GTA5 - Vehicle Carnage Pics

I heard that crash deformation has improved on next gen. How much has it improved? If it's possible, can you guys post photos to compare?

For example: Front impact on a Vapid Dominator at the Sandy Shores Airfield, at the same time (12:00, or as close to that time as possible), location (End of the runway, West, in the direction of Fort Zancudo), and at relatively the same camera angle (Or as close to it as you can). Use the cracked pavement and scenery to line up your shots.

This is only an example and I'm not telling you what car to use. If you do happen to perform tests like this, please choose a car that can sustain large amounts of damage. The Benefactor Panto does not have very visible body damage, except for scrapes, scratches, and missing doors. It also might not withstand being hit by a semi truck traveling at its top speed, and blow up.
Wow ask and you shall receive... about 20min after your post I had the RF wheel assembly flipping around on this thing by a thread. Unfortunately because I got out to take a pic of it too close to the garage door I got sucked in and the car was gone before I got a shot :(:(:( oh well... at least I know it CAN be done online now.

Slowly going under a tank often makes wheels fall off. Skython has a picture of me riding a two wheeled ATV because I went under a tank and got the wheels off. :lol:
I've had a wheel come off online before. Can't remember exactly what vehicle but I couldn't believe it. I used to get a kick out of driving underneath Titans when i found them and it would do ridiculous amounts of damage :lol:

I'm thinkin now it was my 100% armored Adder... Liking this thread so I'll try to get some of my masterpieces posted up 👍
I heard that crash deformation has improved on next gen. How much has it improved? If it's possible, can you guys post photos to compare?

For example: Front impact on a Vapid Dominator at the Sandy Shores Airfield, at the same time (12:00, or as close to that time as possible), location (End of the runway, West, in the direction of Fort Zancudo), and at relatively the same camera angle (Or as close to it as you can). Use the cracked pavement and scenery to line up your shots.

This is only an example and I'm not telling you what car to use. If you do happen to perform tests like this, please choose a car that can sustain large amounts of damage. The Benefactor Panto does not have very visible body damage, except for scrapes, scratches, and missing doors. It also might not withstand being hit by a semi truck traveling at its top speed, and blow up.

The only thing I noticed is the higher resolution of the scrapes. For me the only underwhelming thing in NG is the lack of further developed deformation model.
Where all the crashers at?! Starting to feel like I'm the only one keeping this thread alive at times LOL

Few more from today using a van this time:
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And I think my new character is going to be a massive constant drain on my bank account. The chic seems to only wear, drive, live in, and smash expensive stuff. I mean she stole a Feltzer just to do this for fun on the way to get MORE new shoes...
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Apparently the Taco truck can't take much abuse. It burst into flames a few minutes after this and the guacamole was ruined...
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Also of you flip your car over coming down to the garage it doesn't take you in. You just get stick there and have to get it moved before the door will open again...
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I noticed that the damage in gta v on ps4 is has different effect than ps3 when crashing.

In ps4, the front and the back damage more easily (still not like the iv one's) however because of the first person the side is almost impossible to damage, just scratches and dent's.

I will show pic later from both ps3 and ps4.
I sure do love a good fire. @Mudd This was promptly after you left for the night. We ok me. Decided we should burn your truck in your honor. :)
If I can find it I'll post it, I ramped a small car off Mt. C. It crashed all the way down and ended up landing directly on the railroad track at the moment a train can and hit me...... Funniest crash ever

What car is this? :)

(Whoever gets the correct answer, gets an internet cookie :) )
This is from PS4 and like i said the side is impossible to make heavy damage with:






This is what happened when a Train hit a Rancher XL ONCE:




Not alot of damage on herw, now i wonder what happened to the other side






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