GTA V - General Thread

  • Thread starter Hollidog
You mean this? ;)


"Little Seoul"

Interesting, maybe Korean gangs this time.

And judging by the trailer, is not that advanced from GTA IV, sort of looks similar(obviously better), I was playing yesterday GTA IV and this really looks like GTA San Andreas(or Los Santos or whatever) build on the GTA IV's engine.
There's a lot of talk going around the net that it is possibly Tommy Vercetti after he's retired from Vice City and has settled down. I swear its him!


Funny posing LMAO. I don't think this is CJ though


The background reminds me of TDU1 lol. This seems to be a new area for me...


The Shamal gets a stripe now? :odd:
There's a lot of talk going around the net that it is possibly Tommy Vercetti after he's retired from Vice City and has settled down. I swear its him!


Looks quite similar actually, I thought the same thing:


Maybe he is Vercetti.
Yup, I haven't played GTA 4 in a long time but I recognize the car on the right as the Premier.

There's a few more cars returning from GTA4, make sense since they're in the same era.
There's a lot of talk going around the net that it is possibly Tommy Vercetti after he's retired from Vice City and has settled down. I swear its him!

A lot of us would love to see Tommy back, but he mentions in the trailer he moved to SA for the weather, which likely means it's not Tommy coming from Vice City.
A lot of us would love to see Tommy back, but he mentions in the trailer he moved to SA for the weather, which likely means it's Tommy not coming from Vice City.

Yeah thats a very good point, although he may have gone somewhere else cold (maybe in hiding) before retuning to the sunshine.

It would be cool if he was the kingpin of different playable characters (maybe from past GTA's) which would explain the different crimes by different people we are seeing in the trailer. After Vice City he was pretty much a made man.

My imagination is getting slightly carried away here! :lol: Having him as the main guy would definitely get me interested after I found the location quite disappointing.
I think rockstar was pretty clear that that era was left behind and IV started fresh with new characters, I wouldn't be surprised to see some GTA IV faces make a return in this game though.
I think rockstar was pretty clear that that era was left behind and IV started fresh with new characters, I wouldn't be surprised to see some GTA IV faces make a return in this game though.

This will probably be packed full of references to old games, one of the old characters go to jail or something like that. I hope they recreate the old mission where they raided area 51. I can't remember what it was for, but I remember it being epic.
Anyone besides me think that the white SUV @0.24 could maybe be a Huntley or a sport possibly ?


And for the Futo:


It's 2 hours past midnight in here and I think I gotta go to bed now. I'm gonna compile all of my observations and back them up with proof. G'night people.
Added in the vehicles thread, Also notice briefly behind said Huntley appears to be another SUV but that one from TBOGT I forget the name. @0:25 :)
GTA V will be epic, even epicer (?) if it includes the full SA map (LV and SF)...but I doubt though...
Wait for the next trailer, should show the other cities. The first GTA SA trailer took place solely in LS too.


"Obey and Survive"

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Lots of great info and speculation. Seeing jets and air planes again and the mountains is a great start. Very excited for this game. Now lets hope we can workout to get bigger, eat to get fat, or not eat and get skinny. All those little features that were in SA will hopefully be in GTA5. That was a very exciting trailer. The way it started I thought for sure Vice City.
This trailer is giving me the urge to play IV and San Andreas again... Anyone want to play GTAIV multi-player tonight?
This trailer is giving me the urge to play IV and San Andreas again...
I was also thinking about playing San Andreas again but since Saints Row 3 is coming out in about 2 weeks, its really as good as it gets. I cant say enough, if you like San Andreas make sure you check out Saints Row 2 and 3.

I am sure we have at least a year before GTA5 comes out maybe even longer. Probably late 2012 or early 2013. So I am sure I will play through SA again by then.

I hope they do a few things:

Make it worth the player's while finding hidden packages, side missions, getting 100% completion, etc. Infinite ammo or unlocked ammo limits for 100%, weapon pickups for completing or progressing hidden package finds, access to cool new vehicles like helicopters and planes for completing side missions, etc. Don't make me spend hours and hours with an FAQ hunting down 200 hidden objects just to unlock some crummy helicopter.

Lighten up the tone from GTAIV, which was pretty depressing at times. I don't play video games to feel bad. Give us a fun loving central character like CJ or Tommy Vercetti.

No goddamn stupid annoying side-missions like girlfriends or dates with your friends. If you're going to add these things, don't make it necessary to achieve 100% and make them done at the player's whim. I know you can switch off the ability to receive calls from your friends in GTAIV, but you shouldn't have to. If I want to play the bowling mini-game, I should play it when I want to, not when the game randomly decides I should.

Bring back stunt stats! I want to see how far and high I just jumped and what flips and rotation I did!

It's not necessary to go overboard like in SA and provide all sorts of useless oddball vehicles like forklift trucks, but things like dirtbikes, dune buggies and quadbikes are nice to have, especially if you've got suitable places to use them.

Multiplayer is a nice feature for sure, but don't do what so many other games do, and sacrifice single player mode for it. I generally don't care about multiplayer or co-op game modes, so don't make me feel I've paid for a game I'm only using half of by having dozens of co-op missions or a shortened story mode because multiplayer is so focused on.
I am sure we have at least a year before GTA5 comes out maybe even longer. Probably late 2012 or early 2013. So I am sure I will play through SA again by then.

Considering it's already been like 4 years since the last one, I'd think no later than summer '12 for a release...