cities, there's zero evidence of that so far.

There is evidence, but it will only spark up even more speculation so yeah I see your point.


How the gym would look like in Santa Marina?
I wouldn't quite say zero evidence, though I'm not getting my hopes up I do see a giant bridge behind the jet ski and airplanes that would be somewhat pointless if there was only one (admittedly huge an awesome) city to explore. Here's hoping 👍

That looks like Griffith Observatory in the background - did San Andreas have a version of that?
Hmm... What does it say? Vapid? Anyway that will be the new police cruiser of Los Santos.

Vapid is a made up car maker is the GTA version of Ford (Most of their Cars in IV were based off fords)

Hence why the Crown Victoria look-a-like has Vapid on it

That looks like Griffith Observatory in the background - did San Andreas have a version of that?

I think yeah. I'll post up the map location in a moment.

EDIT: You mean this?


Stop at 1:01, is that a Jet fighter?

I bet it's the private jet, or the Shamal.


Another view of the Los Santos graffiti... Isn't that wall designed like the one in the 3rd island (Shorseide Vale) of GTA III?
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Judging by the trailer it seems like some rural areas(present in GTA SA as the zones between SF and Los Santos) are actually modelled(@0:40 harvesting/@0:21 Mount Chiliad(?)).

And there is also a guy at around 1:06 which appears to be CJ, however that is a very long shoot.

Needless to say, the downtown area looks significantly bigger than GTA SA's Los Santos, and the area and the elements of the city have been re-distributed(similar to what happened with GTA IV).

And the there is an Airship floating over the city, which is at some extent a bit interesting.
Wow, super-excited. At first, I was predicting Los Santos only, but after reading the link NINE_HUNDRED posted,(here) I think it will be San Andreas state. Hopefully we get a couple more trailers, but that mountain may be there to break up the strain on graphics like San Andreas, which means epic sky-dives and base-jumps, and also roads for driving. I must say, those graphics look really nice, even if it is the trailer.