GTA VI: General Discussion

Where will GTA VI be set?

  • California

    Votes: 8 3.8%
  • New York

    Votes: 11 5.3%
  • United States

    Votes: 50 23.9%
  • China

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • Japan

    Votes: 12 5.7%
  • Australia

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 23 11.0%
  • Miami

    Votes: 93 44.5%

  • Total voters
It would be awesome if in GTAO, they made a system so you can be either a crim or LEO.
I mean, I have no doubt whatever they do for GTA6 itself is going to be good. If R* does anything right, it's their single player modes, at least in my opinion. But, they need to do something more than rebrand the same gimmick (bunker/club/whatever it is this month) and over price everything to try and encourage shark card purchases. It would be nice to have a bit more of an RP element of some sort. Not I'm a "grind to get XP" sense, but like what the DOJ have done modding GTAO.
It would be awesome if in GTAO, they made a system so you can be either a crim or LEO.
I mean, I have no doubt whatever they do for GTA6 itself is going to be good. If R* does anything right, it's their single player modes, at least in my opinion. But, they need to do something more than rebrand the same gimmick (bunker/club/whatever it is this month) and over price everything to try and encourage shark card purchases. It would be nice to have a bit more of an RP element of some sort. Not I'm a "grind to get XP" sense, but like what the DOJ have done modding GTAO.
Hopefully they look at the popularity of FiveM and the RP community and try to implement some of that freedom.
I really dislike the militarization and arms race in GTAO. I miss the old school low level weapons and gun fights. I really hope they don't go crazy with it this time

It was an immensely lucrative strategy for Rockstar, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens again. But I think it will follow a similar progression where things start slow and gradually build over time. The 5 year drip-feed. I do hope they provide a way to limit the weapon 'tiers' in lobbies. A handguns or melee-only lobby could be a lot of fun, IMO.
I think Rockstar can definitely do something that satisfies you both Rally & Eunos. GTA IV had a Cops/Crooks mode and there used to be lobby options that restricted certain things from happening. No reason they can't be brought back & improved to give you both what you're after.

The question with the lobby options though, is will Rockstar limit the activities again in those lobbies. Thank goodness for NAT/MTU discovery.
GTA IV had a Cops/Crooks mode...No reason they can't be brought back & improved
GTA V had Cops/Crooks too for most of GTAO development (this is why there were those extra character slots) but sadly it was canned. I'm sure for several reasons but I seem to recall one of them was that T2 weren't at all keen on publishing a game that allowed/encouraged players to shoot cops.

It's different in single-player as the sandbox legal-defense holds, but they
really didn't want the (inevitable) sensationalist headlines: "Rockstar releases sick Cop Killer Mode!!!" ... :dunce:, etc.

Like you though I hope it can be brought back for VI, it's a stupidly fun mode :)
The only claim I have seen is that GTA VI will be in the Liberty City/Vice City again.

Which I can see it happening because well it's Rockstar.
If it's successful use it again.
There are rumors that Rockstar will reveal a new game at E3 this year. People are saying either Bully 2 or GTA 6, but I think they're just making stuff up at this point.
That definitely sounds made up as Rockstar doesn't attend E3.

And never will attend E3.

The only way I could see R* 'being' at E3 is if Sony or MS announce exclusivity, and even then, I think R* is big enough at this point to have their wishes of announcing the game on their own time, and only letting Sony and MS say they have first dibs.
Playing BOGT and just love the aspect of going into the clubs. Missed opportunity with owning the clubs in GTAV and not actually managing them(keeping riff raff out, playing darts, dancing, etc.).

One thing that is silly, having the "Greyhound" buses and not being able to shuttle passengers as a game and not being able to board one as a taxi, to destinations.

There also should be a truck game in transporting Cluck N' Bell supplies to stores and the factory.
Missed opportunity with owning the clubs in GTAV and not actually managing them(keeping riff raff out, playing darts, dancing, etc.).

You can play darts in the clubhouse and dance in any nightclub including your own.

One thing that is silly, having the "Greyhound" buses and not being able to shuttle passengers as a game and not being able to board one as a taxi, to destinations.

You can travel in taxis in SP and GTAO, I agree it's a shame the minigames don't work there. Or that the passenger trains don't run in GTAO.
You can play darts in the clubhouse and dance in any nightclub including your own.

You can travel in taxis in SP and GTAO, I agree it's a shame the minigames don't work there. Or that the passenger trains don't run in GTAO.
I play 100% offline. As Franklin, I've never danced in the Henhouse(?). I can't even get in there. Don't tell me all this time I could enter those clubs offline.
I play 100% offline. As Franklin, I've never danced in the Henhouse(?). I can't even get in there. Don't tell me all this time I could enter those clubs offline.

Ah, right, the dancing is online only - I should have made that clear. Why not play online? Just go passive and people won't bother you.
I know that the physics of the ocean waves are not anywhere near sufficient for it, but it would have been really awesome if GTA V had surfing. Maybe in a future title?
Ah, right, the dancing is online only - I should have made that clear. Why not play online? Just go passive and people won't bother you.
Last time I played online, I tried to get the online cars, offline, with that driving around a custom race track trick. I'm on XB1 was thinking of getting PS4 version as my grown step-kids and nephews, play on that. Now, my step-son is telling me to get Red Dead 2.
Ah, right, the dancing is online only - I should have made that clear. Why not play online? Just go passive and people won't bother you.
Not really the best of solutions. People using mod menus/hacking tools can still attack you. People not using such things can still attack you by jumping out of a car moving toward you. They can also still using sticky bombs and kill you. Also passive mode doesn't allow the player to use their weapons from what I remember.
Not really the best of solutions. People using mod menus/hacking tools can still attack you. People not using such things can still attack you by jumping out of a car moving toward you. They can also still using sticky bombs and kill you. Also passive mode doesn't allow the player to use their weapons from what I remember.

There are private or invite-only lobbies. I have 600 hours of time in GTA Online, and not once have I been bothered by another person while in a invite-only lobby. There are also ways of setting up a public-private server, if you look. That enables you do access gameplay not normally available in a true private lobby. I don't believe you need to be in a public lobby to partake in nightclub dancing, FYI.
Not really the best of solutions. People using mod menus/hacking tools can still attack you. People not using such things can still attack you by jumping out of a car moving toward you. They can also still using sticky bombs and kill you. Also passive mode doesn't allow the player to use their weapons from what I remember.

It still works for most things - I can't remember the last time I was killed when in Passive mode (that wasn't suicide). You can always try toggling the MTU on your router to get a lone session, of course.

I have 600 hours of time in GTA Online

Just looked it up... I have 1,577 hours! Bloody hell :D
Supposed big leak! Spoilers obviously for those who don't want to know

EDIT: someone's saying it's a fake leak so as always read everything with a pile of salt. Original Reddit post:

In case it gets removed for whatever reason:

  • The next GTA title has been in development since 2012 (1 year before GTA 5 launched). Production didn't actually pick up properly until mid 2015. Even then it was on ice while the teams focused on RDR2.
  • It's another Rockstar Worldwide Production, not just one or two studios, but all.
  • Codename is PROJECT AMERICAS.
  • Set in both Vice City and a new fictional location based on Rio de Janeiro, with some linear missions taking place in Liberty City (not open world), think Ludendorff in GTAV. Also been recently hearing about Cuba but I ain’t sure?
  • Game will balance realism and arcade. WON'T be as realistic as RDR2.
  • One playable protagonist this time. Male, not female, despite supposed leaks.
  • Set in 1970s-1980s.
  • You play as an up and coming drug lord-wannabe named "Ricardo". Another key character called “Kacey” is a part of the narrative. You start off as a grunt doing runs as a cocaine smuggler from Vice City to the new large South American area (and visa versa?) before making connections with big time drug lords and making your way up. Multiple cities. There will also be a GIANT prison which will play a part in the game.
  • Will feature a “CHAPTER” system similar to a Tarantino flick or RDR2.
  • Weather is a heavy focus. Hurricanes, floods, etc.
  • Buildings change over the eras, vehicles too. This causes headaches apparently but they managed to nail a pipeline and get it working. So older, rare classic cars get more expensive as time progresses etc. Full economy. Next level.
  • HEAVILY inspired by Netflix's Narcos.
  • They want to have an incredible 70s/80s soundtrack, but jury is still out on that one.
  • A younger Martin Madrazo will make an appearance as will his father who is a big drug lord at the time. You do some missions for the Madrazo family involving hits on other gangs.
  • Drug empire building is a mechanic similar to Vice City Stories but bigger. MUCH bigger. Think the GTAOnline system and dial it up to 10. There you have it.
  • You can only have weapons on your person. No arsenal in your back pocket. Think RDR2 and Max Payne 3.
  • Your personal vehicle (similar to GTA5 but can now change it) will be like your horse saddle in RDR2. All your equipment is stored in the trunk. Similar to LA Noire. You also store your body armour in the car. If you wear it, it appears, no longer just an invisible thing lol.
  • There will be tons of subtitle reading. Think Max Payne 3 amounts. Because the characters speak the language they're native to. Very immersive. Like watching an episode of Narcos. Whenever you're in South America, don't expect to hear much English. Vice City however is a mix of everything. Mostly English though.
  • Last bit of narrative info, it will discuss topics such as HIV and the immigration crisis of the time. A fictional version of Fidel Castro etc. Though I’ll be PISSED if our protagonist dies from AIDS or some ****.
  • Next Gen only. Not PS4/XB1.
  • Game is now their primary focus, alongside another title (which I believe to be Bully 2).
  • Game is still in Pre-Alpha so names, locations, details could and probably will change.
  • No ETA on a release date.
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An actual writer for Kotaku commented it was fake. It sounds made up based on these 2 points alone. They're ultra-realistic details that don't fit at all, GTA's style.
  • You can only have weapons on your person. No arsenal in your back pocket. Think RDR2 and Max Payne 3.
  • Your personal vehicle (similar to GTA5 but can now change it) will be like your horse saddle in RDR2. All your equipment is stored in the trunk. Similar to LA Noire. You also store your body armour in the car. If you wear it, it appears, no longer just an invisible thing lol.
The Kacey thing is BS as well, iirc. Someone how got linked to GTA, but supposedly involves a real woman named Kacey.
I also find it fake based on the timeline. With GTA Online a setting in the past just won't work as otherwise they will split their playerbase between people wanting modern (and thus playing gta 5) and old. Yet you could get old stuff in a modern setting.
I don't think Rockstar is ready to give up its contemporary pop-culture commentary yet. How are they going to lampoon instagram influencers if the game is set in the 1970s?
With all the online focus, players should be able to sign up for police force, task force, office jobs, doctor/paramedic, IT worker, construction worker, actor, dancer, casino worker, security guard, helicopter taxi pilot, bus driver, truck driver, hot dog stand chef, airline pilot, armed forces, gang member, lifeguard, car sales, bounty hunter.

Some of these occupations have been available in some fashion, through the franchise. Maybe make some of these tasks permanent fixtures.